The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 196 Heaven and Earth as Proofs, If You Lose, Stand Upside Down and Eat Shit!

Chapter 196 Heaven and Earth as Proofs, If You Lose, Stand Upside Down and Eat Shit!

Everyone was said to be a hot chicken, so naturally they dared to be angry and dare not speak out. They are all friends of Xu Haoqing, and the purpose of coming this time is to exchange ideas.

Winning or losing is just like that, it's not a competition between colleges!
Of course, Xu Haoqing thought the same way, bringing the little cat to play, just to communicate and learn.

However, he didn't expect that his unlucky second brother really called those geniuses from the academy to come over, the key is to have a crowd of onlookers...

The exchanges and exchanges between several people instantly turned into a crowd of hundreds of people watching.

Is it poisonous?
So what are you doing high-profile?
"Second Brother, what exactly do you want to do, just tell me!" Xu Haoqing said impatiently, but the other party was his Second Brother, so he didn't have the nerve to scold him.

Seniority and inferiority, the rules are there!
Endure it!

"Since it's a competition, why do you need to be sneaky? I've called some geniuses from our academy here. I heard that your friend is a genius from Shrek Academy. No, we also want to communicate." The second brother smiled meaningfully, With very disdainful eyes, he looked at Mao Xiaoyao contemptuously.

A genius from Shrek Academy?Hehe, today he was going to beat up the geniuses of this academy, and then he took a look at the black cat who was talking to Xu Xiaomeng and the others.

What a beautiful and lovely girl.

The black cat also stared back, its eyes were very cold, what are you looking at, does this person want to die?
"Sorry, let me ask, my friend!" Xu Haoqing ignored it, and then asked Mao Xiaoyao.

Overtly and secretly reminding Mao Xiaoyao not to agree to this discussion, the people brought by his second emperor brother are probably not easy to mess with, and there are some so-called geniuses and new faces that he has never seen before.

There must be some conspiracy!
Mao Xiaoyao provoked his second brother, so when the battle came, these people would definitely not let Mao Xiaoyao go, which made him very worried about Mao Xiaoyao.

It's better not to say yes...

"Of course, if the so-called geniuses of Shrek Academy are afraid, then you can go back trembling!" The second prince smiled contemptuously, and said to Mao Xiaoyao: "Hehe, don't stay in our day Moon Royal Academy of Soul Masters, shame on you!"

The onlookers started booing!
"Go away! Spicy chicken!"

"Don't think that you can be so arrogant after defeating a few trash from our academy."

"Go back shivering! A monster from Shrek Academy? I think it's trash, right?" The onlookers were all mocking the cat demon. Facing this so-called Shrek Academy student, they would naturally not be convinced. This Shrek Academy have always been their competitors.

Now, to seize the opportunity, it is natural to ridicule first.

Xu Haoqing's face was ugly, and he looked at his second brother very unhappy. Why does this second brother always target himself?
Mao Xiaoyao is his friend, and this time he came to play by himself. Originally, he just told his teacher about this competition, but he never thought that he would rise to such a level.

Unexpectedly, I was targeted again!

What do you mean?
"Damn it." The black cat was also full of anger, and those humans even scolded their little cat.

"Calm down, black cat." Xu Xiaomeng grabbed the black cat who was on the verge of running wild, and said, "I believe that the cat demon will not be so stupid..."

Xu Xiaoxue also nodded.

so awkward!
The voice didn't fall...

"Spicy chicken waste? Hehe, the people who competed with me just now are all worthy of respecting opponents, and I respect them." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the second prince and the others with contempt, and also mocked: "But, what kind of shit geniuses are you? You dare to challenge the majesty of my Shrek Academy, who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru?"

Originally, Mao Xiaoyao didn't want to be so high-profile. This time he came to Xu Haoqing for his own purpose. In fact, he wanted to use Xu Haoqing's ability and power to help him investigate information about his enemy.

And, let Xu Haoqing see his talent, and he will be a part-time official in the future, so that he can use his power in the future, and he is slowly transferring the soul beasts.

protect them!

However, this prince seems to be crazy!
Get educated!
"My lord, if you can defeat me, no matter what method you use to defeat me, if you lose, I will stand on my head and eat shit, and the heaven and earth will prove it!" The little demon is so arrogant and arrogant, he refuses to accept it, and has the ability to make him stand on his head and eat shit.


Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue laughed, and suddenly the silent crowd glanced at them, and they said: "I'm sorry, you continue..." Standing upside down and eating shit, it's very visual when you think about it, they actually have a little hope Demon loses, of course, it's okay to stand upside down and eat shit, it's too disgusting.

Stand on your head and eat something else!
Xu Haoqing felt ashamed for a while, he reminded himself so much, why did Mao Xiaoyao agree?The point is, what a difficult action to stand upside down and eat shit, why does it sound so scary?

"Little demon, you..." Xu Haoqing shook his head with a sigh, no matter what method to defeat?With such a big tone, if you really lose, what will you do if you really stand on your head and eat shit?
No matter, at that time, he must protect Mao Xiaoyao and definitely won't let him eat shit.

Mao Xiaoyao said indifferently: "Hao Qing, you have to trust me, I am definitely not something that can be defeated by these trash, and I also believe that these trash are definitely not the real geniuses of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy." Mao Xiaoyao Yao thought for a while, but she couldn't keep scolding the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy, maybe she would come to this place in the future?At that time, a bunch of enemies will be very troublesome.

"But..." Alas, after glancing at the little cat, Xu Haoqing sighed, and said, "You can do whatever you want! But, you have to be careful, no matter what method you use, they always have soul guides and battle armor... ..." There must be Doukai, among these people, there must be Doukai Masters.

"Don't worry, I have it too!" The cat demon smiled, and then looked at the second prince mockingly. From now on, it's best not to let him see the second prince outside, and it's best not to be alone, otherwise, he will definitely kill him.

The crowd exploded!

"Arrogant kid!"

"Eat shit while standing upside down. Today, either you are eating shit while standing upside down, or I am peeing upside down. You actually look down on our Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy. What are you?"

"Come on, if you have the ability, don't cry after all..."

Standing upside down and eating shit, they have remembered this miraculous action, and they all want the little cat to perform it in person.

What kind of handstand eating shit!

"Very good, I hope you remember what you said!" The second prince smiled. The people he brought this time were basically battle armor masters, and their strengths were about the same level as that of Mao Xiaoyao, which was very in line with his requirements.

Beat the cat goblin?
In any case?
"Wait!" Mao Xiaoyao said suddenly.

"Why, do you go back on your word?" The second prince said contemptuously.

The onlookers sighed for a while!
"Of course it's impossible to repent. It's just that I lost by standing on my head and eating shit. What if you lose? What punishment will you have? After all, it's definitely not fair for me to stand on my head and eat shit." , flicker, flicker, then flicker, battle armor, soul guide, don't you have one?

What a hehe!

At the same level, apart from Tang Wulin, the cat demon is afraid of Gu Yue and the black cat, and the others, hehe, are afraid of a chicken, what's so scary!

 Gululu, stand upside down and eat shit!

(End of this chapter)

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