The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 251 I Can Completely Transform You!

Chapter 251 I Can Completely Transform You!

"Naturally, it's cooperation. If you know about it, then you also know that land spirit beasts are pitiful now!"

Mao Xiaoyao was not afraid of this ghost-faced Shadow Ghost Shark King, because there was no need for the other party to kill him. Since the pill appeared just now, Mao Xiaoyao didn't have to be afraid of anything, because they liked the Shadow Ghost Shark King very much.

"Oh? Cooperation, what do you want, what can you give me!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled strangely. In fact, he smiled very plainly, but his face was hideous like a ghost. All the time, the subordinates were trembling.

But, he can't be blamed for this, his face is just like that, whether he smiles or not is so scary!
"Ghost Grass, cooperate with marine resources!"

The little cat has a big appetite, so he directly stated his purpose, which is the ghost grass, the ores in the sea world, and various rare resources.

Those are things that land does not have!The land has been developed by humans for so long, and the resources are insufficient, which cannot be compared with the rich resources in the ocean!
"Ghost Grass?" The Shadow Ghost Shark King frowned, and looked at the little cat coldly. He also knew the effect of the Ghost Grass, because that's how his crab soldiers and generals came from taking the Ghost Grass. But this avatar...

Since the other party proposed the Ghost Grass, they must know the effect of the Ghost Grass!
"But, don't land soul beasts have a stronger soul beast? Why did you come here!" Shadow Ghost Shark said kingly, asking a weak soul beast to come to negotiate with him, is he looking down on himself?
Since it is cooperation, why is there no sincerity?

Looking at Mao Xiaoyao, the Shadow Ghost Shark King knew that this was less than a century-old soul beast.

However, a hundred-year-old soul beast can actually take shape...

"Dear Ghost Shark King! Is identity important? What matters is what I can bring to you!" Looking down on the weak?Smiling, Mao Xiaoyao took out another pill, it was just one, Transformation Pill, an ordinary Transformation Pill!And a ghost grass.

The Shadow Ghost Shark was shocked again, that aura seemed to be...

"When I came into the palace just now, I found out that your subordinates should only take ghost grass, but if you only take ghost grass, the transformation is not complete, and even the failure is very high..." Crab soldier and crab general, really It's just crab soldiers and crab generals, they are not human at all, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, it looks very strange and awkward.

The Shadow Ghost Shark King said: "What did you say!" He was very unhappy. Everything the little cat said had fatal temptations. For example, the cuttlefish king who just came back told him that there was nothing wrong with the pills, and they could really improve cultivation. for……

Just now, a thousand-year soul beast has been stuck in the realm for many years, and it has not been able to reach the ten-thousand-year soul beast. As a result, a pill was used, and the physique changed, and at the same time, the cultivation base was also raised to the ten-thousand-year realm.

"Ghost grass, and the sharing of ocean resources! Help me open up sea routes!" Mao Xiaoyao said: "I can help you dominate the ocean world!" Anyone can speak big words, but Mao Xiaoyao has the ability to say, after all, today he He came here with a goal, he was determined to eat this Shadow Ghost Shark King.

If you just eat ghost grass, the transformation will definitely not be successful, and the success is rare, and the transformation will be incomplete. From this point alone, the cat demon has a strong negotiating capital.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it!" The little cat threw the transforming pill to the Shadow Ghost Shark King, smiled, and if you don't believe me, you can try your own transforming pill to see if you can make the soul beast perfectly transform!
Mao Xiaoyao is very patient, he is not in a hurry, because he will stay in Sea World for a long, long time in the future, as for the academy, Hu Lili transforms into her own appearance, and studies and lives in Shrek Academy instead of herself.

Now he won't go to Shrek Academy, so there is no problem...

The point is, it only hurts Mu Xi...

Hu Lili is broken, she can only hide from Mu Xi every day...

The Shadow Ghost Shark King looked at the Transformation Pill in his hand, and then threw it to the Squid King, "Try it!" Transformation, the Shadow Ghost Shark King's own cultivation level has reached, the transformation is very successful, there is no side effect, of course, the body of the Squid King As a 10-year soul beast, it is naturally the same!
However, the cuttlefish king has subordinates and children of his own!No, he called his son and asked him to try Transformation Pill himself!
It was a human-shaped octopus, with a human-shaped lower body and an octopus upper body. It looked a little cute and funny, like a masked actor!

"If there is something wrong with the pill, hehe, I will kill you!" The cuttlefish king warned, this is a threat from a million-year-old soul beast, he can crush the cat demon in minutes, and it doesn't matter if he kills it instantly question.

The little cat smiled faintly!

The ignorant little octopus took the elixir and quietly waited for his change. The Shadow Ghost Shark King was also waiting, and the Cuttlefish King was also waiting...

Crab soldiers and crab generals are waiting.

Then, the little octopus appeared to be in great pain, his whole body was weak, and he began to have a fever and kept rolling on the ground. The symptoms were like poisoning, and it was very painful!

"You!" The cuttlefish king was furious and turned into tentacles to attack the little cat. Seeing that his little son was in such pain, is this elixir really that kind of poison?

The cat demon didn't move, but quietly looked at the little octopus!
"Stop!" Shadow Ghost Shark said kingly.

Hearing the voice of the Shadow Ghost Shark King, the Squid King stopped!He almost killed the cat demon!

However, Mao Xiaoyao pretended to be calm, but in fact she was in a panic, made, and was almost killed by the cuttlefish king... She couldn't pretend to be coercive, and was almost shown off!
At this time, a miraculous scene happened, the little octopus was rolling, rolling, the upper part of the octopus disappeared, and he turned into a cute little boy, about ten years old, younger than a cat demon!
"Son, how are you doing!" The cuttlefish king stepped forward to check on his child, what was going on.

"Father, I'm fine..." The little octopus touched his mouth!He...he can talk, oh my god, he is only a thousand-year-old soul beast, but he can talk, it's amazing!

"Father, I can talk now!" The little octopus was excited, but he didn't dare to get too excited in front of the Shadow Ghost Shark King... He could only look at Mao Xiaoyao and silently nodded his thanks...

The cuttlefish king was stunned. Before that, his son could not speak...

The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled, "Our cooperation can be carried out at any time. I can give you whatever you want, but I want those miraculous medicines just now. In exchange, you can move freely in my territory!" With such a terrifying elixir, the Shadow Ghost Shark King has seen an infinite future where his subordinates can transform into forms one by one...

At that time, the soul beasts in the entire ocean world will surrender themselves in order to be able to transform into forms!
You can even go on land!
"Happy cooperation!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, what the hell, 10-year-old, million-year-old soul beasts are really scary, and the pressure to get along is really great...

Moreover, the cultivation base of the Shadow Ghost Shark King is infinitely close to that of a million-year-old soul beast!

"That... Transformation Pill!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King laughed, in fact, he also has several children...

Mao Xiaoyao is speechless =_=, even if there is, he can’t give it to you now, because he has to see everything he wants before he can give it to the Transformation Pill.

Immediately, Mao Dahuyou went online, for example, the Transformation Pill needs certain materials to be refined...

Immediately, the sea-land cooperation began!

(End of this chapter)

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