The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 200 Battle Armor VS Armor

Chapter 200 Battle Armor VS Armor ([-])
Cat Fairy wins!
The second prince and the others are naturally very unhappy!
Send out the ultimate move directly, Doukai Master!
One-word battle armor master, Soul Sect battle armor master, after the increase, it is estimated to be at the level of a soul king!
I can't afford to lose, the morale is too bad now, the second prince and the others can't afford to lose, Doukai master, that is a complete set of doukai, one-word doukai, they found a one-word doukai master of their peers, the key is the whole set of doukai Armorer.

The increase is the strongest!

"Is it difficult?" Xu Haoqing asked Mao Xiaoyao, a one-word combat armor master, a full set of alloy metals with a thousand forging power, the boosted power is very strong, and the strength of the person himself is Soul Sect, after the boost, It is likely to be the soul king.

"I'll show you my battle armor later!" Mao Xiaoyao patted Xu Haoqing's shoulder and smiled, raised his eyebrows, gave him a reassuring look, smiled, and walked towards his opponent.

"You..." Xu Haoqing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly, hoping that this surprise would not be a shock.

On the playground, the battle armor master had been waiting for Mao Xiaoyao for a long time.

The Doukai Master said: "If you don't have a Doukai, I suggest you admit defeat. I'm not that Wang Wu just now, my name is Zhao Liu." Teacher, let me ask you, are you afraid?
Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, Zhao Liu?
Mao Xiaoyao really wants to complain about the name, what the hell is this, who is so stupid, so stupid, to give them such rubbish names, I guess there will be some Tian Qi, Niu Ba in the future!

"Who says I don't?" Mao Xiaoyao said with a blank look, and then summoned his own armor, which was possessed by the black armor. It was the first time he wore armor to fight, and Mao Xiaoyao expressed his excitement. Look at the difference between your armor and the battle armor!

Zhao Liu was taken aback. What kind of battle armor is this? How did it come out of the space soul guide? But, aren't the battle armors all fused with the martial soul?
what's the situation?
The onlookers were also frightened, this is definitely not a battle armor.

"Brother, your name is Doukai? Don't lie to us, okay, what do you think your Doukai has given you?"

"Without the fusion of martial soul, your battle armor is a failure, right?"

"He will definitely eat shit on his head this time!"

The onlookers were talking non-stop, Doukai, they all knew about Doukai and what a Doukai was.

Add a battle armor to the martial soul, and fuse it, that is the real battle armor.

However, Mao Xiaoyao's battle armor did not incorporate a martial soul, so it was definitely not a battle armor.

"What kind of battle armor is this? Black cat, don't you also have it? It's not a real battle armor if it hasn't been fused into the martial soul." Xu Xiaomeng, a curious baby, couldn't help asking: "Could it be, little demon don't know?"

Some people say that the battle armor is a reduced mech, and some say that it is a kind of combat armor, but no matter what you say, it is that the battle armor can increase the strength of soul masters and strengthen them.

Xu Xiaoxue also looked at the black cat in doubt, anyway, her battle armor is not like this.

In fact, the black cat doesn't want to explain, because this is the secret between her and the cat demon, "You just have to watch, the little demon will definitely not lose." The black cat doesn't know the power of the battle armor, armor, etc. Like this, she has used it a few times before, when it was used to dig holes.

She has never tried the function of fighting!The cat demon only taught her how to move!

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue glanced at each other, okay!Then watch it!Take a look at this weird battle armor, maybe it will bring them some surprises.

The screen returned to Mao Xiaoyao's side, and the talk had just ended. No, the battle armor master Zhao Liu attacked directly, with a punch, a punch of metal!
Friction sparks!
The cat demon in black armor was punched and couldn't help but take a few steps back. If he was not wearing armor but resisted with the power of a soul master, he would definitely have been beaten badly.

"Your battle armor doesn't have any buffs, what are you fighting with me with?" Zhao Liu's martial spirit is a hammer, the Thunder Light Hammer, which is a hammer that can emit lightning. This is why he looks down on Wang Wu!

If he is afraid of the electricity from a hammer, he is not afraid!
Since the Wuhun is a hammer, the Doukai is naturally inspired by the hammer, and at the same time increases the power of the Wuhun.

Therefore, when Zhao Liu chose metal, he chose a metal with strong conductivity to create his own battle armor. With the addition of alloys, his battle armor is not just as simple as conducting electricity.

Zizi, it's more like a storage battery!

Provide Zhao Liu with a steady stream of electricity to keep him in a peak state. If the little cat is using Tianlei Flash, then it will help Zhao Liu to charge.

"If you don't try it, how do you know that my battle armor is not good?" The cat demon smiled, and the helmet began to slowly cover the head. As soon as the helmet lit up, the entire armor began to activate, which was the activation of the rune formation from the demon clan , the whole armor seemed to be alive, and the breath was obviously different from before.

Helmet, began to analyze Zhao Liu's battle armor structure diagram, combined with Mao Xiaoyao's spiritual power, the data of Zhao Liu's battle armor was quickly analyzed by Mao Xiaoyao!
There is no intelligent system, Mao Xiaoyao himself is that intelligent system, he analyzes the ingredients by himself, combined with the core data in the armor, analysis!

Thunder dull stone!The main metal of Zhao Liu's battle armor is Leidushi. This metal is very common, but it is very conductive. Forging it into an alloy and combining it with other metals is really effective.

Analysis belongs to analysis!
Zhao Liuke didn't analyze the little cat. He held a Thunder Hammer and slammed it hard at the little cat. There was a zigzag, and snake-shaped lightning bolts struck the little cat's armor.

"See how I shock you!" Zhao Liu aggressively swung the hammer, accompanied by lightning crackling, and the air seemed to be evaporated by the electricity, but what came oncoming was also a hammer, duang gave a heavy sound, and the battle armor parts on his arm also resonated.

Metal Vibes!

The onlookers were stunned, why does this cat demon also have a hammer?

Xu Haoqing almost clapped his hands and applauded. He glanced at his gloomy and terrifying second brother. He felt that it would be better for him to keep a low profile. However, is surprise a hammer?
It seems not!

"Your battle armor boost, how come you have this little power?" Mao Xiaoyao sneered, then glanced at his armor arm, the arm of the power soul guide, after being imprinted with the monster race power rune formation by himself, the power It really is scary!
It seems that the combination of the soul guide and the rune array seems to be a good way. If in the future, my armor is a whole magical weapon, then who will be my strength?

Artifact armor, mecha, are you afraid?
In Mao Xiaoyao YY, what would it be like if you don't know your magic weapon mecha?That's a big guy, a big magic weapon!

Of course, the magic weapon is not the bigger one, which one is more powerful. This depends on the level of the weapon, the metal used, and the ability.

Mao Xiaoyao, his own black mech, is itself a weapon of death.

A dead weapon, as the name suggests, is a magic weapon without any ability. It is like a metal plate, so it has no ability, but it is a magic weapon level.

This is the weapon of death!

As for the real magic weapon, once it has some ability, for example, a screw can penetrate all enemies.

As for the mecha, besides the main means of attack, there are other aspects, such as artillery fire, shells, bullets... Therefore, most of the parts are deadly weapons.

The mecha is so big, and there are so many instruments to be refined, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have that much time.

Also wasteful...

 Gululu, what about the monthly pass?why keep it
(End of this chapter)

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