The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 197 Come on, pretentious.

Chapter 197 Come on, pretentious.

In the distance, the little black cat, who has been watching Mao Xiaoyao without worry at all, seems to have thought of what Mao Xiaoyao is going to do.

Can't help but smile.

"Black cat, what are you laughing at! The cat demon is so crazy, talking nonsense and eating shit on his head, don't you care about him?" Xu Xiaoxue blinked her cute big eyes, very puzzled, if it was her, If her boyfriend made such a terrible oath, she would definitely be half dead with anger.

After all, standing upside down and eating shit...

Xu Xiaomeng also nodded and said: "That's right, the little demon is really, talking nonsense, and a few of them are battle armor masters..." It's a headache, the other party is very powerful, a one-word battle armor master, but wait for it It doesn't matter if Mao Xiaoyao loses, they will definitely protect Mao Xiaoyao.

Naturally, he wouldn't let him do that, after all, all of this was their second brother, and there was nothing to make trouble in his spare time.

"Doukai? Xiao Yao can also make it for others, but he doesn't seem to make Doukai. He has done a lot for others." Black Cat explained.

Doukai, she saw that Mao Xiaoyao seemed to help people make a lot of Doukai, and they were all complete sets. Moreover, they were all from other classes, and no one in her own class seemed to be given a complete set of Doukai.

She once asked in confusion, and the cat demon replied that Tang Wulin could not let Tang Wulin know that he could make a complete set of battle armor. After all, Tang Wulin could not make a complete set now.

But it seems that Mao Xiaoyao never wanted to do his own battle armor.

Because, Mao Xiaoyao said, what they want to do in the future is armor, something more terrifying than battle armor!

Something with a more comprehensive attack capability!
Of course, Mao Xiaoyao likes mechas more now, because mechas are the romance that men like.

"Okay!" Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were speechless, the little black cat was always so confident in the cat demon, she seemed never worried.

The screen returns to the cat demon.

"Oh, what do you want to do?" Faced with Mao Xiaoyao's request, the second prince was very disdainful, and dared to ask him what conditions?
The onlookers were also watching.

Xu Haoqing was also a little confused!

What exactly does this cat demon want to do? Just now, he used the communicator to contact some powerful teachers to sit in the competition. No matter what the result is, the cat demon must not have anything to do.

"Leave your space soul guides. If you lose later, these space soul guides will belong to me. If you regret it, then give me upside down and eat shit." Mao Xiaoyao looked contemptuously and smiled: "Don't you dare?" ? Geniuses?"

One set, one set, are all routines, since the cat has offended people, then the little cat is not afraid that he has more enemies, anyway, everyone will be enemies in the future.

Sooner or later the enemy!

Then don't worry about anything!
If you don't agree, just do it!
The onlookers began to discuss again, space soul guide, is this person crazy, so confident that he wants so many space soul guides.

The second prince and the others were collectively silent. The space soul guide seemed... It was all their things, and they were all important things.

"Tsk tsk, what's the matter? I'm scared, I'm not afraid of trash standing upside down and eating shit, you so-called geniuses, why are you so timid?" The little cat added fuel to the flames and began to use the aggressive method, the aggressive method, then come on!His soul tools, don't know what's inside!

The little cat is looking forward to it.

"Afraid you won't succeed?" The second prince immediately took out his space soul guide, threw it on the ground casually, and said, "Hehe, do you think we will be afraid of you? It's just ridiculous, who do you think you are?" Isn't it just a space soul guide, he naturally won't let Mao Xiaoyao look down on him, as a prince, isn't he just a space soul guide?After all, they can't lose!

Seeing the second prince taking the lead, those people also dropped their space soul guides. The second prince has already taken out the space soul guide, so what are they afraid of?

Immediately, he gathered them all together, and couldn't help glaring at the little cat, this little cat had a big appetite and was crazy, as if he could eat them all.

Hehe, how is this possible?

"Haoqing, help me watch over these space soul guides, these space soul guides are my spoils of war." Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile, very good, very good, there are a lot of soul guides, one is more advanced than the other , it seems that the things inside must be some good things.

what is it?

Am looking forward to!
Xu Hao gave Mao Xiaoyao an innocent look. He is a prince, not an errand runner, but he still asked people to bring those soul guides.

He chose to believe in the cat demon!
"Compare whatever you want, whatever you want, forging, repairing the mecha...Under the Soul Sect, I am invincible! Team battles, 2v2 are also possible, and I also have my own teammates."

Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile that deserved a beating: "Geniuses, do you dare to fight, dare to fight with me?"

If it's a two-on-two fight, teammates, I also have a little black cat. Of course, it's impossible for the little cat to beat so many people in groups, unless the second prince and the others are so shameless.

The onlookers shouted:

"Kill him! Let him stand on his head and eat shit!"

"Come here if you have the ability, Shrek Academy is just, what's so great about it, is it amazing?"

"Hit him, kill him, fuck him!"

The cheers from the onlookers may not necessarily defeat the opponent's will sometimes, and sometimes the busy trust will also give people a belief that I am the winner, and that belief is sometimes an illusion.

Seeing so many people supporting him, the second prince proudly said: "For the first round, let's have a contest between soul masters! By the way, do you need to rest? Otherwise, if you lose later, don't look for reasons not to stand on your head and eat shit. "

As he said that, the onlookers all laughed, mocking the little cat.

The second prince is also proud.

"Hehe." Mao Xiaoyao said indifferently: "Just now, when I was talking nonsense with you, I have almost recovered. It's okay. I can stand up to you so-called geniuses alone."

"Then, soul master, battle armor, mech, forging, four battles, as long as you win the next one, I will immediately eat shit on my head, how about it, I will give you a chance!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a contemptuous smile , It's crazy, it's not that he looks down on these people, before the real geniuses of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy come out, these people are really not enough to look at, each with crooked strength, hehe, only the second prince thought that a Doukai master could There is no advantage.

Everyone is angry, what do you mean, look down on them?
"Very good." The second prince gritted his teeth, clapped his hands and said, "Wang Wu, come here and let him see what is called Soul Sect. Since he is so crazy, we naturally have to satisfy him." The second prince didn't know how to reply He just wanted to hate Mao Xiaoyao, especially after knowing that Mao Xiaoyao had such a beautiful and lovely girlfriend, this idea was particularly strong.

In the distance, the black cat looked at the second prince coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

A man named Wang Wu came out of the crowd very quickly. He was very ordinary and fit the aura of a dragon suit. He was almost at the peak of the fifty-level soul sect, that is, if he added a soul ring, his strength could be improved. .

"Come on! Let me see how terrifying you are, Soul Sect. No matter what means you use, as long as you can defeat me."

Mao Xiaoyao smiled arrogantly. No matter what means he used, he would be as invincible as Tang Wulin if he had the ability. Otherwise, he would always have a chance!

Stand upside down and eat shit?hehe!
 It's a new month, is there a cutie...stand on your head, bah bah, do you have a monthly pass?Is there a reward?Today, there may be four more!
(End of this chapter)

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