The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 183 Sorry, We Are Rivals!

Chapter 183 Sorry, We Are Rivals!
Ye Xinglan suffered a disastrous defeat and was in self-isolation!
Mao Xiaoyao and Ye Xingchen were chatting, each happier than the other.

Mao Xiaoyao is happy that her battle armor skill has passed and a set of battle armor has been obtained, and she has become rich overnight!
Ye Xingchen was happy that his battle armor was so powerful that he could defeat his genius sister?

Only, Ye Xinglan is autistic!
"Come back next time, I look forward to building a two-word battle armor for you! At that time, it was a spiritual forging metal alloy."

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, a set of ordinary thousand forged battle armor is so valuable, a bunch of contribution points, federal currency, happy, go back, but buy more fish for the black cat!
However, switching to rare metals...

and various materials, it seems...

Alas, after thinking about it, poor!
"Haha, okay, I'll introduce more people for you. When the time comes, I'll be busy!" Ye Xingchen was also a student from the outer court, and she wasn't talented enough. Unlike her younger sister, Ye Xinglan, who was a student from the inner court.

However, now that she has become a battle armor master, she will soon join the inner courtyard, so she is very happy to think about it.

Today, I am so happy.

"Well, then I'll go first, I have to go back to study my mecha, see you later!" The little cat slipped away, feeling happy, bought fish and went back, kissed the black cat and hugged to celebrate, they were about to get rich!




Ye Xingchen took back his battle armor, hummed a little song, and said: "Xinglan, go back!" poked his sister's head, "Don't be in a daze, silly boy, when you have the battle armor, you must be better than my sister , why don't you reconsider? The cat demon is very good at forging!"

I don't understand, Ye Xingchen doesn't understand, why his sister can't get along with Mao Xiaoyao.


Narrow road?

Not right?
"Humph╯^╰!" Ye Xinglan pouted, feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable, growing up so big, it was the first time she lost to her sister, and at the same time lost to Mao Xiaoyao.

Find him forging!
Unless you are a fool!
Hmph, see you in the outer courtyard!
Ye Xinglan looked at the direction in which the little cat was leaving, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Is this a bit interesting?
Life committee?


Going back to class, Mao Xiaoyao sets up a stall in the class every day, and the fifth-level blacksmith badge is placed on his desk. Even if others are absent from class, the fifth-level blacksmith badge cannot be absent from class...

After receiving a lot of forging tasks, I immediately suspected that the cat was born...

Fortunately, this little apprentice has been trained. Hong Ling'er, who has just become a second-level blacksmith, comes to help every day. The two masters and apprentices look at the contribution points and Federation coins every day, and smile at each other silly.

"The cat demon is really powerful!"

"It's not bad, forging committee member, I'm bah, spicy chicken squad leader!"

"Fart, Mr. Wuchangkong and the class monitor know each other, what do you know! It depends on relationships!"

"Spicy chicken, Luo Guixing is only a third-level blacksmith, and he is also a blacksmith committee member?"


A class of students began to discuss. Now, the atmosphere in class [-] is very strange. On the one hand, they support Mao Xiaoyao, on the other hand, they support Tang Wulin, and on the other hand, they support the five talented students, Wusiduo, Luo Guixing, Yang Nianxia, ​​and Zheng Yiran , Xu Yucheng...

Coupled with Mao Xiaoyao adding oil and vinegar from time to time, Tang Wulin's team quickly collapsed, and civil strife began, and they all withdrew. Now there are only Tang Wulin and Gu Yue.

"What did you guys say?" Gu Yue was very angry. She heard such words as soon as she walked into the class. She was angry because of the teacher's relationship. These people have nothing to do, right?Talking nonsense about Tang Wulin?
Seeing Gu Yue coming, those students immediately shut up and left, and then they didn't dare to say anything else. Gu Yue was indeed very powerful and they couldn't afford to offend her, but they looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, deputy squad leader, come on!" With a chuckle, Zheng Yiran returned to her seat with a bored expression on her face.

The others are also gone, gone!
"These people!" Gu Yue really wanted to curse, especially that Zheng Yiran, she endured it for a long time.

"Forget it, let's go to class! The teacher is coming soon!"

Tang Wulin and the others also came in. They lived together, so they naturally came to class together.

Tang Wulin also heard what he said just now. Although he was very angry, what can he do? Some people didn't really compete with him, and he understood if they were not convinced!

However, that sentence is not as good as the cat demon... Tang Wulin clenched his fists!

"Oh!" Gu Yue gave up!
Because, Wuchangkong is really here!

"Okay, we're all back in our seats, and I'll introduce you to two transfer students today."

Tang Wulin and the others immediately went back to their seats and sat down!
Naturally, the cat demon didn't show up. She was late, but the black cat was early. She disliked the fifth-level blacksmith badge and took it away!
After all, there are only more than 100 people in the class, and everyone knows that you are a fifth-level blacksmith!

So what are you doing here?
Stupid or not?
Question, back to transfer students, what is a transfer student?
Transfer students are naturally the kind of students who come in suddenly without going through the normal formalities!

The students began to discuss, all looking at a beautiful girl and a fat boy on the stage.

Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi.

Two students who were originally from the inner court suddenly joined the outer court for some unknown reason...

Naturally, Tang Wulin knew Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi. After all, he had treated this foodie to him before.

Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi just finished their introduction!
Suddenly, a person came in outside, very anxious, without looking the way, with a small dried fish in his mouth, rushed into the classroom.

"Late, late."


The little cat, yes, the poor little cat, because he stayed up late last night to forge the soul guide, and today he overslept again, no matter how Tang Wulin and the others yelled...

However, today is Wuchangkong's class...

Mao Xiaoyao can't be late, and can't skip class!
Because, Wuchangkong is such a stinky and shameless person, one thousand contribution points will be deducted from him for one class, while other people's absenteeism is only a few dozen, and the little cat is only one thousand!
Very angry, can't afford to offend!

No, come to class...

With a plop, Mao Xiaoyao bumped into a very soft place, which seemed very familiar, and also a little nostalgic, as if it hadn't been bumped for a long time.

smells good!

"Made, which bastard bumped into this life committee member?" The cat demon who fell down looked up, and saw the extremely angry Ye Xinglan, the stunned little fat man, and the cold Wuchangkong!
"As a class leader, you don't lead by example. You are late every day and absent from class. You have no discipline at all. One thousand contribution points will be deducted. Get the hell out." Wu Changkong scolded directly.

"She hit me..." Before Mao Xiaoyao could say the word me, Mao Xiaoyao was thrown out by Wuchangkong, who was thrown outside as a punishment.

The classroom was instantly quiet!

Wuchangkong is really scary!
Her face was slightly red, and Ye Xinglan was furious. This damned little cat, she originally wanted to come to the first class, so she could make trouble for the little cat from time to time!
Unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao bumped into her again, first to make trouble for himself, the key is the same location, the scene, so many witnesses.

This is very angry!
Sighing, the cat chose to bury its head, it was too embarrassing...

However, this Ye Xinglan!The black cat had been looking for this Ye Xinglan for a long time, and finally found it today... The two became angry and looked at each other.

"Squad leader, take out Mao Xiaoyao's things. He moves to the last seat. Ye Xinglan, you go and sit in Mao Xiaoyao's place." Wu Changkong rearranged the seats as a punishment for being late for class, and separated Mao Xiaoyao from the black cat. Will he be skinny in the future?
"Yes!" Tang Wulin immediately took out the cat demon's stuff, and under the murderous eyes of the black cat, he took it out slowly, swallowed his saliva, it was very difficult to finish!
Ye Xinglan immediately sat down and looked at the black cat coldly, hehe, this girl seems to be very hostile to him, looking for a fight?

Xu Lizhi also has a seat!
Attend class!Wuchangkong continued to teach, and the students were all listening below.

However, the battle between Black Cat and Ye Xinglan has already started.

Outside the classroom, Mao Xiaoyao was standing for punishment. He fell asleep standing up miraculously, completely unaware of what happened in the classroom...

 grateful,! ! ! , Ye Hei Long, thank you for the reward of 100 book coins! ! !The young lady must be a rich woman.

(End of this chapter)

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