The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 222 I hit Tang Wulin!

Chapter 222 I hit Tang Wulin!
School starts!
School starts!
School starts!
The wicked start of school, the end of the holiday!
The Shrek Academy is full of laughter again, and there is a youthful atmosphere everywhere, male students, female students, male and female students...

As soon as Mao Xiaoyao entered Shrek Academy, she began to look at this student and that student, men and women, and everywhere...

"Little demon, what are you doing?" The jealous black cat was naturally very unhappy. Is the start of school so happy?Why do you keep looking at other boys and girls, what are you looking at?
Yan Li walked behind, she didn't talk much, but when others looked at her, her breath would change quickly, and her coldly responding eyes also looked at her!

"Look at the talent!" Mao Xiaoyao took Black Cat's hand and walked as if no one else was there, let them be envious if they are envious!Anyway, my girlfriend is so beautiful and cute, and she is also a jealous king!
talent!Mao Xiaoyao wants to see if there is someone who can be brought back to the underground base, but after thinking about it, Shrek City is now in a state of panic, so blacksmiths above level five are afraid to go out...

Mao Xiaoyao thinks that they should wait for a while, let the wind pass, and think about it slowly, otherwise, the big guys in the dark are probably trying to catch the murderer, but their murderer is best to hide!

"Huh ╯^╰!" The black cat pouted, so it was like this, let's see!No matter how you look at it, no, look, look, they saw Gu Yue and Tang Wulin.

The scene was embarrassing!
Glancing at the delicious food in Tang Wulin's hands, Mao Xiaoyao was displeased and envious. He didn't want to pay attention to Gu Yue, and he didn't want to pay attention to Tang Wulin either!
This king, he is very disappointed!

"Junior brother!" Tang Wulin waved his hand to greet him. No matter how much Mao Xiaoyao hated him, he was always smiling, because Mao Xiaoyao was his little brother and was never an outsider.

The little cat stopped lightly, and then asked the black cat and Yan Li to go to Wuchangkong to register first. He looked at Gu Yue, and Gu Yue was also looking at him. He immediately said, "What's the matter? It's okay, I'll go first , you also know that I want to study mechs, and I'm very busy." He glanced at Gu Yue lightly, and the cat demon really wanted to go there and just scold him, what does that mean?Tell Xiong Jun to threaten him with a meal, and then give Tang Wulin something delicious?
So, what are you?
Are you really that worthless?
"There's something wrong! Luo Guixing came to me just now, and he said what it was, to have an exchange and exchange ideas, are you interested, or should we form a team together? Let's abuse those five geniuses together?" Tang Wulin smiled. , just started school, and those restless guys wanted to challenge themselves again. It seemed that they were very unconvinced when they lost last time.

Gu Yue also looked at Mao Xiaoyao indifferently. In fact, she had a lot to say to Mao Xiaoyao, "Little..."

"Forget it!" Before Gu Yue finished speaking, Mao Xiaoyao shook his head and said with a smile: "Tang Wulin, don't look for me for future cooperation. We were rivals before and will always be rivals. I will join Luo Guixing Their team, defeat you!" Mao Xiaoyao said fiercely, and before leaving, he glanced at Gu Yue and sneered, which is also ridiculous, the king of soul beasts condescends to cook food for a human being, it's really ridiculous!
"Little brother..." Tang Wulin wanted to keep Mao Xiaoyao.

However, Mao Xiaoyao pushed away his hand and left in anger!These two Ssangyong are very affectionate guys, he is disgusted just looking at them!
From the time Mr. Xiong warned him that he was nothing, Mao Xiaoyao knew that no matter what he could not lead the soul beast, what's more, what he did was completely denied!
So what are you doing for yourself?
The goal was gone, and Mao Xiaoyao also fell into confusion at that time. The soul beast he was thinking about was not something he could save...

The other party doesn't need me!
They have their own king...

If, in the end, the giant python did not follow Mao Xiaoyao, Mao Xiaoyao would be even more confused. After working so hard for so long, what is it for?

After thinking about it, it was just my own wishful thinking!
Now, his goal is only to make those spirit beasts who follow him have a better life, so that they are no longer oppressed and persecuted by humans. He doesn't want to take too much care of other things.

You fall in love, then fall in love!I have my own opinions on how to do things, and I won't influence them, but you, don't influence me either!
Gu Yue clenched her fists tightly, then let go of them.


Soon, Luo Guixing really came to win over Mao Xiaoyao, and Mao Xiaoyao also joined Luo Guixing's team. This time he wanted to defeat Tang Wulin. After all, under the watchful eyes of everyone, you can transform if you have the ability!


Mao Xiaoyao, Yang Nianxia, ​​Wusiduo, Zheng Yiran, Xu Yucheng, Luo Guixing.

Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi.

Black Cat, Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, Yan Li, and Tentacle Monster were watching the battle. After all, Luo Guixing didn't invite them, they could only be spectators.

The venue was found, and the referee Wu Changkong was in place.

Both sides, the smell of gunpowder is very strong!
"I don't care what you want, I'll deal with Tang Wulin, leave the rest to you, buy me time, don't let anyone come over!"

Mao Xiaoyao said directly that his purpose was very simple, to completely defeat Tang Wulin in front of Gu Yue, and tell Tang Wulin that he didn't have the essence of the Golden Dragon King, and that his father left behind, he was nothing!
Just one spicy chicken!

Although Luo Guixing and Yang Nianxia were very unhappy, it was because they also wanted to defeat Tang Wulin, and it was for this goal...

However, the cat demon is indeed stronger!

Wusiduo said: "Gu Yue, leave it to me!"

"Thank you!" Xu Yucheng said.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled and glanced at Tang Wulin, then come on!Let him see, the so-called teamwork, Tang Wulin is not so good!

On Tang Wulin's side, Xu Xiaoyan complained: "Squad leader, what happened to you and Xiaoyao, shouldn't he be one of us? Why run to the opposite side? I can't beat Xiaoyao, you fight yourself!" She bitterly Ah, and then I saw the black cat watching from outside the venue. Fortunately, the black cat didn't participate, otherwise, with the perfect cooperation of the two, they would stop fighting and admit defeat!

"How do I know?" Tang Wulin also looked confused. From the final exam of last semester to now, Mao Xiaoyao seems to be a different person!To him, to Gu Yue is very cold.

He looked at Gu Yue and found that Gu Yue was also silent, as if he had something on his mind.

After a while, the battle started, Wuchangkong was the referee!



Mao Xiaoyao and the others used formations for the first time, hexagram formation, six in one, formations, Mao Xiaoyao has a lot of them here, for example, the formation that Tang Wulin uses now is what Mao Xiaoyao taught him before of!

"Little brother, we didn't lose to you in the formation competition, you taught us!" Tang Wulin smiled. At this moment, the formation they used was naturally the formation that Mao Xiaoyao taught them before. It was to deal with Wuchangkong.

Feel great!Tang Wulin and the others have been practicing. After all, when they were in a team, this formation helped them defeat many enemies.

Wuchangkong frowned. He remembered that formation, which made his scalp numb.

"Oh?" The cat demon said calmly.

Immediately after the battle began, Tang Wulin faced Mao Xiaoyao for the first time, bursting out the power of the golden dragon and directly fighting with the strongest posture. Looking at the others, they thought there was some deep hatred...

Too ruthless, punching to the flesh!

You have claws, so do I!

What kind of hatred is this?
 Just look happy!
(End of this chapter)

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