The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 256 It's All the Blame of the Evil Soul Master!

Chapter 256 It's All the Blame of the Evil Soul Master!

On Star Luo Continent...

For the past three months, Tang Wulin and the others have not had a very good time. They have been exchanging ideas every day, and learning this and that...

It's not easy to be an exchange student!
But, suddenly, they were all called together by Dai Yun'er, as if they had something to ask!
"I don't know what happened, but they called us all over here!" Tang Wulin scratched his head, not understanding. He looked at Wuchangkong and Mr. Cai in puzzlement. Could it be that he wanted to go back?Is the exchange period over so soon?

Elder Cai also frowned, the atmosphere was not right, it seemed that something not simple happened.

On the main hall, on the Xingluo Continent, the only emperor sat under the main hall, majestic and domineering, but below were his ministers, as well as Dai Yun'er and the others.

"I don't know why His Majesty came here for us?" Elder Cai, as the leader of the team this time, naturally it is better for her to come forward to deal with it, and the others are not qualified.

The people in the main hall are not very happy, they seem to be angry!

"Not long ago, one of my daughters was taken away by someone who claimed to be your Sun-Moon Federation army! And he left a mouth alive, and passed on a message, let us go to the Sun-Moon Federation to lead us!" His Majesty the Emperor was furious. There are millions of corpses in anger, but now her daughter's life and death are unknown, and she has fallen behind the thief, and the thief is actually a member of the Sun Moon Federation...

His Majesty the Emperor was completely furious!

When the emperor got angry, he laid down millions of corpses!

The Sun Moon Federation is deceiving people too much!

Missing?Dai Yuner?Dai Linger?Tang Wulin rolled his eyes. Are these sisters?

But, why people from the Sun Moon Federation!

"How many people did you Sun Moon Federation send to our Star Luo Continent? What is the purpose of finding out about my daughter's whereabouts?" His Majesty the Emperor said with a cold face. They are all tenth level, no progress, no ability to fuse souls, no way to add soul rings, no talent to become a soul master...

That was a poor child!

Just today, she just wanted to go out and have a look outside, to see the outside world...

His Majesty the Emperor agreed.

However, now people are gone!

"This..." Elder Cai also frowned. As the side of the Sun Moon Federation, she had nothing to say, but as the side of the exchange group, as the side that promotes exchanges between the two continents, she had something to say, and ,a lot of.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty can send someone to investigate whether it is the Sun-Moon Federation's claim! It is true that we are here on behalf of the Sun-Moon Federation, but His Majesty should know what our purpose is," Cai said.

If they are really from the Sun-Moon Federation, then those people are really idiots, asking them to communicate, but doing this kind of thing, isn't this destroying the communication?

"However, those people left a sentence, which refers to your Sun Moon Federation!" Dai Yuner said angrily.

Her sister has never left the palace since she was a child, this time she just went out to see the nearby sea area, and she was taken away right under their noses...


"As well as the recent series of blacksmiths, mecha masters, soul guide technology, and disappearance cases, it makes people wonder whether this is something you Sun Moon Federation did!"

On the Star Luo Continent, blacksmiths have also started to disappear recently, and some talents...

Bizarrely missing, no clues could be found.

Missing?There was a strange look in the eyes of the black cat.

"Actually, when we were in Shrek City, there were cases of missing blacksmiths, and the missing persons were basically the same as those on Star Luo Continent." Tang Wulin also said at this time.

At that time, he almost found a few suspicious people, but ran away, and he couldn't find any clues.

"Your Majesty, you should know that there is no need for the Sun Moon Federation to do that. The cost of capturing a princess may be war! This is a very painful price for the people on the two continents!" Cai Lao glared at Tang Wu Lin, signal him not to talk nonsense, this is the supreme person on Xingluo Continent, talking nonsense will kill you!

Tang Wulin lowered his head and stopped talking immediately.

His Majesty the Emperor also fell silent, his already old face looked even older...

Missing?Gu Yue looked at Tang Wulin quietly. Tang Wulin's words reminded her of something. At that time, she even thought that some soul beasts were secretly doing things behind her back, but it wasn't...

If it's not an evil soul master, then it's...

The black cat avoided Gu Yue's gaze, and looked away indifferently, since she didn't know anything anyway.

"Your Majesty, believe it or not, this matter has nothing to do with our exchange group! However, to stir up conflicts between the two continents, maybe His Majesty also has the answer in his heart. Who is it? I hope the two continents will go to war!" Cai Lao didn't say it clearly, because Evil soul masters are the enemies of the entire human race. They do all kinds of evil... They have evil temperaments and kill, there is nothing they dare not do!

His Majesty the Emperor said coldly: "I will discuss this matter with you from the Sun-Moon Federation. However, you should not go out at will in the near future. I will send someone to protect you!" After saying that, His Majesty the Emperor left, and the ministers gathered together. The face is scared and dare not say anything, because don't try to talk to an angry emperor.


Protect?Not allowed to go out?
Old Cai frowned. It seemed that His Majesty didn't trust them, and the protection was actually for surveillance, right?

Tang Wulin and the others also lowered their heads, and this kind of thing happened during the exchange...

Dai Yun'er also came to Tang Wulin's side, with Tang Wulin in her eyes and heart, she naturally wouldn't believe it was Tang Wulin and the others, but...

elder sister……

Go back, go back to the residence!

"Yun'er, your sister's matter... I'm very sorry, we didn't help you!" Tang Wulin was also very sad, no matter whether it was done by the Sun Moon Federation or not, anyway, he dared to attack the Star Luo Continental warship and captured it. The princess's people are definitely not good people!
Thank you, they also expressed great sympathy and deep sympathy...

"I believe in you!" Dai Yun'er smiled, but when she thought of her poor sister, she felt very sad...

Seeing that Dai Yun'er was sad, Gu Yue also said: "Since the other party wants to take advantage of your sister's status as a princess, she must be very safe!"

No matter who captures Dai Ling'er, this is something Gu Yue is happy to see, because she wants to see a war between mainland and mainland!

Perhaps, it will create opportunities for soul beasts!
Dai Yun'er smiled slightly, I hope so, I hope that her hard-fated sister can be safe...

Everyone comforted Dai Yun'er!
Only the black cat didn't know where it went!
"Do you want to die?"

"In no mood!"

"Then do you miss me?"

"In no mood!"

"That's weird!"

"Hey, don't hit me!"

In a certain place, a black cat sneaked out and was dating a lover, but he hadn't seen him for three months. It was like three autumns, and it was like a seven-year itch...

"Hmph, Dai Shu and the others are here too!" The cat demon was speechless, why is the black cat kid so impatient?

I haven't seen him for three months, and I found that the black cat has grown a lot!

"What are you afraid of!" The black cat was very domineering, holding its head up and smiling.

Dai Shu and the others also smiled, and then walked out of the room to give Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat some time to be alone. They didn't have much time and couldn't stay longer, because the Xingluo army was searching for suspicious people in the city.

As soon as he went out, the black cat wanted to have a wild kiss!

However, Mao Xiaoyao refused: "It's important, it's important..."

Looking at the black cat's complaining eyes, Mao Xiaoyao smiled wryly, there was no other way, time was running out, and since the black cat and the others were under surveillance, they couldn't come out for too long...


(End of this chapter)

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