The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 330 The Gap with Contra!

Chapter 330 The Gap with Contra!

"Qingtian Douluo? That's just a piece of rubbish. It's very easy to deal with him. In fact, that night was not that intense. I just wanted to snatch a few beautiful girls. I didn't think so much!" Mao Xiaoyao refused With a cheap smile on his face, do human beings pass on their own now?It seems that the rumor is a bit fake, a bit too much...

However, it seems very cool.

That night, Qingtian Douluo was afraid, whether the little cats would plant bombs somewhere, and threaten him with students, otherwise, even ten little cats probably wouldn't be able to escape!
However, due to the second prince's touting of the large army, he directly blows the little cat to the sky, ignites all kinds of fan winds, and describes the little cat as a very awesome character!

The little cat doesn't even believe it...

"Hehe, it's just a sneak attack on shameless people with a false name!" The long-faced Contra controlled the martial soul to attack, and a giant claw, a huge bear paw, slapped the little cat viciously. The bear, as a powerful martial soul, The ability can be said to be very top-notch, and the power is extremely overbearing!
This soul-calling skill: Giant Bear Charge is to rely on the powerful power of the martial soul to fight against the cat demon, and this is a soul skill from a Contra...

The soul skill of a ten thousand year soul ring!It seems that this Contra is not a simple character, there must be something.

However, in the face of the giant bear and giant claw cat, the little demon was not afraid of anything, nor did he avoid anything. Instead, his face was full of joy. Looking at the giant claw, he raised his hand, and the evil cat appeared!

The black wings blocked the giant claws, and the domineering power still made his whole body retreat several steps before he stabilized. However, under the boost of the armor power rune formation, the little cat can still block this terrible attack !

Counter time!

"How is it possible!" Long-faced Douluo's complexion changed, his face was unbelievable, even if he was a three-character combat armor master of the same level, he would not dare to block his terrifying soul skills head-on in front of him, this is a ten thousand-year soul technology!

Thousand years, thousand years, thousand years, thousand years, thousand years, thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand years, his soul rings are basically all thousand years, and there are even two 1 year soul rings.

How could it be possible to lose to a small 68 soul king? Could it be that the rumors are true?Mao Xiaoyao was really arrogant in front of Qingtian Douluo for a while!

Then, pat your ass and leave?
"Your strength is nothing more than that! Contra does not have the boost of the battle armor, so it turns out that the strength is only that little!" Little bears and dogs, cats and demons will not be afraid, but the desperate evil cat can fight the real dragon The existence of Dou is not that kind of lizard, but a real five-clawed dragon!

The bloodline is awakened. At present, Mao Xiaoyao is the only awakened extreme evil cat, so naturally it will not be so weak!
Mao Xiaoyao thinks that Contra, crossing two realms, maybe you can try it!

The black wings flapped, a gust of wind was blown up, dust was flying, and the little cat moved. The black cat was staring at those restless guys, helping the little cat to guard the rear!
The black cat also knew what Mao Xiaoyao did, because when Tang Wulin was testing Tang Wulin's strength that night, when he came back, Mao Xiaoyao had been cultivating crazily...

Tang Wulin, who received the blessing of the Dragon Clan, became even stronger. The previous pride of Mao Xiaoyao disappeared in an instant, replaced by a sense of urgency!

You can lose to anyone, but you can't lose to Tang Wulin!The same thing, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want it to happen repeatedly.

The Nether Ghost Claw has already evolved. In the past three years, Mao Xiaoyao has been to countless places full of yin energy. The purpose is to upgrade it and improve its secret skills.

Surrounded by traces of evil spirit, like a messenger from hell, the cat demon controls the extremely lustful evil cat martial spirit, with a backhand slap, and then ghost shadow steps appear, making him like a ghost, leaving ghosts in the air that are difficult to distinguish between real and fake. Shadow, instantly appeared next to the long-faced Douluo, using the ghost claw!
A black and purple paw full of evil spirits, full of terrifying aura, it is a creepy aura, from the messenger of hell, the humans and orcs who died under this paw, the cat demon has never been lazy in the past three years!

Absorb countless dead souls, it is death!

"Evil Soul Master!" The long-faced Douluo was no longer calm, and he kept Mao Xiaoyao from letting other people help. In fact, he also wanted to take the reward that belonged to Mao Xiaoyao. A god-level mecha...

Prosperity, wealth and luxury equipment, who doesn't want it?

Those soul saints have finally confirmed the identity of the little cat. At this time, they can't wait to rush up, subdue the little cat, and catch him back to receive the reward...

However, regardless of their safety, Long Face Douluo went up alone, wanting to take that reward for himself, and they had to always be on guard against bullets that would attack from nowhere and at what time!
"Hehe, what about evil soul masters? It's not that there are few evil soul masters who died in my hands. Evil guys like you shouldn't exist in this world." Long-faced Douluo faced the ghost Claw also wanted to fight it head-on, it came from his self-confidence as a Contra, but the moment he touched it, he began to regret, it wasn't enough, regret was useless.

The Ghost Claw fell down and grabbed the long-faced Contra's chest fiercely. Just like before, the long-faced cultivator also used the giant bear spirit to resist...

The powerful blood power erupted from Mao Xiaoyao's body, and the Evil Cat Martial Soul was once again strengthened. The evil energy around his body was constantly surrounded and absorbed, turning into strength, and continued to attack!

Long-faced Douluo did not win an overwhelming victory in the duel of power. On the contrary, Mao Xiaoyao's ghost claw completely let him know that he is not the only one who has absolute power!

The soul skill can be used casually, but once the soul skill enters the CD state, then the cat demon will not let this long-faced monk go.

However, in the next battle, under the boost of the Dao weapon armor, the little cat and the long-faced Douluo fought in a [-]-[-] situation. The soul skills of the long-faced cultivator had already lost seven or eighty-eight!

In Mao Xiaoyao's soul skill: Cat's Eye Sight, in front of him he was decomposed and cracked, and when he found a flaw, Mao Xiaoyao put enormous pressure on the long-faced cultivator every time...

As a result, the opponent wanted to use soul skills to end the battle quickly, but when the little cat's black wings blocked it, all attacks seemed so powerless!
Mao Xiaoyao doesn't treat his opponent as a human being, and he didn't use any of the armor's attacks. He was completely using monster spells to fight against the opponent. After all, the opponent didn't use the three-word combat armor, so Mao Xiaoyao naturally had to respect his opponent !
At the same time, test your fighting power, will you be able to defeat a Contra in the Yaozu realm?

Facts have proved that Mao Xiaoyao still has to work hard to practice. If there is no Taoist armor booster, it is impossible for Mao Xiaoyao to fight a Contra!

The spirit of the floating car: "Little monster, little monster, I found a human army heading to the port, it is estimated to arrive in 5 minutes, you have to retreat! I will snipe them!" The reinforcements seen by the spirit of the floating car are real. The army in the army is not a stinky fish and scum, it must be sniped to prevent those people from coming, and give the little cat a little time.

"Little demon, speed up!" On the same channel, the black cat also received a message, telling the cat to quickly deal with it, they want to leave this place!

"Okay!" Mao Xiaoyao frowned, how fast?I haven't played enough with this Contra, how can it be so fast?

"Go to hell!" Long-faced Douluo didn't believe it, and immediately summoned his own three-word combat armor, ready to beat the cat demon, he is a three-word combat armor master, there is no way he can't defeat a little thief!

"Sorry, time is a bit busy, let's call next time, bye bye!" The cat demon smiled, then dropped a few smoke bombs, entered the sea with the black cat, and fled...

"Ahem, stop!" Long-faced Douluo coughed violently a few times, the blood in his chest was churning, and he exploded in an instant, what can a Soul Douluo do against a Soul King?
"See you!" The cat demon and the black cat are now wearing armor, flying blue flame jets, and have already entered the sea. After the hover vehicle soul threw a few soul missiles to those troops, it also came back to meet the cat demon black cat !

It's over, brush your clothes and go!
Wait, why are you dizzy...

The long-faced Douluo's eyes were darkened, and he fell to the ground. The fucking smoke was poisonous...

 Damn it, is it poisonous?

  It's a new month, don't you express it?And, "Ghost King and Great Villain System" is a random fan I wrote casually, if you are interested, check it out, comment and score, you are welcome!
(End of this chapter)

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