The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 250 Shadow Ghost Shark King!

Chapter 250 Shadow Ghost Shark King!
"You stay here, Pang Xie comes out with me!"

Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help swallowing the smear when he saw the huge octopus cuttlefish king. That huge body could completely crush his own submarine, but he didn't do that.

So it proves that the cuttlefish king has doubts about the strange soul beast breath emanating from the submarine...

Dai Shu frowned, and said worriedly: "Be careful!" The aura of this octopus cuttlefish king is stronger than Mr. Xiong's, and the aura is very similar to that of the black-eyed dragon king, which makes Dai Shu feel very frightened. The other souls in the submarine All beasts are the same, they are all afraid of the Octopus Cuttlefish King they saw for the first time!
A million-year soul beast.


"En!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and then went out with Pang Xie, Pang Xie can transform into a crab soul beast, but Mao Xiaoyao's body is a cat that can't swim...

When going out, he must wear the evil cat armor!

"Squid King, we have no malicious intentions!" Pang Crab turned into the main body and came out of the submarine. At this moment, he is a big crab, a crab soul beast. He said to the cuttlefish king with great respect: "Please forgive us Come here without asking!"

In an instant, the guards of the soul beasts in the sea came, surrounded the cat demon and Pang Xie, one by one vicious, the soul beasts in the sea, most of them were fish soul beasts, but their appearance was strange, it was really frightening...

"You, a thousand-year-old soul beast, can actually talk?" The Octopus Cuttlefish King ordered his subordinates not to act rashly. The opponent came too strangely, too strangely, a thousand-year-old soul beast could actually talk... How terrible is this?
"I..." Pang Xie held up the huge pincers, and he expressed his helplessness, which needs to be explained by the cat demon.

"Respect Mr. Squid King, this is the purpose of our visit today, can you let us meet Mr. Shadow Ghost Shark King?" Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile, talking in the water is really uncomfortable, and I don't know how Pang Xie talks Anyway, when he used the armor to speak, he spoke very loudly, for fear that the cuttlefish king could not hear him.

However, the cuttlefish king could hear very clearly, because when the sound fluctuated and spread in the water, as a sea spirit beast, he could absorb and hear those sounds.

Just like on land, those sounds that travel through the air, now in the sea world, the sound is naturally transmitted through the water...

However, if the cat demon didn't use his spiritual sense to deliberately listen to that voice, he probably wouldn't be able to hear it. This is the talent of sea spirit beasts, and he can't learn it...

"Who are you? What is your purpose!" The cuttlefish king wriggled his eight tentacles, as if he was threatening the little cat, with a light tap, the little cat would definitely die!
Dai Shu in the submarine has already ordered the soul beasts to prepare for battle and be ready to save the cat demon at any time. She doesn't believe that the seven-level custom-installed soul missile is enough. If you launch a few more, the negotiation may fail. But the little cat can't do anything.

"Naturally, I'm visiting the Shadow Ghost Shark King!" Mao Xiaoyao was not afraid of anything, because he took out a bottle of something that even a soul beast could not refuse: Beast Control Pill!A kind of elixir that can improve the spiritual intelligence and cultivation level of soul beasts, it has too many effects on soul beasts!

That is a deadly temptation!

The octopus cuttlefish king was stunned, showing huge eyes, staring at the bottle in the hands of the little cat, and the eight tentacles were about to move...

The same goes for other sea spirit beasts...

Pang Xie is afraid, damn, this it looks green from hunger...

"Let him in!" At this moment, a majestic voice came coldly, and the soul beasts in the sea were so frightened that they didn't dare to do anything, even the Octopus King dared not do anything.

"Follow me!" The Octopus Squid King said calmly, but when he looked at the things in Mao Xiaoyao's hands, he felt very uneasy. The things in the bottle were too tempting for him...

Pang Xie breathed a sigh of relief!

Mao Xiaoyao smiled and put away the bottle. It seems that soul beasts are soul beasts, no matter in the sea or on land, they all have endless yearning for the beast control pill...

After all, I, the monster race, like things, not to mention those soul beasts...


The palace of the shadow ghost shark king has arrived!

Land in the sea!

Why do you say that!Because this palace is isolated from the sea water, there is no drop of water in it, but it has the same air as the land. Of course, the architectural style is different from the animals, plants and land.

Because, this is the ocean!
The submarine stopped outside, and Dai Shu and the others put on their armor one by one and came in. They were shocked one by one. The palace in the sea is so magical?
Didn't it mean that soul beasts in the sea can't adapt to life on land?Then why is there this palace...

Crab soldiers and crab generals!

From the moment he stepped into the palace, Mao Xiaoyao almost thought that he had entered the territory of the Dragon King of the East China Sea... A bunch of crab soldiers and crab generals are really weird...

"Please!" The octopus cuttlefish king turned into a handsome man, and it was strange that he had eight arms, which looked a bit weird...

Mao Xiaoyao and the others opened their armor helmets one by one, breathed the unique sea air in the palace, and then followed behind the cuttlefish king. While shocked, they were also looking at the strength of the shadow ghost shark king...

A bunch of ten thousand year soul beasts...

Those outside are not counted!And the places I can't see, probably more... The strength is really scary.

Came to a palace, other people were arranged to other places, only Mao Xiaoyao was allowed to enter...

The palace is very marine style, full of shells and the like, and coral... the building materials are also very marine.

Just as Mao Xiaoyao was watching.

A terrifying figure appeared, and the terrifying coercion fell, making it difficult for the little cat to walk, sweating profusely, and faintly tending to kneel...


The Lustful Evil Cat appeared in an instant, its huge body grabbed the ground and roared in one direction, at the same time, the aura of the demon clan on the little cat was also spreading...


However, Mao Xiaoyao is still not feeling well.

"It turns out that you are not human!" At this time, a figure appeared with scary ghost runes and wrinkles on his face. He looked like an evil ghost, very scary!
He is the Shadow Ghost Shark King, the existence of the overlord of the sea, the existence that soul beasts have feared for millions of years, turned into a human, just like his name: Shadow Ghost Shark!

It also looks like a ghost!

Like a goblin!
"Shadow Ghost Shark King, is this how you treat guests?" Mao Xiaoyao gasped for breath, the terrifying coercion that he experienced just now... 10-year-old soul beast?It was really powerful, he almost thought it was a million-year soul beast.

"Guest? How do I know that you are not an enemy?" The Shadow Ghost Shark King sat on the seat, looking at the little cat with a strange smile, and the horror permeated people. However, the little cat was like being targeted by an evil spirit!
"Then these, do these mean that I am your guest!" Mao Xiaoyao then threw a bottle of Beast Control Pill to the Shadow Ghost Shark King, without much nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

The Shadow Ghost Shark King caught the bottle of Beast Control Pill, his eyes frenzied for a moment, and then he returned to normal, "Tell me! What do you want, you are the first land spirit beast to come here, and I heard that your land Soul beast, life is very bad now!" Shadow Ghost Shark King looked at the bottle of Beast Control Pill, then threw it to Cuttlefish King, asking him to test the authenticity of the pill.

The cuttlefish king suppressed the fanaticism deep in his heart and disappeared into the hall.

However, Mao Xiaoyao saw all of this, and the Shadow Ghost Shark King was indeed very smart.

 Regarding the setting of sea spirit beasts, due to the restrictions of the sea god Tang San, most sea spirit beasts are not allowed to go ashore, and of course there are fish that slip through the net.

  After all, after Incarnation, anything is possible.

  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

  Hope everyone, as always.

(End of this chapter)

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