The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 329 Rare Metals!

Chapter 329 Rare Metals!


An explosion came first, breaking the tranquility of the air, and then it sounded like thunder, a big explosion that shook the sky, and scattered dust...

The assembled bombs installed on the anti-aircraft soul guide began to explode, a series of explosions, one after another, which caught the guards off guard and did not know what was going on!
"There are enemies, hurry up and ask for help!" The long-faced Contra looked ugly, and the explosion caused a fire all over the sky, but where did the fire come from, this smell, could it be...

Combustible fuel?
Suddenly, it started to explode again...

The little-faced Contra had just stabilized his body when an explosion almost chilled him. Rumble hit the metal plate hard and spat out a mouthful of blood. He didn't forget to instruct his subordinates not to panic and guard the rare metals, just wait for the second prince's army.

Don't panic...

Attack, why can't I see it?

Where did the attack come from?

"Brother, what should we do? I don't know why, there was a sudden explosion, and all our soul guides lost their function in an instant. The sky was full of flames, and everything was isolated again!" The little-faced Contra was very anxious, clutching his chest, obviously seriously injured , he heard the painful screams of his subordinates, but what was the situation, what happened, and why did it explode?
All kinds of soul guides have lost their function, which makes the port defense lose all functions in an instant. Without the defense of soul guide weapons, how to defend against the opponent's attack?
Here comes another big bombing...

The long-faced Contra's complexion changed, and he pushed the small-faced Contra, bang!Instantly, the battle armor possessed his body, and a metal bullet hit the metal part of the battle armor on Long-faced Contra's face...

A moment of life and death!

Before the little-faced Contra could react to what was going on, an attack exclusively for levitating souls came!The seventh-level custom-installed soul guides are accurately released, attacking the guards one by one, and attacking all ships one by one...

boom boom boom boom...

The entire port is in the midst of an explosion. During the explosion, there are metal bullets falling all the time. You can't be distracted. To defend against the explosion, you have to defend against the bullets...

Contra also had numbness in his scalp, and began to suffer injuries. Some people were seriously injured by the explosion, so the bullets were used to make up for the damage!


During the fire explosion, two metal figures appeared, entering the range of rare metals...

"A group of idiots, this is just promising, a few explosions are so scary? Next time the big baby appears, let's see what you do!" A hover car can only be equipped with seventh-level soul missiles, and the cat demon can only install simple ones. Attack method, after all, this is just a means of transportation.

Not really a fighter!
If it's a fighter jet, at least level eight soul missiles, and all kinds of destructive weapons! ! !
Fighter planes and all special weapons, Mao Xiaoyao will not expose them to the human world before going to war with humans!
Those are all secret weapons, and they definitely won't let humans secretly learn them to deal with spirit beasts instead!

"Hurry up! Otherwise, when those humans react, we will be discovered, and then it will not be so easy, the other party is Contra!" The black cat's eyes were shining, as if seeing a bunch of Like grilled fish, it has already begun to store rare metals. Mao Xiaoyao also gave her a space bag, but it is the version of the soul tool, which can be used with a trace of soul power, unlike the one of Mao Xiaoyao, which is very complicated. Must need demon power!
At this moment, she is like a little money fan, holding a soul guide space bag, and is collecting rare metals...

"Yeah!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, took out his extra-large interspatial bag, and began to pack rare metals.

Rare metals, rare metals, are very rare, and I don't know why the second prince has so many.

Moreover, with so many rare metals, one mecha unit can be equipped, and it is still a thousand-man mecha unit!
Second Prince, what are you going to do?
Rare metals here seem to be very worthless and piled up into mountains, so naturally the little cat will not be polite!
Seeing that it is naturally received, there is nothing to say, several words: "It's all mine!"

Ordinary metal is also accepted!
Just as Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat were selflessly collecting rare metals, an attack fell, and the powerful soul power fluctuated, which was sensed by Mao Xiaoyao. He held the last piece of metal, one sideways dodged, and the back of the armor sprayed blue flames. Teleport to dodge the attack!
The black cat's reaction is also very fast, the backhand is an energy cannon, counterattack!Bang, hit the opponent hard, and at the same time quickly moved to the side of the little cat.

You're done, ready to retreat anytime!

"Damn it, you two should be damned, you actually stole the rare metals from His Highness the Second Prince, are you two tired of living!" Long-faced Contra's arm was bloody, dripping with blood, as if he had been hit by a bullet. If he was hit, the bullet would definitely not be able to penetrate the battle armor, so it was before he put on the battle armor!
The little-faced Contra and a few unlucky guys didn't have such good luck. They died in the bombing, no one was seriously injured, and they were shot by sniper rifles!

Now there is only one long-faced monk and a few soul saints left!Three-word battle armor master, two-word battle armor master, Contra, soul saint!
After thinking about it, Mao Xiaoyao thought that he was still no match, and the opponent obviously wanted to delay time and wait for the rescue team.

"Where are your brothers? Why are there only a few of them? Where are they all going?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help mocking. In today's Douluo Continent, the soul guide is the master of all powers. How powerful is it?So what if a god-level, 12-level custom-installed soul missile?
If it is something of the artifact level, can it completely destroy a God Realm?
Mao Xiaoyao suddenly had such a bold idea, this idea seems to be good, who would dare to mess with him then?If you don't accept it, it's just a god-level soul missile passing by, and you will be completely out of your wits!
"Mao Xiaoyao?" The long-faced Contra gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of anger. Although Mao Xiaoyao was wearing armor at the moment and didn't show his true face, he still thought of Mao Xiaoyao!
Because, only Mao Xiaoyao has that ability, dare two people come to grab rare metals!
"If you don't want to change your name, if you don't want to change your surname! It's my cat, what's your business?" The cat demon opened his helmet and showed a very cheap smile. He is so harmless to humans and animals, but in fact he is a scourge.

The black cat also stowed away the rare metals, and at the same time ordered the spirit of the levitation vehicle, remember to observe the vicinity, and if any human army approaches, immediately notify them and cover them to retreat at the same time!

"It is said that you can escape under Qingtian Douluo intact. Today, I want to see how you face a Contra three-character armor master and so many people!" Long-faced Contra summoned his own martial arts. Hun, this is a huge bear with thick black hair and sharp claws. It is very powerful and frank.

The other soul saints were also about to move, but the black cat raised his hand and hit the hand cannon, instantly calming them down, "Don't move, just move, and you will die!" With a bang, a soul saint was blown away, and the powerful explosion The power can directly make others fall on their backs. The battle armor can defend against explosions, but he still suffers serious internal injuries.

He coughed up blood, and the soul saints didn't dare to act rashly for a moment!Now they were injured one by one in the explosion, and they had to keep an eye on the metal bullets that appeared from nowhere!

It can be said that he is exhausted and tired of coping!

"Everyone can't stop being nervous. My cat demon is not a bad person." The cat demon smiled lightly, seeing those soul saints dare not act rashly, but gathered together to protect their companions, it looked very so What.

Containing so many people at once, this plan is a bit too much!
 I'm not a broken person! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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