The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 333 Brother suffers!

Chapter 333 Brother suffers!
"This mechanical arm, didn't you give it to me?" The visitor smiled lightly, his tone was easy-going, and he was not unhappy at all.

"Send you off?" Xu Haoqing was no longer calm, frowned, and looked up and down the person, because he seemed to see someone.

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao is that person, and a miraculous scene is also happening. At a speed visible to the naked eye, that person is turning into the appearance of Mao Xiaoyao bit by bit.

However, the girl next to her also turned into a cute black cat, yes, this mechanical arm was a gift from Xu Haoqing to the little cat!
The cat demon and the black cat came to Mingdu.

"Little demon!" Xu Haoqing was overjoyed immediately, very excited, but he didn't dare to go up to confirm, a little hesitant, is this right?

"It's me!" Mao Xiaoyao said, with a familiar voice and a familiar smile.

Xu Haoqing smiled and wanted to close the door, but was stopped by the little cat.

"You don't need to close the door in broad daylight!" Mao Xiaoyao said, if you close the door, people will find something.

Xu Haoqing also nodded, took a look outside, and then took Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat into the inner room. After all, the outside is not very safe, and now Mao Xiaoyao is still a federal wanted criminal.

Looking at the simple and tidy room, it seems that this is not everything a prince should have. Mao Xiaoyao felt a little uncomfortable, and said: "Haoqing, I have troubled you, I'm sorry, you shouldn't be like this!"

Mao Xiaoyao was a little uncomfortable, seeing his good friend in a miserable life, it was him, otherwise Xu Haoqing would not have ended up like this, and all this was caused by that damned second prince.

The black cat smiled slightly.

"No, without you, my good second brother would not let me go. Your appearance just accelerated the occurrence of these things, but now he is fighting with my elder brother, and I have withdrawn from that battle. Instead, I can stay out of it !" Xu Hao said calmly, as if he had taken the battle of the Royal Federation lightly, and had no intention of blaming the cat demon, after all, the battle of the royal family is like this, it is so cruel, and for the throne, any brotherhood is useless.

You kill me, I kill you...

"But your current life..." Mao Xiaoyao looked around and saw the soul guide shop, it seems that it is so-so, at least there is a problem of food and clothing, and there is no need to worry about the problem of hunger, but it is not suitable for a prince. identity.

"Very good. Inventing my favorite soul guide every day is actually the life I want." Xu Haoqing smiled lightly, very free and easy, "It's you instead? What's going on with the evil soul master? "

A friend is a friend, Xu Haoqing will not doubt this friend because of the identity of the little cat. After all, the little cat didn't need to appear in the first place, but today's sudden appearance took such a big risk.

Xu Haoqing can also know some things, he has seen some evil soul masters, they can't control their own destiny, after all, they were all born by their parents!
From birth, that is: fate!
When they wake up, they will be beaten and killed, but what did they do wrong?
In fact, some evil soul masters are not bad people in the first place, but driven by the environment, they had to resist, thus embarking on a road of no return.

Once you set foot on the road of no return, it's too late to say anything!They will be the public enemies of mankind, a very evil soul master, and they will be the targets of everyone's attacks.

Just like today's cat demon!

"At the beginning, the pattern I showed you was actually the murderer of my mother. It was the pattern on the murderer's body. In order to find the enemy, I used any method." Looking at him, he then turned to Xu Haoqing and said, "But, in the end, I never thought that my enemy would be in Shrek Academy, the safest place on the continent." The reason why Xiao Yao is very angry is that there is such an unknown person in such a powerful academy.

cover?Or what are you doing?It's a pity that Mao Xiaoyao didn't eat the enemy's soul alive that night, so he couldn't learn all the truth.

"Those things..." Xu Haoqing was also paying attention to Mao Xiaoyao's every move. He never missed some news, but every time it was a negative impact, which made him a little suspicious of Mao Xiaoyao.


"Believe it or not, I'm here with you now, and what happened in other places was done by my cat demon!" Thinking of this, the cat demon became very angry, because the second prince is very cheap, no matter what happens, the cat demon is very angry. All things are blamed on myself, which has caused me to be really angry with both humans and gods.

The second prince sent a group of people, and every time something happened, they had to blame the little cat on the head. In addition, the recent incident that the little cat asked Yan Wuhua and the others to divert their attention made the little cat's reputation even worse. To the point where no one knows and no one knows.

Nowadays, the power of public opinion is very terrifying. The cat demon has already been upgraded to the height of the number one demon in the mainland. Now, everyone's goal is to kill or catch the cat demon.

However, even in this situation, Xu Haoqing still chooses to believe in himself. Mao Xiaoyao is very moved, but also very so, trusting himself too much, so he doesn't know what to do!
Why, everyone trusts themselves so much?Obviously he is a big villain, now he would rather his friends turn against each other with a sword, than they just trust him...

"Some things are definitely not done by you, I trust you!" Xu Haoqing poured a cup of tea for the cat demon and the black cat, hot tea!
The black cat was hesitant, a little alert.

However, any poison can't hurt Mao Xiaoyao, because there is no poison in this tea, Mao Xiaoyao tastes it carefully.

"Drink it! It's not poisonous." Xu Haoqing joked, looking at the black cat quietly.

Black Cat is a little embarrassed.

"Unfortunately, Xiaoxue Xiaoxue can't come out now, otherwise, they will definitely be very happy after seeing you." Xu Haoqing did not blame the vigilance of the black cat. After all, their current identities, if they are not vigilant, they will be in danger .

"We are ashamed to see them! You have friends like us, it can only be a kind of burden, I am sorry for you!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed softly, with a trace of helplessness on his face, the most difficult thing in the world is human favor, back then It was only a letter of introduction that made him what he is today, and he only remembered that ring soul tool with a very large space capacity.

That space soul tool helped him too much, and it was given to him by Xu Haoqing.

"No, they won't blame you!" Xu Haoqing smiled, but the identity of the cat demon is now a wanted criminal by the federal government, and they don't know if their friendship can be maintained.

"I hope!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, frowning, and he understood this smile.

Bitter tea, bitter tea, is the tea bitter, or the tea bitter, or is it bitter in the heart?
"Haoqing, are you interested in becoming the master of this federation? I can help you!" Mao Xiaoyao said suddenly.

Xu Haoqing almost spit out tea? ? ?

Mao Xiaoyao didn't brag about anything, and he didn't say big things, he was just an heir. As long as the other heirs of the Federation were dead, then Xu Haoqing would get the position of Lord of the Federation without any effort.

"Uh..." Xu Haoqing was stunned for a moment, his face changed, he was taken aback by what the little cat said, what kind of federal master...

"Xiao Yao, if I care about that position, then I will not quit! But, what's the use of being the leader of the federation? Sometimes you won't be able to live more freely!" Xu Hao smiled lightly, for power is to him , and there is no temptation, it is better to invent a soul tool and be free.

"But..." Mao Xiaoyao clenched his fists but did not let go, very unwilling, the second prince must die, he will definitely kill the second prince, maybe when the time comes, Xu Haoqing can't help it.

"Okay! We two brothers haven't had a drink and chat for a long time. I'll call Xiaomeng and the others later. Put on a disguise and let's have a big meal!"

Xu Haoqing's attitude proved that he didn't have that idea.

Mao Xiaoyao shook his head lightly, but he was thinking about other things.

(End of this chapter)

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