The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 199 Thunder and Rain!

Chapter 199 Thunder and Rain!

"It's really boring, Sihuan Soul Sect, with such little strength, you have cultivated to a dog?"

Mao Xiaoyao patted the dirt on his body, touched the defensive inner armor on his body, and smiled. The magic weapon defensive inner armor prevented him from being scratched, but the internal injury was somewhat small.

Although, he is stubborn!

However, Wang Wu's attack is really powerful. If it is a competition of soul master strength, Mao Xiaoyao is not as good as Wang Wu!


In the little cat's demon pill, half is soul power, and the other half is demon power.

"Is it raining?" Suddenly, someone asked.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was terribly oppressive, as if it was raining. Some students had already started to prepare umbrellas, but the sky didn't look like rain, but it looked like...thunder.

"Tough mouth, I don't know if your bones are tough or not." Wang Wuchao came to attack the little cat demon, very fast, and the attack was crazy, vicious dog, mad dog, this time it was fully reflected in Wang Wu.

But is it useful?

In a general cat-dog fight, the dog is always the craziest side, chasing the cat to fight, but the cat sometimes fights back.

"Speak wild words, you will be struck by lightning!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and glanced at the sky a little sinisterly, as if it was time, it was time!
"Hehe." Wang Wu sneered indifferently, he just wanted to cry Mao Xiaoyao now.

"It's raining!" the little cat pretended to be a ghost, talking about it, and suddenly a magical scene happened, artificial rainfall appeared, and the area exclusive to Wang Wu suddenly rained, and the heavy rain was still falling, drenching Wang Wuyi.

It's pouring rain!

"What kind of attack is this!" Wang Wu wondered, could it be the water element?However, Mao Xiaoyao's martial soul does not seem to be elemental, so where does the rain come from?

Not like ah.

The onlookers were about to open their umbrellas, but the heavy rain didn't seem to be aimed at them.

"Attack? It's not an attack, it's thunder." The little cat smiled slightly, raining isn't an attack, unless it's sulfuric acid rain, poisonous rain...

Immediately, thunder fell.


Wang Wu's complexion changed, thunder?

what thunder?


Generally, when it rains and thunders, it is the most dangerous, and children will not go out.

No, Wang Wu dodged the sky thunder, "Hehe, the speed is so slow, who should he hit?" Don't forget to turn around and mock the cat demon, hehe, what's the use of thunder?


Wang Wu's body began to twitch, his whole body was shocked by an electric current, and his whole body began to be haunted, his whole body started to smoke, and he was instantly blown away...

He escaped the attack, but, he was soaked and raining...

Rainwater conducts electricity.


The audience was silent.

"Hehe, is he dead?" Mao Xiaoyao went up to check, kicked a few times, and found that Wang Wu was not dead, hehe, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it's not easy to kill people at this time.

Wang Wu kept shaking, shaking...

Very unhappy!

The onlookers were also taken aback, and thundered and attacked. What kind of terrible attack method is this?They have never met...

"Next, what's the comparison?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the second prince arrogantly. The sky thunder was very powerful. When the sky thunder fell just now, Mao Xiaoyao withdrew half of his power, so Wang Wu was not completely dead.

Otherwise, he must be dead!

The crowd was silent.

"Little monster, little monster!" Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue had already started applauding. The two girls were so excited that they never thought that there would be such a dramatic reversal in the end.

But thunder?Is it okay to use it at the beginning?

Why, so much nonsense.

In fact, Mao Xiaoyao also thought so, but the big move is the big move, and it is usually the last one.

Mao Xiaoyao has a lot of demon skills that he can play with Wang Wu slowly, but he doesn't want to reveal too much, because there seem to be several figures in the dark watching him, which is very annoying, probably, it is the Sun and Moon Royal Family The boss of Soul Master Academy!
The black cat was smiling, and her little cat never let her down.

"Second Brother, carry it down! It's a shame that you were beaten so badly. Hurry up and start other games." Xu Haoqing was finally able to taunt. Just nonsense.

It's really cool to slap in the face now.

"Hmm, sixth brother, don't be too happy, there are still three competitions! Are you really that confident? Soul guide, our Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy, will not lose to anyone." The second prince With a cold snort, he didn't panic. After all, there are still three competitions to come. Don't worry, take your time. As for soul tools, they have plenty of soul tools.

Wang Wu was lifted up a bit, and the onlookers accepted the reality of failure. However, there were also some people who refused to accept it, saying that the little cat is only cunning and dare not fight head-on...

The onlookers were all scolding the little cat for being insidious.

Not some kind of gentleman!

Hearing that the black cat wants to hit people, are these people pigs?

"Before, I said that you are not geniuses of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Masters, okay! I take that back." Mao Xiaoyao mocked, and said: "You are not from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy at all, sneak attack , Unknown method? Are you kidding me? If it’s a life-and-death battle, wouldn’t the opponent want to fight you one-on-one fairly?”

"A group of pigs are mentally ill. I said to use any means to attack. He doesn't have to blame me? If you can't afford to lose, don't play, it's shameful!" Said, Mao Xiaoyao was very embarrassed to walk, and took a break , Go back to find the little black cat to replenish energy, lie down on your lap to rest.

Ignore these pigs!
The onlookers exploded, they were scolded, and they refused to accept it, and scolded them too!

The scene was once chaotic, like a vegetable market.

However, at this moment, a teacher said: "Quiet, a bunch of embarrassing things, if you can't afford to lose, don't watch it, get out!" The teacher was very angry, and the teacher was also in a bad mood. After all, he lost the game, but that is, A soul sect beat the soul master, and lost even at the seventh level of soul power. How can this group of students tell others what is fair?
Toxic brain?

The onlookers fell silent for a moment, as if they were afraid of the teacher.

At this time, on the side of the little cat.

Two beautiful little princesses help to fan the wind, and the little black cat beats its back and legs. It seems to be very leisurely and at ease. In an instant, the monster is at its peak. Who has this kind of treatment!

"Little demon, how did you make the sky rain just now, teach us."

"I want to learn how to make thunder, and I also want to learn how to attack with thunder, that's fun!" Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue started to fiddle with the massage method. They really wanted to learn the attack method just now. Thunder and rain are really strong!

"Pfft..." The black cat snorted, she didn't know it herself, and these two girls definitely couldn't learn it, because the cat demon said that something called demon power is needed.

"Don't think about it, you need talent, you don't have talent." Mao Xiaoyao said very comfortably, the little black cat's massage too forceful, too comfortable, it's so refreshing...ah.

"Hmph, I won't fan you."

"I won't give you any water." The two princesses lost their temper. They were very upset and angry because they couldn't learn. They are very talented, how could they have no talent.

Without fanning, the water is also taken away.

The little cat is speechless, =_=.

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao ushered in his second opponent, the mech repair and soul tool competition.

In the end, the cat demon naturally won, otherwise, he would have to stand on his head and eat shit.

Next, it's the battle armor competition!

And the final forging and mech competition!

(End of this chapter)

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