The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 306 Before leaving!

Chapter 306 Before leaving!


"Go back! Go home!"

Seeing that Li Qingxian and the others had gone away, Mao Xiaoyao fell into deep thought, thinking about something vaguely, his face was sometimes sad, sometimes happy, and his mood was unstable.

Gently looking back at the black cat next to him, Mao Xiaoyao drove the suspension to land on the ground, the two got out of the car, and the suspension vehicle lifted into the air and stood by, he smiled and said: "Well, but we have to wait, we have to do the last thing Things have a beginning and an end!" As soon as the words fell, a huge figure appeared, and Obogu came, as the leader of the Lieshan tribe, he possessed supreme power, and as the hero of the Fujishan tribe, he enjoyed supreme honor, and all of this It was given by the cat demon.

As for him himself, a wisp of soul is in the hands of the cat demon, controlled like a tiger in chains.

You can scream as much as you want, but it's still useless.

The black cat is very unhappy. At this time, what is this orc suddenly doing?

"Am I calling you Agu, or what?" Obogu didn't see the real appearance of Mao Xiaoyao until today. For this mysterious guy, he should be able to kill this mysterious guy head-on based on his strength. Unfortunately, now that he is under control, he can't do that. Do.

"Let me re-introduce, my name is Mao Xiaoyao!" Looking at Obogu, Cat Xiaoyao smiled slightly, and said: "Now, I am the owner of this big forest, I hope the leader of Obogu can cooperate more, you orc tribe There are a lot of resources!"

The orc tribe lived in the mountains. However, the Mist Continent was rich in resources, and the Fujishan tribe was simply unable to exploit them. Relying on the technology of the dwarves alone was far from enough.

However, the same is true for human society. The forging technology is immature and metal resources are wasted. The Misty Continent is like a fertile field that no one cares about, with only a few bugs.

"Cat demon?" Obogu looked at the cat demon, human?Or what?I have been used for so long, what is the reason?

"If I say no, will you agree?" Obergol smiled wryly. He was controlled, and it was not difficult for the cat demon to force himself to control himself.

"Of course I don't agree!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and the Fujiyama tribe is already very good. The Xinxingdou Great Forest is so big. According to the reproduction speed of the soul beasts, the soul beasts don't know how many years they can reproduce before they can regenerate the Xinxingdou Great Forest. full.

The only thing Mao Xiaoyao envies is that some soul beasts can live for a long time, such as million-year soul beasts, 10-year soul beasts, 1-year soul beasts...

In the Yaozu, the million-year-old monsters are basically old monsters, the 10-year-old monsters are all bosses, the 1-year-old monsters are basically patriarchs, and the thousand-year-old monsters are basically normal monsters...

Obergol sighed, he knew...

"Akash is a good guy, put him to good use, and hand over Karl Village to you, and you can also use Karl Village as an example to reform the orcs!" The cat demon said: "Otherwise, you will be wiped out by humans in the future, forever. Do not underestimate human creativity!"

Li Qingxian stayed by her side for a year, saw herself using a soul tool, and secretly took one, these things, Mao Xiaoyao saw it all.

However, he didn't stop it!
Because, once human beings mastered something, then the orcs who threatened them the most would inevitably suffer death, war, and genocide!
However, what the little cat taught the orcs will also make the orcs stronger, and the armor of the three warriors in Cal Village will definitely give the dwarves a new research direction.

Of course, it will take time, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years is not necessarily the case, maybe ten thousand years...

As for soul beasts, they can reap the benefits of fishing!
"I will keep it in mind!" Obogu felt that the little cat had no malice towards him, but more of a feeling that a god looked at mortals, but, obviously, his realm was higher than that of the little cat...

"Before you leave, I'll give you something! I wish you an early unification of the Fujiyama tribe!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, holding a pair of Taoist armor, yes armor, just a single armor, not a battle armor, nor an armor , nor is it a mech.

Pure: Monster Race Dao Artifact!
Armor is like clothes, you can take it off as you want, but it has the ability to make Obogru invincible!Crushed by the same realm...

And a giant axe, which is also a Taoist weapon of the Yaozu!
"This..." Obogu has seen the armor of the three hundred warriors in Karl Village. It is simply a defensive treasure. The ax is also very sharp. There is no disadvantage in charging, and the enemy can only be frightened!

Touching, touching, Obogu suddenly felt a little unreal, why is the little cat so nice to him?
"Remember to soak your own blood before using it!" The cat demon summoned the Spirit-Eyed Eagle, and the Spirit-Eyed Eagle came, drove the hover car, landed slowly, and slowly left this place under the stunned expression of "O" on Obogu's face...


"Soak in blood..." Obogu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the magic weapon was really extraordinary...

Obogu saw too many things today, and couldn't digest them all at once. Anyway, everything that the little cat possesses cannot be resisted by orcs...

Fortunately, Mao Xiaoyao has no intention of seeking hegemony, otherwise...

Holding the armor and giant axe, Obogu smiled wryly. Anyway, he counted himself on this thief ship. Without the cat demon, he would probably be dead...

Son too!

Sometimes it's nice to be a puppet, to do your own thing quietly and have it all!

On the suspension car, the black cat and the spirit-eyed eagle chatted non-stop. There were too many topics between the two girls, and they couldn't finish the chat. Only the little cat was laughing all the time.

"Xiao Yao, what are you laughing at?" The black cat of the co-pilot was a little puzzled, his purple eyes rolled around, a little happy, is he finally going back to Xingdou Village?I can finally see you all.

The Spirit-Eyed Eagle was also puzzled. Since getting on the levitation car, the cat demon has been laughing all the time. What is the reason?

Why do you keep laughing?
"Ahem!" the little cat stroked his nose, and said, "I was just thinking, soaking in blood, would that Obogul really soak his armor in his own blood! Haha, that's bloodletting..."

Mao Xiaoyao is very bad, very bad, two drops of blood, but actually lied to others that it was soaked in blood...

However, the orcs are large in size and probably have a lot of blood, so there seems to be no problem...

"Pfft..." The black cat and the spirit-eyed eagle kept laughing, like two beautiful blooming sunflowers, so sunny, so cute, their laughter filled the suspension car, clutching their stomachs, they didn't expect Mao Xiao Demon, so bad, soaked in blood?
It is obvious that there is no need to soak the blood, but Obogu was actually deceived by the cat goblin. I don't know if Obogu will lose too much blood at that time...

Picture, think about it.

"Eh..." The cat demon scratched his head, thinking it was a prank on the spur of the moment. However, this prank was worthwhile for Obogru, because that piece of armor would become an important force for Obogru to unify and dominate the Fujiyama tribe!
He will thank the cat demon!
However, Star Dou Village has finally arrived...


(End of this chapter)

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