The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 184 The Crazy Cat Demon!

Chapter 184 The Crazy Cat Demon!

No matter how dire the situation in the class is, Mao Xiaoyao still sleeps standing up. He is very powerful. A night owl stays up late at night, and he basically spends his days forging and researching crazily.

Level [-] Designer Certificate, Level [-] Mecha Maintenance Certificate, Level [-] Soul Guidance Device Manufacturing Qualification Certificate, Mecha Manufacturing Certificate, and Level [-] Blacksmith Qualification Certificate...

With a bunch of certificates, Mao Xiaoyao has learned a lot of knowledge. When he skipped classes, it was because he knew that knowledge and those things were of no use to him.

So, he went to learn other things. Due to the habit of patrolling mountains all the year round, recently, he likes to patrol the entire outer courtyard.
To sum it up, it is: Tired!
Come back from studying, then review, continue to study, then experiment, practice, apply, and verify...

That's why, the experimental group of Mao Xiaoyao, Black Cat, Hong Ling'er, and Lan Siyi have nothing to do.

Because the things were all done by Mao Xiao, the three of them didn't need to do anything at all, and when the experimental product came out, the three of them would just come over and be the test guinea pigs.

Moreover, Hong Ling'er has recently become a second-level blacksmith, so she is qualified to help.

get out of class is over!

Mao Xiaoyao was called by Wuchangkong to the office to criticize him, and threatened him that if his group couldn't make a mecha, then [-] contribution points would be deducted from him!
And, it is forbidden to accept missions!

Coming out of the office, Mao Xiaoyao sighed.

"Oh, I'm so tired." The next class is Teacher Shen Yi's soul master theory class, and Mao Xiaoyao knew that it was the only time he could sleep.

Back to the classroom!

Everyone gathered together, not knowing what they were doing, the cat demon squeezed in, made, where is the monitor?Where's the damn Tang Wulin?Why don't you care!
At this time, the black cat and Ye Xinglan were competing, comparing each other to see who was stronger, and they didn't know which bastard came up with the idea, so the two of them began to wrestle their arms.

You break me, I break you.

Both of them remained motionless, each blushing, neither of them had anything to do, and neither of them shook the other, but the table...

"Aren't you two naive? What are you doing arm wrestling? Wait a minute, my table is broken, do you pay for it?"

The little cat was having a headache. Ye Xinglan's arrival could be said to have been expected, but she had an immediate confrontation with the black cat...

I hope there will be no changes, Mao Xiaoyao sighed, but there are only a few talents in the class, but if they want to deal with Tang Wulin and the others, it is far from enough.

Class monitor Tang Wulin looked into Mao Xiaoyao's ear and said furtively, "Little brother, your seat has been transferred to the end, and now this seat belongs to Ye Xinglan." Tables and chairs, very lonely...

Cat demon =_=...

Seeing that the cat demon is coming, the two daughters give up!

"Little demon, I don't want to sit with this annoying person." The black cat came to the side of the cat demon, and then glared at Ye Xinglan fiercely. Arm wrestling is something boys do. If you have the ability, go out and fight, see Let's see who is stronger.

Gu Yue smiled, very proud.

Seats...forget it, forget it, Mao Xiaoyao said: "Teacher's arrangement, be obedient!"

Contribution points can't be deducted!
Research, study, etc., some things that consume resources, in order to contribute points, the little cat is squeezing the limit of his body.

This made him have to pick up tasks and pick up tasks everywhere, which made him very busy now, and he didn't have much time to accompany the black cat.

Behind, just behind!Follow Wuchangkong's arrangement, otherwise, this damn Wuchangkong will have to deduct his contribution points again.

The black cat had no choice but to compromise, but at this time, a discordant voice sounded very annoying.

"Hehe, your seat is not bad, not bad, then I will force myself to sit down!" Ye Xinglan was no longer depressed, because, on the first day she came to class one, she snatched the seat of Mao Xiaoyao's table and chairs, and it was very difficult for her to sit down. happy.

"Damn it!" The black cat hates looking at Ye Xinglan, this seat belongs to the cat demon, and she hates other people to sit on it.

Not even women!
The cat demon chose to slip away, slip away, let them make trouble!Noisy, noisy, probably used to it, glanced at Xu Lizhi lightly, yawned, very sleepy, and went to sleep.




As for the matter of grouping later, Ye Xinglan joined Tang Wulin's team for a very simple reason, because she wanted to defeat the cat demon and the black cat!

Ha ha?

A fifth-level blacksmith, what are you showing off, so is Tang Wulin!
A class, three major forces, slowly formed!
After class, after school!
Mao Xiaoyao plunged into the laboratory. This time, Black Cat, Hong Ling'er, and Lan Siyi were also there. They had researched something new and needed them to test it!
"Master, when we girls are changing clothes, you can't just peek." Hong Ling'er was holding a black dress, which was a type of tights and could be stretched in size.

Lan Siyi also has black cats!

"I'm going outside, you guys change and call me!" The unlucky apprentice who gave the cat demon a blank look went out immediately, peeping?If he wants to see it, he can look at it openly and monitor the soul guide, doesn't he have one?
Hong Ling'er has a vigorous personality, which also represents a vigorous figure. After a while, the lines in the black tights must be perfect.

After all, Black Cat, Lan Siyi, these two tablet computers are definitely not as good as Hong Ling'er, no matter how they eat or make up, they are just so righteous.


Got it!

Mao Xiaoyao went in and saw that the three girls had all changed into tights. Under the tights, the three girls were basically the same!

However, Hong Ling'er is more obvious!
"Teacher, what is it that makes us change into such strange clothes?" Hong Ling'er glanced at the tights on her body, and really wanted to complain. Fortunately, the clothes are black, otherwise, everything can be seen, That would be embarrassing.

The black cat is a little calmer. After all, the little cat gave her a bunch of clothes. It's weird. Anyway, she didn't wear them herself. Now, she has developed her own aesthetics and has clothes she likes.

Lan Siyi is also very quiet!The clothes don't seem to be made of simple materials, so they should be expensive, right?

"Mecha operating system, we have a retired old mecha in our laboratory, that can't be used, its operating system has been disassembled by me, and some small things have been integrated. Now, I want you to wear a black thinking power induction suit and enter this Inside the transparent glass instrument." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the curious trio and explained: "In the case of not falling into a deep sleep, try to connect and control the virtual mecha."

In the theoretical stage, the ready-made mecha has not been completed, but Mao Xiaoyao has the data, and can completely simulate a mecha.

At that time, Mao Xiaoyao sent a message to Tost, asking him to send dozens of instruments that need to fall asleep when entering the Ascension to Lingtai, saying that he is useful!
Without further ado, Didi, we will be there soon.

After arriving, Mao Xiaoyao dismantled them all, and began to use his own knowledge and theory to build a simulated mecha. The principle is similar to that of the soul, but the mecha is not alive, it needs people to control it!
So that is, today's topic!
Test, new OS!
The three transparent spaces are all glass, the inside can be seen from the outside, and the outside can also be seen from the inside. The black cat and the others just entered the inside, and a magical moment happened, and their bodies were suspended...

 How does the mech work?

(End of this chapter)

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