The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 257 Servant Princess!

Chapter 257 Servant Princess!


"Xingluo Dalu will definitely not believe that it was done by Douluo Dalu! So, don't contact Snake Seven these days, don't expose yourself!"

Mao Xiaoyao knew that his simple way of kidnapping would definitely make people suspicious, but whether he doubted it or not, Emperor Xingluo must be very upset, because it must have something to do with the Sun Moon Federation.

No money, nothing!

His precious daughter, there is no way to go back!

"All right! Anyway, as long as the rabbit is here!" As soon as the words fell, a cute little white rabbit appeared in front of the black cat's chest.

Rabbit yawned, without much energy, and said: "It's okay, you can pretend that I don't exist, I'm still young, I don't understand anything, hehe." Rabbit smiled, when he first came to Xingluo Continent, She also came and followed the black cat all the time, she was an ordinary rabbit outside, but when no one was around, she was a talking rabbit!
The little cat glared at the rabbit, he didn't even have the good fortune to sleep in this good place, this damned rabbit, hey, he's jealous!
"Huh ╯^╰! Is the princess ugly or beautiful?" The black cat looked at the little demon cat suspiciously, what would this perverted cat do if he had nothing to do by catching a princess?

There are so many princes, just grab one!

"Ugly, really ugly! Our black cat is still more beautiful! I have ordered the princess to be imprisoned, and I am going to make her a servant!" The cat demon smiled, and if there is a war between the two continents, only one The princess can't do it, unless the Sun Moon Federation army really comes to attack the Xingluo Continent's army.

Otherwise, if there is no evidence for a random threat of blame, there will definitely not be a war, and there will be no fight, because it was defeated back then, and the Star Luo Continent is also afraid of the Sun Moon Federation...

"Hmph, then when are you coming!" Black Cat is more concerned about this issue, chatting and discussing boringly, no peers of her age are her opponents, it's so boring, every day is very boring, and there is no cat demon here!
"I will come here often. Snake Seven has already told me the locations of some large mines. I will come when I have time. Moreover, the sea spirit beasts have become our allies now!" the cat demon told the black cat, the sea soul Regarding the matter of the beast, and the matter of the ghost grass, they no longer lack ghost grass, but they lack some powerful allies.

However, the soul beast in the sea is preparing for the big transfer in the future!
Time is fast and urgent, there is no time to do something, the little cat is gone!Because the black cat is under surveillance and cannot disappear for too long.


When leaving, Mao Xiaoyao's warship was overcrowded!Snake Seven has done a great thing, a group of talents from Star Luo Continent will be sent to the underground base soon!

As for the talent of the Shadow Ghost Shark King, hehe, let him find it himself!Anyway, with so many people coming and going back and forth at sea every day, there must be talented people!


Inside the ship, hundreds of people were detained in the same place, each with a straw mat, looking like a tourist, not like a kidnapping with any problem.

However, this is a huge metal cage!

Magic Metal!Thighs are so thick!

On the other side, in a separate luxurious cage, Dai Linger was specially imprisoned inside. She was sleeping just now, but now she just woke up, and found her compatriots, who were also caught on this boat...

A few she knew...

Soon, everyone knew Dai Ling'er's identity, and Her Royal Highness was arrested?
Everyone was clamoring, trying to attack...

Suddenly, Zizi...

Which one is near the metal pillar, which one is electrocuted...

Seeing the people lying on the ground covered in smoke, everyone was stunned and scared, not daring to try anything!
However, the poor princess is just opposite!What to do, what to do, they want to rescue Her Royal Highness!
"What are you arguing about!" At this moment, the cat demon came, he was a cruel devil in the eyes of everyone!
Mao Xiaoyao came by himself, originally wanted to see if these people were safe, but never thought that he would see the stupid coin attacking the cage, it is funny to think about it!
Everyone glared at Mao Xiaoyao one by one, none of them were controlled by the extraction of souls, only the Mao Xiaoyao could control the method of extracting souls!
Snake Seven is at most drugged and confused!

"Who the hell are you, why did you arrest our princess, and why did you arrest us!"

"What is your purpose? If you don't let us go, wait for our Star Luo army to come, and you will die!"

"Yeah, let us go..."

Everyone chattered non-stop, and the chaos was like a vegetable market. Some people scolded the little cat, and some set up to spit on the little cat!
It's a pity that it's too far away to spit out!

"Hehe!" The little cat laughed, and a green glass slowly fell down, instantly isolating everything, this special glass can't see what's going on outside, but what's going on inside can be seen from the outside.

"Stop..." Dai Linger was also angry, because at this moment, those people were being smoked by some unknown gas, tears filled their eyes, coughed violently, and they all seemed very uncomfortable!
Looking at the miserable appearance of those people inside, the little cat is hehe, very happy, before arriving at the underground base, these people must be obedient, otherwise, it will be more difficult to extract the soul, forced extraction, but it will kill people!

"What the hell is your name? Don't you think so too?" The cat demon opened the luxurious cage. The place where the unlucky princess lives is not a cage, but a room. The walls are not glass, but a wall made of metal. Even Contra can't get out of the wall!
However, there is not a single Contra here!
The little cat was used to imprison this unlucky princess. At first he thought it was Dai Yuner, but suddenly a Dai Linger appeared!

Dai Yuner, this little girl, the cat demon has always wanted to kill her, and it is not allowed to make trouble later on, Gu Yuena, that is Gu Yuena, the cat demon does not want to come to Gu Yue Yunna again!
"What are you going to do!" Dai Linger was terrified, the metal wall that suddenly appeared cut off everything, and this place turned into a real room. In the room, there were only her and Mao Xiaoyao, a lonely man and a widow...

"What do you think I can do!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled. At this time, he looked like a Mao Xiaoyao, handsome and handsome, not Mao Da's ugly, bad guy who belonged to the second prince!

Dai Linger was terrified, and fell into despair with her arms folded. Now she has fallen into a tiger's den with nowhere to go, and the other party can do whatever she wants...
Going back has become a desire!
But, will the other party let him go?
probably not!

"Looking good, beautiful and cute, you will be a maid and assistant for me from now on!"

The little cat hooked Goudai Linger's soft little chin, and said with a sinister smile: "But, if you are disobedient, those people just now will die one by one because of you. If you don't believe me, you can try!"

People from Xingluo Continent need a manager and a core, and the core of the manager must be Dai Linger, because she is a princess, and she is a manager outside, where there is no one, she is the cat demon servant!
With this princess, those people will not want to betray, because someone needs to protect the princess!
"If you do this, God will punish you!" Dai Ling'er cried T﹏T, tears ran across the corners of her eyes, and dripped on Mao Xiaoyao's hands, with despair, pain, and restless eyes, she looked at the cat stubbornly Little demon.

(End of this chapter)

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