The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 327 The world bully cat demon!

Chapter 327 The world bully cat demon!

"I don't want to? I have to take it away too!" Maoxiaomao smiled wickedly, the woman he Maoxiaoyao likes, no matter who she is, whether she is willing or not, I will take it away!
After all, the human world is so dangerous now!
"You are so beautiful!" The black cat rolled his eyes and smiled, a little unhappy, after all, it is such a painful thing to share the cat demon with another woman.

"Humans, soul beasts!" Mao Xiaoyao said calmly. He looked at the busy pier below, unloading. Humans are transporting a batch of rare metals to Mingdu. Mao Xiaoyao, who has first-line information, naturally doesn't want to miss this delicious food. cake!
If you want to defeat human beings, you must start with the supply of all resources and destroy some military bases. Of course, the cat demon at this moment can't be so crazy. There are too many masters in the military base, so you can't go there to make trouble now!
However, the cat demon and the black cat can still cause a little trouble to humans by making troubles to divert attention. After all, two people can freely go in and out of any place and pretend to be anyone.

And, examine the scientific and technological strength of human beings!Prepare for future wars!

"Let's go!" The black cat was the first to land, jumped out of the suspension vehicle, landed at a high speed, summoned the civet armor, joined together, turned on the flight mode, sprayed blue flames, plopped, and escaped into the sea!

"Wait for me!" The cat demon was a little slow, and then summoned his own evil cat armor, Taoist level, and landed at the same speed, plopped, entered the sea and began to go to the trading port...


The trading port is very large, similar to the transactions belonging to the official flagship store of the Sun Moon Federation, all metals required by the government, and the quality is basically the best rare metals.

After all, the entire Sun Moon Federation's minerals are under the control of the federal government, and no one can interfere. No matter how awesome Shrek Academy is, it's only in Shrek City!

After so many years of development, Shrek City doesn't have any resources, all resources have to rely on foreign transportation, and the recent transactions with the other two continents.

Through Snake Seven, Mao Xiaoyao learned something. Usually, the three continents are trading something. Today's information is what Snake Seven told Mao Xiaoyao. This ship is full of rare metals!
It is very important to humans, and so are soul beasts!
all need!
"Hey, have you heard? That evil soul master, the cat demon, has recently come out to make trouble again, and it seems to be making a big fuss at the Shrek Academy's Sea God Fated Blind Date."

"Tch, did you know? Hehe, the little cat in Shrek Academy is more than just making a fuss. He even pointed at Qingtian Douluo's nose and cursed, what a fucking wife!"

"Threatening someone's wife, don't you think it's terrible?"

"So awesome?"

"Yeah yeah."

A few ordinary workers are driving the industrial mecha, carrying and unloading the goods. With the help of this kind of industrial mecha, the unloading speed is very fast!
There are very few people, a dozen or so, and most of them are working!It's just that the guards are very powerful. There are several Contras, all three-word combat armor masters, on patrol...

Before, the cat demon threatened them too much, every time the rare metals were stolen and robbed, now, the Sun Moon Federation had to send more people to protect them, and the five Contras made the cat demon's scalp tingle.

And the ten soul sages, who are also two-word combat armor masters, are about to step into the three-character combat armor masters, each with a serious expression, and there is no intention of being lazy at all!
"What should we do? There are too many guards, we can't do it directly!" The black cat peeked out from the water, observed the situation in the port, and found that there were many guards, and each guard was very powerful. One or two might be able to deal with it, but , so many people, they can't beat them at all!

There are no spirit beasts in the sea to help. After all, this is not the area of ​​the East China Sea, nor is it the territory of the little cats. He has not tried to subdue the spirit beasts in the sea here. Those spirit beasts with simple intelligence will naturally not listen to him!
"Come in in disguise, it's up to those people to give you a chance!" Mao Xiaoyao saw those rare metals piled up into mountains, drooling, he wanted it very much, as long as he was allowed to get close, it only took a few seconds, those rare metals can disappear.

After all, using the soul guidance technology in this world, Mao Xiaoyao has already refined a very powerful magic weapon for storage: the space bag!

At present, the little cat has one of these things. Although the level is not very good, the space inside is very large. A small mountain can still accommodate it!

"But, those people don't seem to have any intention of leaving..." The black cat frowned slightly, seeing that the workers didn't seem to have any intention of leaving. When they were tired, they rested together and didn't run around at all...

Don't give me a chance.

In this way, they cannot pretend to be workers and enter the port to steal those metal ores. After all, with so many powerful guards, they must not be able to defeat them!

Contra, three-word combat armor master, that is the crushing of strength, and three-character combat armor, Mao Xiaoyao has never underestimated the profession of a battle armor master!

Contra and Three-word Battle Armor Master are the ones who crush them!
"Hitting east and west!" Mao Xiaoyao pointed to the sky, a place invisible to the naked eye in the sky, where the hover car is in place, ready to launch an attack at any time, to attack this trading port!

However, the defensive weapons possessed by this trading port don't seem to be vegetarian...

All kinds of air defense, anti-ground, and a bunch of soul guides, just afraid of people's attacks!

"What do you mean?"The black cat is a bit of a monk who is a little sticky, and he is confused about what the cat demon said!
"..." The little cat was speechless =_=, so he could only explain what it meant to be a slapstick. After the black cat seemed to understand, he began to think about countermeasures...

"No, what about those anti-aircraft soul guides? The hover vehicle uses soul missiles to attack, and those anti-aircraft soul guides will definitely fight back. At that time, there will be no success in the attack, and we will be exposed instead!" The black cat looked at those anti-aircraft soul guides. It's abominable to go up with a claw and grab a piece of shit. This is a difficult problem.

"There are little ants!" The cat demon suddenly smiled. Under the armor, he didn't see his cheap smile. Anyway, he is very cheap, so cheap that people can't help but beat him up!
"Little ant?" The black cat also smiled, as if thinking of something, I don't know if it was infected, anyway, she smiled very cheaply, just like a cat demon!
What exactly are ants?
"Xiaoxuan, let the ants come down!" Mao Xiaoyao began to contact the floating car spirit above, Xiaoxuan, that is the name of the floating car spirit.

As the soul steward of the cat demon's suspension vehicle, Xiaoxuan possesses the same wisdom as a 16-year-old human being, and there is no problem in bragging and chatting normally.

Will learn, will grow, very scary!
Mechanical Eldar! ! !

"I know, launch the army of ants right away, are the little ants ready? Let us together..." Xiao Xuan seemed to be a chatterbox, talking non-stop, the loli voice is so cute...

"..." The black cat was speechless, she definitely didn't teach it, she didn't have so many words.

The cat demon coughed a few times, this soul is a bit cute, very individual...


An entrance was opened in the suspension car, and the army of ants began to airborne, densely packed, estimated to be several thousand, each ant flapped its wings, flew, and began to land...

For specific tasks, they can only know what they need to do when they are next to the little cat!
 The army of ants came up with a solution after seeing Ant-Man.

(End of this chapter)

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