The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 307 Today's Star Dou Village!

Chapter 307 Today's Star Dou Village!

"We're back!"

The atmosphere exclusive to Xingdou Village!
The levitation vehicle landed in the center of Xingdou Village Square. At this moment, the soul beasts had already surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors. The leader came back, so they naturally had to welcome him!
The black cat and the spirit-eyed eagle stepped off the suspension car and embraced Dai Shu warmly!

Everyone is here!

Mao Xiaoyao also got off the suspension car, looked up at the sky, and glanced at the changes that have taken place in Xingdou Village in the past year, feeling a little emotional, commercial street, residential area, agricultural area, technology area, entertainment area...

Now the lives of the soul beasts seem to be very good, they have everything, they don't need to think about anything, and the human beings here can't hurt them...

The applications of soul guides can be seen everywhere, Mao Xiaoyao even saw a little soul beast playing with a soul guide toy, it was a small remote control tank...

And, each of the soul beasts has a communicator!Aesthetic new clothes, and trying to learn about human diet and so on, these are the changes...

"Leader!" All the soul beasts bowed in unison and said in unison: "Welcome home!"

There are new soul beasts and old soul beasts here, some you know and some you don't!However, they all know one person in common, that is Mao Xiaoyao, the person who saved them from water and fire...

Mao Xiaoyao's eyes were red, and his vision was blurred. Seeing this shocking scene, as a man, he should strengthen himself, with less tears and more strength, but this touch...

"Yeah! I'm back!" the cat demon smiled, and said to the surrounding soul beasts: "I'm back!"

The voice resounded like a Star Village, yes, he is back!One year, he himself has been away for one year, time flies so fast...

Tang Wulin, you should be ready to come back!At that time, the grievances and grievances will be settled together!
Talking and laughing, making trouble together.

The soul beasts began to prepare for the party, to welcome the little cat and the black cat. Today, when the little cat came back, Dai Shu had already arranged everything, and like the little cat, he would report everything about Xingdou Village, as well as the situation on the Douluo Continent. trend.


"You are a little irresponsible as the leader. Dai Shu is managing everything." Yan Wuhua also came back with the soul beast special operations team. The mission in the fog continent was very successful. Successfully completed the training course, each team member completed very well.

as well as……

A rabbit that chomps down on meat!Eating meat rabbits?I read it right, I didn't eat the carrot next to me, but I started to eat meat...




The painting style is wrong, four-year-old cute baby, so can you eat it?

"Grandma wants to eat a big meal, damn it, what kind of weeds do you eat all day long, it's terrible!" The rabbit ate meat and wanted to drink secretly, but naturally he didn't allow it, and the black cat next to her gave her carrot juice.

Everyone is there, everything is there.

Dai Shu, Da Hei Niu, Hu Lili, Pangolin, Big Cat...

are there!

Dai Shu drank a glass of wine, which was brewed by the soul beast herself. After drinking a lot, her face turned red, and she said, "Actually, everything I do is arranged by the little demon..." Dai Shu was a little embarrassed Dao, it is indeed the plan arranged by Mao Xiaoyao, she is just an implementer, in fact, the core of the soul beasts is still Mao Xiaoyao.

Looking at Yan Wuhua, Dai Shu, and everyone, Mao Xiaoyao punished himself with a drink and drank it all: "Indeed, I am a bit unreliable as a leader. For dereliction of duty, I will punish myself with a cup!" After the cup fell, the soul beasts also toasted and drank it all in one gulp, and then gulped down the meat!
More fish, as well as common poultry breeding brought from the Douluo Continent!This is the path that must be taken for development. In the past, the soul beasts did not have their spiritual intelligence, and they were all eating me and I eating you, killing each other, but now it is different!
Each of their soul beasts is a master!
Grain is also planted on a large scale nowadays. From not paying attention to it in the past, to the bumper harvest of grain now, the soul beast has experienced a lot and understands a lot!
Dai Shu said: "Come back this time, you..." Dai Shu had a premonition that Mao Xiaoyao would leave Xingdou Village again soon...

The big square of Xingdou Village can accommodate thousands of people. At this moment, everyone is eating here in the square to clean up the dust for the leader, Mao Xiaoyao!
Singing and dancing, joyous.

The big cat also asked: "Could it be possible, are you going to the Douluo Continent again?" He knew the purpose of the little cat all along. .

Everyone looked at the cat demon.

"I am very relieved that there is Dai Shu in Xingdou Village!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the soul beasts and said, "There are many brothers and sisters suffering in the Sun Moon Federation, and our king is still fighting, we can't just stay here It's just for pleasure!" Some grudges, some things can't be forgotten, come from the revenge of the little cat, Shrek Academy must pay the price.

Humans too!

And, there was a girl who had been waiting for him for a year. He had to protect her and protect her tightly...

and friends...

Mao Xiaoyao raised his glass and drank it down, poured the wine, and continued to drink, feeling innumerable depressions in his heart, very uncomfortable.

Seeing something strange, the black cat held his hand lightly, buried it in his arms, and leaned against him quietly.

The soul beasts all know that their companions are still living under the threat of humans, and they are just a little lucky to be rescued first...

"I want to go back!"

"Me too!"

"We must save everyone!"

The soul beasts were talking one after another, all talking about going to save their companions, coveting comfort and pleasure, not their style of soul beasts, they will follow the arrangement of the little cat to rescue those brothers and sisters!
"I'm going too, I'm going to kill a few humans!" The little rabbit blushed, probably drank a little wine secretly, and said a little wobbly, very cute, and hiccups from time to time...

The lively little rabbit naturally made everyone laugh.

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the black cat in his arms, and looked at everyone, and smiled, saying everything without saying a word, drinking, the purpose of tonight is to drink!
late at night!

The cat demon was drunk, and with the help of the black cat and Dai Shu, she returned home, yes home...

"This is according to the little demon's order. This is your home!" Dai Shu brought the cat demon and the black cat to a house with a completely different architectural style from the surrounding ones, referred to as: big villa!With a yard and everything, this is arguably the best house in the village!

After all, it is the house of the village chief.

"Thank you!" Black Cat smiled happily, looking at Mao Xiaoyao with a happy smile, home, her and Mao Xiaoyao's home, they also have a home...

Tears fell, the black cat cried, they had a home, and they had a home.

"This is what I should do!" Dai Shu smiled.

The black cat was moved and also smiled.

After they helped Mao Xiaoyao into the house, Dai Shu left!
Because, she also has a home, a home of her own!A home where you can rest when you are tired and sleepy!A warm family, the only pity is that she is the only one in the family, a bit lonely.


(End of this chapter)

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