The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 255 A Princess, Dai Linger!

Chapter 255 A Princess, Dai Linger!
"I was almost killed by you!" The little cat was startled, and was almost killed by this three-word combat armor. Made, it seems that I have to bring a few younger brothers of the Shadow Ghost Shark King with me when I go out, otherwise I will not be here. It's a hundred-year-old soul beast, and everyone's highest is the soul king realm!
The strength is a bit weak, there is no general in command!
Almost, the cat demon used his own armor!

Fortunately, there were more than a dozen soul guide power shields that resisted that powerful blow just now. If the three-word combat armor master suddenly went berserk at that time, it would be no problem to kill a dozen of them instantly.

However, on the warship, Dai Shu's sniper rifle, as well as the dozen or so mechs around her, have been watching...

This made the three-character combat armor master come back to defend after failing in one blow, but it was too late!There are still a few dead!

"Kill me?" The cat demon was furious, and ordered the mechas to throw out a one-word combat armorer, "Put down your weapons and raise your hands, otherwise, there is only one ending, and that is death! Hehe, three-word combat Master Kai, you are so worried about the people here, is there someone important here?"

Among them, a one-word combat armor master was severely caught by the cat demon, and he was beaten up immediately, a one-word combat armor master, very powerful?

"Don't listen?" Mao Xiaoyao smirked, and the three-character combat armor master didn't speak, didn't say anything, they were all silent, just staring at him so hard, so good!

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
"Don't, don't!" The one-word combat armor master shook his head crazily, looking at Mao Xiaoyao with a face of fear, he didn't want to die, he didn't want to die, but Mao Xiaoyao's soul guide gun had already been pressed on his head, ready to be buckled at any time. Pull the trigger.

He looked at the Three-Word Battle Armor Master desperately, but the Three-Word Battle Armor Master ignored him, turned his head and closed his eyes cruelly.

Two shots, afraid that the first shot would not kill him completely, Mao Xiaoyao made another shot, and the one-word combat armor master died!You can't rest in peace, you fell to the ground... leaving behind a pool of blood, your eyes stared like fish, staring at everyone...

Those who survived were terrified one by one, and now their lives are in the hands of the little cat, whoever is disobedient, and whoever is in danger, this person will end up.

"I'll count to three, don't let go of those who resist, and kill them all!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the three-word battle armor master and the others, and laughed, what can the three-word battle armor master do?So what about Contra?
If the Three-Word Battle Armor Master is alone, Mao Xiaoyao and the others are naturally not his opponents, but once the Three-Word Battle Armor Master has someone he wants to protect, then...

That is the Achilles' heel...

Seeing that no one dared to move, Mao Xiaoyao began to count, "1, 2, 3..." At the same time, the warship, Dai Shu's side also made preparations, aimed at the three-word combat armor master and the people next to him, ready shot……

At this time, no one put down their weapons, and no one spoke. Courage is commendable, but is it of any use?
Don't dare to resist!

What are you doing with a weapon?

boom!Hit the head!

A one-word battle armor master fell to the ground...

Bloody flesh, blood flowing on the deck...

Next, a...


The fear of death spread, one by one fell to the ground, one by one died, all fell in a pool of blood.


The three-character combat armor master was very angry, but he still didn't leave half a step away!

This made Mao Xiaoyao very happy, because it might be a big fish...

"Stop!" At this time, a very pleasant female voice said, a figure suddenly appeared from the crowd, it was a beautiful little girl, about 17 or 18 years old, slim, very temperamental, and very mature!
The figure is very mature, like a ripe peach!
I really want to take a few bites!

"Grand..." the three-character combat armor master stopped and stood at the front!

However, the girl waved her hand and shook her head. They can't allow someone to die innocently. She glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, gritted her teeth and said, "I am the princess of the Star Luo Continent Empire, Dai Linger, please let us go. What do you want? Whatever the conditions, we can promise you!"

Yes, Your Royal Highness!If it weren't for Her Royal Highness, the three-word combat armor master and the others would have fought against the cat demon a long time ago!Now that the hull was leaking and on fire, they had no choice but to come to the deck, but the deck was already occupied...

Surrounded by the sea again...

Those who jumped into the sea to escape seemed to be eaten by the soul beasts in the sea!
Now, in order to protect the princess, they have no choice but to block the enemy's bullets with their lives!

"Princess, you shouldn't expose it!" The three-word combat armor master sighed heavily. Just now, they have sent out a rescue signal. If there is a delay, the rescue army will come!
When the time comes, you can fight back...

But now...

"Everyone has a precious life, I can't let you use your life to protect the cowardly me!" Yes, this girl named Princess Dai Ling'er, her soul power is actually only tenth level, which is amazingly weak, not even a soul master !
The soldiers were very moved, but they couldn't let the princess have anything...

Bang bang bang!
There are a few people who are ready to move on the ground!

"You!" Dai Linger was angry, looking at the two soldiers who died again, she said angrily: "Why, isn't your purpose to find me? What are you doing to kill them!" But before she finished speaking, she The cat demon hit the mechanical flying claws, grabbed it, and pulled it instantly!
The three-character combat armor master went completely berserk, and the princess couldn't do anything, but more than a dozen mechas attacked at the same time, and Dai Shu and the others also...

Next to it, more than a dozen soul beasts brought by the little cats are attacking, blocking the three-word combat armor master!

The three-character combat armor was of no avail, and he could only watch helplessly as Her Royal Highness was caught by the little cat!
"Give up your resistance! Now your highness princess is in my hands, if you dare to move, she will die, and, do you think, you can resist my attack?" Mao Xiaoyao sneered, giving the beautiful princess His Highness put on handcuffs, left her aside, and let the two mechas watch carefully. At the same time, let her see how hot his guard is!
Dai Linger, who fell down, was in pain and didn't cry out, her butt hurts!

When, when the explosion smoke dissipated...

All the one-word battle armor masters were killed. Among the crowd, only three-word battle armor masters and two two-word battle armor masters remained.

Under the mecha soul guide cannon, they couldn't resist it. The key point was that the sniper rifles in the distance... made them hard to defend against.

The three-word combat armor master was also seriously injured.

He was very lucky to be able to survive the beating of more than a dozen mechs, but his brothers...

Dismembered remains...


Looking at the hell on earth on the deck, Her Royal Highness was pale with tears on her face. These people are all here to protect her...

"Demon, you devil, kill me if you have the ability!" Dai Ling'er said angrily, staring at the little cat fiercely, as if she wanted to eat him bite by bite.

"Hehe." Mao Xiaoyao sneered, ignored the unlucky princess, but looked at the three-character combat armor master, and said, "Go back and tell your emperor, his daughter, I want it from the Sun Moon Federation! , let him send someone to the Sun Moon Federation!"

As he said that, Mao Xiaoyao flew away holding Dai Ling'er, who was constantly resisting and moving. The flying soul guide was activated, and he was going to return to their own warship.

The warship of Xingluo Continent is about to sink. In the attack and battle just now, this warship was completely useless!
However, Mao Xiaoyao was flying very erratically in the air just now, because Dai Linger resisted fiercely.

"Princess..." At this time, the three-word combat armor wanted to stop it, but, bang, a thousand-forged metal bullet hit another two-word combat armor next to it!
That, the two-word combat armor master is dead!

Another two-word combat armor master was also severely punched by the mecha, and fell into the sea. His life and death are unknown...

One messenger is enough!

"Hehe!" Mao Xiaoyao turned around and smiled, holding Dai Ling'er who was crying and sad, and flew away!

The three-character combat armor knelt down powerlessly, crying bitterly, with more than a dozen mechas around him staring at him, but he could only watch helplessly as Her Royal Highness was taken away.

The armor is withdrawn...

Mao Xiaoyao and their three warships have also left!

Not long after they left, the warship exploded, and the three-character combat armor master drifted for a while, before being rescued by the reinforcements.

"Where's my sister!" Dai Yun'er said angrily, looking at the bloody three-word combat armor master, surrounded by strong men, there were no less than five or six three-character combat armors, and what was even more frightening was that there was an Ultimate Douluo four-character combat armor division……

and the terrible army...

"The Sun-Moon Federation, the Sun-Moon Federation, captured Princess Ling'er..." The three-character combat armor master was miserable. He almost died in the last big explosion... Now it's difficult to speak, and it hurts to breathe...

"Sun-Moon Federation?" Dai Yuner was furious. Now on Star Luo Continent, there are several people from Sun-Moon Federation on Douluo Continent. She wants to ask, which one is so rampant that she even arrested her sister?

Dai Yun'er and the others chased in the direction of the Sun Moon Federation, but Mao Xiaoyao and the others were in the water!
When the three warships are combined, it becomes a huge submarine, and when they are separated, there are three warships. For diving, Dai Yuner and the others will definitely not be able to find it...

The point is, the direction is wrong!


(End of this chapter)

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