Chapter 332 Soul Mecha!


Thousands of forgings have spirits, ten thousand forgings are alive, spirits are formed, and the fusion is successful. The beast-shaped mecha is not just thousands of forgings, ten thousand forgings, nor is it a spirit forging, it is a Taoist weapon!
From Yaozu Artifact Refining Technique!Fusion, they seem to be one body, there are no accidents in the fusion process, everything supervised by Mao Xiaoyao, it is not allowed to have any mistakes.

"Success!" Lin Yuhan said excitedly, his face was full of joy, this is the joy of the participants, after all, this is the result of their hard work!
However, when Lin Yuhan began to adapt to his new body after seeing the successful fusion of souls and souls, Lin Yuhan suddenly fell silent again. This is a killer weapon...

As for what it is used for, for the cat demon, it is probably only war, right?

Lin Yuhan fell into silence.

Hu Niu also came out of the control room. She was also very nervous just now, for fear that she would be punished by the terrifying cat demon when she failed...

"Why are you unhappy?" Looking at the soul mecha, Mao Xiaoyao was happy. Seeing the success of the fusion of souls, she was also very happy. The underground base is not suitable for them. They will go to Xingdou Village and become the patron saint there. In theory, the soul seems to be an immortal body...

A kind of energy body, as long as it is replenished, it will always exist. Of course, that is the theoretical immortality, and the specific cat demon does not know.

However, in the future, the underground base will go all out to manufacture soul mechs, and the other soul guide tasks will be completed by the soul beasts in Xingdou Village, so we must speed up our pace and strengthen our strength.

"Such a terrifying killer weapon, this is a weapon of war. I don't know whether it is right or wrong to make it today!" Lin Yuhan quietly looked at the other soul mechs in envy and confusion, human-shaped, animal-shaped, and some Special models, these are weapons of war, equipped with an army, will be invincible...

So where is this butcher knife swinging?

own home?

Lin Yuhan was silent. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong. In order to survive and leave this place, she actually helped to create such a terrible thing...

"You are worried that these weapons will target your country and your family, right?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the worried expression on Lin Yuhan's face, and knew without thinking what this little girl was worried about.

Mind-peeping technique is not just mind-peeping!

Lin Yu looked at Mao Xiaoyao with tears in his eyes, as if he was suppressing something.

"We have no interest in the Star Luo Empire, nor do I have any interest in unifying the Sun-Moon Federation. I just want to rescue people like you who are trapped somewhere!" On the mainland, the area of ​​the New Star Dou Great Forest is several times that of the Star Dou Great Forest. It is already unknown how many years the soul beasts will be able to reproduce. At that time, the soul beasts will have no fear...

Perhaps, the ruler of the foggy continent will be the soul beast!Not orcs and humans, let alone elves who don't care about anything!

"Really?" Lin Yuhan was suddenly happy. If that was the case, then she would not feel so much guilt...

However, I am still worried.

Huniu is very calm, no matter what, she is just a tester, and she usually eats a lot, so she doesn't understand anything about those big things.

"As long as they don't mess with me! Of course I won't touch them! Hehe, but the Sun Moon Federation is different, they will pay the price they deserve!" Mao Xiaoyao sneered, he knew that Gu Yue and the others were not focusing on the Star Luo Continent , but on the Douluo Continent, this is the beginning of everything, and the key to competing for this is.

Lin Yuhan was silent again, he didn't want to talk, he was so tired, he didn't know why, so he went to the entertainment area with Hu Niu to eat something...

So annoying!
Looking at the two girls who left, Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, the future is uncertain, who knows what will happen?
Then he went to the beast-shaped mecha that had just successfully fused, looked at it, looked at it carefully, and looked at it seriously, "From today on, you will be called Iron Tiger!" Iron Tiger?I don't know if it's serious, but anyway, this name sounds very earthy!However, it is very real, because the appearance of the iron tiger is the body of the Tiger King!

That's right, it is the main body of Tiger King. The color of the whole iron tiger is white, referred to as: Tiger King metal version!The appearance of the White Tiger Clan is very domineering!
Roar! ! !
Tiehu roared, as if he was very satisfied with his name, blinked his bright red eyes, Mu Si is like a giant, and jumped a few times mischievously, scaring the faces of several workers to turn pale...

Acting coquettishly and being cute for a few times, the result...

The cat demon is very similar to Tiehu, a dog girl...


A month later...

The Sun-Moon Federation, Ming Capital City, bustling avenues, people coming and going, as the capital of the Sun-Moon Federation, its prosperity and the concentration of soul guides will not be weaker than Shrek Academy!

After all, this is where talent is concentrated!One of the most desirable places in the Federation, as long as it is a student, there will be a time for graduation.

So how to find a job after graduation, how to live, everyone's path is different, sometimes join the army and each receive a stable salary!

Some people, join some studios, companies, organizations, and start to develop their abilities...

Be more capable of opening your own shop and the like...

However, in a world like Douluo Continent with soul masters, it is very necessary to join an organization, because firstly, there is guarantee in the organization, and secondly, there is no need to starve to death!
However, at this moment, in a soul tool store in Mingdu City, a young man in his early twenties was tinkering with some gadgets.

Xu Haoqing, the sixth prince of the Imperial Federation, was a very dazzling figure three years ago, but now he runs a small shop and works and invents by himself.

Regardless of the small size of the studio, the instruments are all the most advanced. Xu Haoqing was not punished, he just learned what it means to be born in the royal family through the incident of the little cat demon!
In order to avoid some things from happening, Xu Haoqing chose to withdraw from the fight. After graduation, he chose to open a soul guide shop by himself, sell the soul guides he invented, and help others repair and repair...

However, some princes still have the power, so the equipment in the store seems to be more expensive than those soul guides, it is so scary...

"Boss, do you know how to repair this thing?" Suddenly, two figures appeared, a man and a woman, ordinary-looking, with delicate features, about 56 to [-] years old. The man took out a mechanical arm and gently placed it on the front desk!

The female is very good.

Xu Haoqing was concentrating on repairing a client's soul guide, looked up slightly, and found two strangers, and their accents didn't sound like locals.

"Let me see!" Xu Haoqing put down the work in his hands, took off the tools, showed a handsome face, frowned, and stared blankly at a soul guide mechanical arm on the front desk, feeling very uneasy inside!

"Where did you get this mechanical arm!" Xu Haoqing said coldly suddenly, it was very scary, his eyes showed a faint murderous look, as if if the other party couldn't tell the reason, he would fight immediately...

 Gululu, I recommend "Ghost King and Villain System" every day, a few blindly written system streams!Overshadowing the sky, the system is a beauty of the machine race and the elf race.


(End of this chapter)

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