The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 328 Cat Demons Are Everywhere!

Chapter 328 Cat Demons Are Everywhere!
"Team one, team two, team three..."

Looking at the dense army of ants, Mao Xiaoyao was looking at how many ants there were, and the intelligent analysis helmet quickly gave the answer, 500, five teams, these are ants from Shrek Academy.

Their nests are still under the Sea God Pavilion, and the cat demon borrowed 500 flying ants from the ant queen to serve as some special squads.

The queen ant happily agreed, after all, the little cat rewarded them with elixirs, allowing the whole group to evolve once again, and naturally following the little cat would not be without that treatment!

The food that Mao Xiaoyao feeds the ants is basically pill powder, let them absorb and evolve, even if they absorb too much, they have to take it slowly, the ants can't bear it.

However, in addition to being able to bite, today's ants also possess deadly nerve venom with tail needles, which is very terrifying, and they are simply experts in sneak attacks and assassinations!

"There are 500 ants here, it seems that they have evolved well! Each one is so powerful!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the ants on the mechanical arm and couldn't help being happy, because the ants understood his commands!This is the secret weapon. In the future, bees, wasps, etc., may all try it.

"Amazing!" The black cat also looked at it. After all, that is the special ability only possessed by the cat demon. It can communicate with all things, and she can't do those things by herself.

The ants listened to the little cat, and of course occasionally obeyed their own orders, but they still mainly listened to the little cat, after all, they were fed by the little cat himself!

"You want to use the ants to destroy those defensive soul guides?" The black cat suddenly understood what the little cat meant. It seemed a very good thing to use the ants to destroy them. After all, no one would doubt The destructive power of an ant!
However, ants have that destructive power, and the destructive power is very powerful!

"Yeah!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and then took out a piece of corn grain size. This is a small armed soul guide bomb he developed. 20 pieces can form a soul guide bomb, which is very powerful...

Don't underestimate it, there is a monster circle inside, and the explosive power is doubled. After all, ants can install bombs inside...

This inspiration comes from a movie Mao Xiaoyao watched before: Ant-Man! The protagonist in (Ant-Man) is to use the army of ants to make trouble.

It looks very domineering!

It's the same with the little cat now, it's just that the little cat can't become as small as an ant, otherwise, it will be the same!
"One by one, let's go!" The cat demon has already conveyed his meaning. Each team has a captain, and each captain can communicate with the cat demon. instruction!

It is such a system, the cat demon can freely direct the ants how to plant the bomb.

The ants nodded, started assembling bombs one by one, and flew to the port!


Unknowingly, 500 ants started to move, and they were heading to those anti-aircraft turrets to plant bombs. Every place where bombs are placed is basically inside the turret, entering from the barrel, and installed inside...


The Contras still watched the employees work very seriously, but their attention was always on those ores and to see if there were any suspicious persons.

Once there is any suspicious person, they will not hesitate to take action to obliterate all unstable factors. After all, this batch of ore is very important...

In about 30 minutes, the army of ants completed the task, returned to the suspension car, entered their exclusive place, and continued to absorb the pill powder...

"Xiaoxuan, when the explosion starts below, don't stop there, don't save me ammunition, and blow up those bastards!" Mao Xiaoyao saw that it was meal time, and the ordinary workers went to eat by themselves, but The guards are still inseparable, and have no intention of leaving.

The cat demon hates such serious human beings very much, because they will be invulnerable. Unfortunately, the even more invulnerable cat demon has already started to act.

Assemble the bomb and enter the countdown: 987654321!

Soul of the hovering vehicle: "Understood, I will definitely bomb them and cry, please don't worry!" At this time, the hovering vehicle has aimed at the place where the Contras are, and the moment the explosion starts below, the soul missiles here will also fall precisely... …

At the same time, ten small soul-guided drones were released, controlled by the soul, and at the same time, the drones were equipped with Barrett's soul-guided sniper rifles, one shot after another, aiming at those Contras...

Basically, they are immortal and injured!

"Start!" The corner of Mao Xiaoyao's mouth was raised, the human army, what are they going to use to fight against his army?He felt that such a fighting method was a bit like cheating. Although it was a bit shameless, it was still very exciting to think about it!

The black cat also entered the battle preparations, a soul guide gun appeared in the armor's hand, it was already aiming, ready to fire at any time, and killed the group of guards!
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep...

"Brother, why don't you go have a few drinks? The cat demon must not dare to come to our port. After all, it must be so tight that no fly dares to fly in!" said a small-faced Contra.

Big-faced Soul Douluo said: "This is the rare metal that the Second Prince asked us to protect. The value is not something you and I can afford. Be patient. Wait a minute, and the Second Prince's troops will come to receive it." He faintly There is a bad feeling.

After all, the ship arrived at the port one day earlier, and the second prince's army did not arrive in time, and this was all arranged by Snake Seven.

Arrived one day earlier, so that the Second Prince would not have time for the army to come, so that Mao Xiaoyao had a chance today, otherwise, when the army came, Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat would have no chance.

"Okay! Let's wait for now!" Xiaolian Contra gave up, so bear with it!After a while, the second prince's army will take over everything here, and they can relax.

Mao Xiaoyao still cannot underestimate the army's combat capability. After all, their current strength has not reached the point where they can crush everything.

Still have to develop!However, Mao Xiaoyao is not a black cat, not like her kind of pervert... She has three million-year soul rings on her body, except for her own ten-year soul ring, the rest are million-year soul rings...

It's very terrifying, this is a talent that others cannot envy, even the little cat and demon can't fuse the million-year-old soul that he snatched from the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda!

The soul is willing and will not resist, but the little cat just can't merge...

Maybe mental power is not strong enough?
Maybe that's a person's talent, maybe the black cat is born suitable for the fusion of a million-year-old soul, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When it comes to fighting, the little cat will be pressed to the ground by the black cat and beaten violently. After all, with the blessing of three million-year-old souls, just ask you if it's scary or not?
Every move is a million soul skills, one move, one move, makes people's scalp numb...

However, the cat demon who possesses the spirit transmission technique can upgrade the soul, the soul ring for free!

 At present, humans have begun to develop [-] souls on a large scale, which is the soul seed technology that Mao Xiaoyao gave to Gu Yue. Gu Yue is used to control human soul masters, which is similar to the original book.

(End of this chapter)

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