The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 185 Dynamic thinking induction system!

Chapter 185 Dynamic thinking induction system!

"Master, I'm floating..."

"This this……"

"Ah..." Hong Ling'er screamed strangely, her whole body was suspended in the air, turning around non-stop, her hairstyle was messed up, there was no trace of balance at all, duang, all of a sudden, her whole body was stuck against the transparent glass, and her chest was swollen. Flattened like a poster...

"Ling'er, can you take a look at the side?" Mao Xiaoyao wiped his face with his hands speechlessly. This apprentice is really out of his mind, and he can't bear to look directly at the operation, so simple?

Hong Ling'er glanced at the black cat and Lan Siyi next to her, and found out!The two of them stood very steadily, nothing happened, their bodies were suspended, and their feet were about ten centimeters away from the glass on the ground.

very handsome!

Hong Ling'er was turning around in the glass space, her face was pale and weak, and if she turned again, all the food she ate this morning had to be turned out, "Master, teach me quickly, I'm dizzy, my head is very dizzy." As he said, Duang , Hong Ling'er bumped into the glass again, this time hitting her face first, and the little cat outside couldn't stop laughing.

Black Cat and Lan Siyi also smiled.

"Control the body, let the soul power flow through the whole body, slowly flowing to the feet, and then slowly flow from the feet to the whole body, balanced, balanced." To put it bluntly, it means peace of mind, it doesn't matter whether you have soul power or not, the key is, which one Heart, can you calm down, can you connect to the operating system.

Hong Ling'er started to try it out, bang, hit it a few times, it hurt a lot, and then suddenly found that she seemed to be able to control her body, she couldn't help saying: "Hey, hey, I can control my body..." And because she was too happy, Due to improper control, Hong Ling'er smashed on the glass again.


After stumbling around for 10 minutes, Mao Xiaoyao explained the basic operating principles to the black cats and the others.

"Thinking Power Sensing Clothes, thinking, that is, thinking consciousness, this transparent glass operating system is very similar to entering the Ascension to Lingtai, but it is also different." Technology is the source of all power. Mao Xiaoyao didn't believe in technology very much. At that time, Looking at the messy things those people on the earth are holding, he can solve them with one claw, very powerful?

Until, meet the mobile phone!
Learn something!
Technology is fun!
Inside the three transparent glass cabins, the three girls looked half-understanding, pretending to understand if they didn't understand, anyway, nodding seriously.

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao held a black mind-power induction suit again, and explained: "If you enter the Ascension to Lingtai, your body consciousness will enter a deep sleep state, and your consciousness will enter the Ascension to Lingtai. It is very dangerous, once the mecha is destroyed by the enemy, if the main body does not wake up and respond in time, then the person may die."

When the mech is blown up by the enemy, you will be very embarrassed if you don’t wake up, lie down and wait to die!
"Then master, what is this helmet for?" Hong Ling'er pointed to a red helmet in the glass cabin. What kind of strange helmet is this? She has never seen it before. What's the use for it?
Hey, Mrs. Black Cat wears a black helmet.

Siyi has a blue helmet, and she has a red helmet, they seem to be different.

"Put on your helmets, and I'll explain them to you slowly." Mao Xiaoyao said with a mysterious smile. Each helmet is very handsome, for example, Hong Ling'er's helmet, spirit training alloy metal helmet, and Mao Xiaoyao's helmet. It has several core magic circles, as well as some monster race rune circles. This is not just a soul tool.

Rather, the combination of soul tools and magic tools!
The helmet itself is a magic weapon!
Function: Refresh the mind, resist the soul, spiritual attack... and more!
All three girls wear helmets!

"Mecha, mech, mech!" Hong Ling'er was the first to shout excitedly, "Teacher, I'll sit on..." Taking off the helmet, Hong Ling'er only saw her master, the cat demon, strangely , where is the mecha?
When you put it on, you have a mecha, and when you take it off, there is no mecha.

"I've said it all, we don't have mechas now. The mechas are imitated by the soul beasts in Ascension to Lingtai. Fake, virtual mechas, understand?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't wait to go in and beat his apprentice hard on the head. Why are you so stupid!

"Oh, oh!" Hong Ling'er put on the helmet, at this moment she is the virtual mecha, and the virtual mecha is also her, no matter what she does, such as...

"Hong Ling'er, are you a pervert? Why are you touching me?" Lan Siyi scolded.

In the virtual space imitating the Spirit Pagoda, under the analysis of the data, Mao Xiaoyao built a place as big as a basketball court very cheaply. After all, he didn't have manpower to help him build it, so his strength was very limited.

In a place as big as a basketball court, there stood three behemoths, a red mecha, a black mecha, and a blue mecha, namely: Hong Ling'er, Black Cat, and Lan Siyi.

Mecha height: about eight meters!

Width: about three meters!

At this moment, Hong Ling'er of the red mecha is touching the chest of Lan Siyi's blue mecha. Yes, they seem to do that often when the mechas touch each other...

"Really, you can do anything!" Hong Ling'er couldn't believe it. In the glass cabin, she touched her big breasts. In the virtual world, the mecha also touched her metal breasts...

Then, pick your nose, touch your butt...

Shame on the action!
The three girls are all testing, it's amazing, what moves they make in the glass cabin, what moves the mechs in the virtual world also do.


"Stop, stop, believe it or not, I will let you out!" The little cat outside exploded, what kind of strange movements were those?You are girls, can you be more elegant, the key is that you are a boy!
Can you pay attention to the image?
Stop making trouble, stop making trouble.

The three girls then controlled the mechs to line up!
Mao Xiaoyao shook his head and said: "As you can see, as you have done, this is different from Ascension to Lingtai. The consciousness enters the mech, but the main body is not asleep, and the way to move and control is to rely on the main body to float. Mobile controls in the cab."

"Consciousness can only make you a mecha! When the mecha is destroyed, you can also react quickly." The more I talked, the more excited I became, the more excited I was, the little cat almost burst into tears. These things, He didn't know how many days and nights he had struggled, and today it finally came true!

The three girls understood that they really knew the power of this operating system, the mechs were completely their own, what they wanted to do, and how to do it.

"Let's start!" Assumptions, Mao Xiaoyao has a lot of ideas in his mind, but every time he starts to practice, he will become at a loss, unable to start, and does not know where to start researching.

This time, the brand-new control system of the mech, if it wasn't for the existence of the magical place Ascension to Lingtai, Mao Xiaoyao would not have gained some technology.

Without the technologies of those predecessors, Mao Xiaoyao would not be able to develop the thinking power sensor suit and this operating system.

For this reason, Mao Xiaoyao also understands a truth, no matter how good his own ideas are, how powerful they are, in the end they cannot escape Douluo Dalu's tolerance!
After all, the soul guide technology on Douluo Continent is just like that.

Unless the little cat is willing to invest in it and study it for ten or eight years, it is estimated that it can study anything...

 Study spicy strips!
  At that time, one recommendation ticket is one pack!

(End of this chapter)

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