The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 223 Love and kill each other!

Chapter 223 Love and kill each other!

"Xiao Yao, this is just a duel! Is the purpose of you dismissing them to fight me?"

At this time, Tang Wulin's blue eyes turned purple. "Ziji Demon Pupils" quietly looked at the terrifying and violent aura on Mao Xiaoyao's body, and the Golden Dragon Qi in his body was also ready to move. "Ziji Demon Pupils" also watched Why not come out.

What on earth is the cat demon trying to do?
"Heh!" The cat demon smiled charmingly, slowly approached Tang Wulin, and whispered something into his ear!

Now, get ready for battle!
Welcome to the next violent battle!

Hearing what he said, Tang Wulin clenched his fists and looked back at Gu Yue. His eyes were full of anger, and his aura was different from the one just now!

Gu Yue frowned. What did the cat demon say to Tang Wulin? Why was Tang Wulin so angry?
Is it...

Gu Yue glared at the little cat, could it be that her identity...

"Gu Yue, I won't let the little demon succeed!" Tang Wulin left a sentence that Gu Yue couldn't understand, and then went to find the cat demon, do it, do it, do it, men should do what men should do.

What's more, it involves women!
Gu Yue looked confused? ? ?What do you mean, but, her opponent Wu Siduo is also here!
The battle begins!
The onlookers on the edge of the venue are all students in Class One, Grade One. Naturally, they have to watch and watch such a big event in the class.

The five masters teamed up with the cat demon to beat the squad leader?Just thinking about it is exciting!
"Master, tell me, master, will you use those soul tools? After all, when you fight, you didn't say what kind of weapons you are not allowed to use." Hong Ling'er looked at the battle and said, it's a pity that that damn Luo Guixing didn't invite I didn't invite my wife, otherwise, those people would definitely be defeated!
So dissatisfied with the monitor at the beginning of school?

Hehe, it seems that this monitor is really bad!
Lan Siyi, the tentacle monster, and Yan Li were all looking at the black cat, and they had seen the little cat using the soul guide.

"No, in the battle between Xiao Yao and Tang Wulin, he would never use those soul tools," said the black cat.

Because, the cat demon wanted to really defeat Tang Wulin, but what did the cat demon say just now, which made Tang Wulin so angry, and his combat power improved a lot?

Gu Yue was also obviously wrong, what's wrong with these three people?
Hong Ling'er and the others nodded. They were full of affection for Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin, and they all saw it.

Immediately, they didn't ask any more questions. Everyone was watching the game, and other people naturally watched it very much. Fighting, that's what should be coordinated. Instead, Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin were in a duel!
Tang Wulin, who possessed the Purple Demon Eyes, saw through the attacks of many little cat demons. With his strong physical strength, he kept entangled with the little cat monsters, because his Blue Silver Grass was no longer a threat to the little cat monsters.

The cat demon's weird attack can actually control the fire element?Tang Wulin couldn't help feeling that he didn't seem to understand the mystery of the little cat demon due to his weird skills.

"What bullshit blue silver grass, a fire!"

Mao Xiaoyao's hands changed hands, traces of milky white soul power spread, and the soul power twisted like cute little spirit snakes, but when they passed through Mao Xiaoyao's hands, suddenly, Turning into a burning red flame, it rushed towards those blue silver grasses and burned them all!

"Your useless martial soul is useless! Hehe, Tang Wulin, it's not just that you're improving, it's not just that you're gaining opportunities." Mao Xiaoyao sneered, that's why he chose Hong Ling'er as himself One of the disciples' reasons is that fire can restrain the blue silver grass. After all, grass is grass in the final analysis, so it is naturally afraid of fire...


The power of water element is coming!
Gu Yue came, and the rain fell all over the sky, which instantly extinguished the flame of the little cat, but also aroused the anger in the little cat's heart!

"Gu Yue, this is a battle between me and the little demon, please don't disturb us!" Tang Wulin's face was not very good-looking. Since Gu Yue helped him, he had already lost a step. After all, in the face of that weird Flame, his Blue Silver Grass couldn't resist at all...

The point is, heads-up, one person came out!

"One-on-one? If you have time, go one-on-one by yourself. Now it's a team battle!" At this moment, Gu Yue stood behind Xie Xio and the others. Yes, it's a team battle right now. How could you not come to help?
Mao Xiaoyao looked at him coldly, "Hehe, Tang Wulin, you're scared, you're already scared!" Teammates, don't you have one yourself?The patterns on the soles of the feet appeared, the six-pointed star array was activated, and Luo Guixing and the others also came. In the duel, his fire attribute restrained the blue silver grass...

Unless Tang Wulin uses the power of the golden dragon to strengthen his blue silver grass, otherwise, his blue silver grass must be seen once and burned once!
However, with the power of the golden dragon, Tang Wulin hesitated!
When he was hesitating, Gu Yue came!

The team battle begins!
"Xiao Yao, the team competition is just starting now, who knows who wins or loses?" Xie Xie smiled, while speaking, his Wuhun Shadow Dragon Dagger had already begun to become invisible, quietly, floating in an unknown place, waiting for the team When fighting, give the opponent a fatal blow.

Xu Xiaoyan was a little at a loss holding the Star Wheel Ice Staff, and was very helpless_`, it’s enough to learn from each other, is it necessary to be so serious?

Tang Wulin and the cat demon?Xu Xiaoyan fell into thinking, if that was the case, which one would go down and which one would go up?She is more curious about this question.

"Mao Xiaoyao, what are you crazy about? Don't cry when you lose!" Ye Xinglan said angrily, wanting to single out?She also wanted to give Mao Xiaoyao a blast, and now the opportunity came, she wanted to give Mao Xiaoyao a blast, and she even gave her sister such a beautiful and powerful battle armor!

look at yourself...

Damn, Tang Wulin is trash!

"East, South, West, North, Center, in place!"

Mao Xiaoyao ignored the nonsense nonsense, and found Xie Xie's Shadow Dragon Dagger with a move of soul power to prevent this insidious guy from sneaking up.

Immediately, six people were in one body, east, south, west, north, and center, and the cat demon flying in the air and flapping its black wings was the eye of the formation and the core of the formation!
However, Tang Wulin at this moment, they are in a group of three, a three-person formation, this is a small formation!

However, Mao Xiaoyao's six-pointed star formation is another formation, and there are many formations corresponding to the number of people, the Big Dipper formation, the eight trigrams reincarnation formation, the nine heavens and ten earths formation...

He was not lazy when he was patrolling the mountains. He was very serious when patrolling the mountains, and he didn't miss anything!

No, he didn't have it when the Tiger King was there!Let people hit time travel!

"Gu Yue, thank you!"

"Ye Xinglan, Xiaoyan, Lizhi!"

In a group of three, Tang Wulin also activated the formation, and then activated the soul skills to cooperate with the power of the formation!

Six elements!Gu Yue's attack was the first to arrive. As the only long-range attack, she had to ensure a perfect output during team battles!
Tank Tang Wulin, Assassin, Xie Xie, Ye Xinglan, Support, Xu Xiaoyan, Xu Lizhi, and the mage was naturally Gu Yue.

Six in one!
Formation, Tang Wulin knew that the formation was powerful, so naturally he would not give up this kind of formation that could be boosted. Of course, he was also directing their own battle!

Xie Xie is in place, Ye Xinglan is in place!
Looking at Mao Xiaoyao and the others, Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Let them see what teamwork is!"

This is not a battle alone, little junior brother, I hope you can understand that you are not alone...

 ! ! ! ! , Time has erased the memories of the past, the name, thanks to the three big guys for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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