The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 334 The little cat's revenge!

Chapter 334 The little cat's revenge!

"No, we can't leave each other, but we can't meet again! Today, I just came to see you, and I'm relieved to see that you have nothing to do!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't want to get involved, and now Xu Haoqing didn't want to , then maybe he will not be able to help him in the future.

Mao Xiaoyao had things to do when he came to Ming, and he didn't think about wasting too much time, "Although I'm not an evil soul master, it seems to be the same in my capacity now, Hao Qing, maybe we won't meet again in the future, When we meet again, it is probably the enemy!"

The second prince must die, then when the time comes, some capable heirs will have problems, so who will be the heir?

"Okay! I won't keep you either! Indeed, you are very dangerous now! Be careful, to be honest, I don't want to be your enemy!" Xu Haoqing smiled wryly, his face full of bitterness, and said: "You are a pervert... …Those concepts of soul guides are giving me a lot of headaches now.” It’s very embarrassing if I don’t understand and can’t figure it out.

But the more he studied, the more Xu Haoqing felt that the research direction was terrifying...

However, those are all from the cat demon.

"That mechanical arm is for you! I hope it will be helpful to your research!" Mao Xiaoyao stepped forward to hug Xu Haoqing, patted his back and smiled, and said, "Brother, I hope that in the future, we will not It will be the enemy, and if it is the enemy, please don't show mercy to me!" As he said that, Mao Xiaoyao smiled, then went out with the black cat, and disappeared into the crowd outside the street, coming freely and walking freely!

"Little demon..." Xu Haoqing was stunned, looking at the mechanical arm. Is the cat demon making a final break with him?The space soul guide on the table...

Xu Haoqing opened the space soul guide and saw the huge space inside and the things in it. He smiled wryly and said, "Little demon, I hope we really won't become enemies!" Xu Haoqing always had a bad premonition that the cat demon Identity will not be so simple...

At this moment, at this moment, outside.

"Little demon, how many tails do you have! You have already followed us all the way, let's find a place to do it?" The black cat now looks like another person, and she and the cat demon have changed their appearances. They are just two ordinary couples. normal!

The only abnormal thing is entering Xu Haoqing's soul tool shop, which is currently under investigation...

"Let them follow! I can't find the second prince's location!" Mao Xiaoyao laughed. The purpose of coming to Ming Capital City is to make troubles, to cover Gu Yue and the others. As for what to do?Naturally, he wanted to kill the second prince very much. This bastard should have died!

The black cat turned its head slightly, and then smiled. It was just a few small miscellaneous fish, and it was really not enough for them to do it.

In the evening, at the hotel, the little cat and the black cat stayed at the hotel, and their identities were all forged!No flaws were revealed.

"You said, two mysterious people stayed in Haoqing's shop for a long, long time today before leaving?"

In a high-end club in Mingdu, there is a corrupt atmosphere, the fragrance is still there, and people are looking for fun.

The second prince was holding a sexy woman in his arms, and kept moving his hands. He asked his subordinates, and suddenly frowned, and squeezed a little harder, but the sexy woman still held back and didn't cry out, with a smile on her face all the time .

Two young guys?Who is it?
Could it be the cat demon?

The Second Prince's face suddenly turned ugly. He has been repeating a nightmare recently. He dreamed that the little cat appeared beside his bed and stabbed him in his sleep...

"Yes! I've been here for a long time, and I don't know what to say!" That subordinate was one of the people who followed Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao today, and the other one was squatting at the door with Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, watching!

"I will send someone over there! Keep an eye on me!" The second prince was very unhappy, because, not long ago, the large amount of rare metals he bought from Xingluo Continent were snatched away by the little cat...

This cat demon seems to be aiming at himself...

The loss was heavy, it was used to make mechas, battle armors, and soul guides...

As a result, one of his plans was stopped due to lack of resources.

"Yes!" The man stepped back immediately, and went back to continue monitoring Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat.

At this moment, the second prince was drinking alone, the sexy woman had stepped back, shaking the glass, he murmured: "Little cat? I don't know if it's you? Hehe, I'd rather kill the wrong than let it go, tonight Then we will see the outcome." After drinking it all, the second prince also went to prepare, if it was really the little cat, then his subordinates would definitely not be able to match the little cat.

You need a Contra, a three-character combat armor, or even a titled Douluo or a four-character combat armor master, so that you can firmly catch the little cat!
After all, the legend about Mao Xiaoyao yelling at Qingtian Douluo Yunming and threatening his wife, but everyone knows it, so it shows that Mao Xiaoyao has some tricks.

(Mao Xiaoyao: No, I don't, I'm not!)
Most of the soldiers in the army are around the Soul King, the Soul Emperor, the Soul Sage, and the Contra are basically team leaders or commanders!

Secretly mobilize the army, the second prince sets out!

At this time, in Room 110 on the fifth floor of Tomorrow Resort Hotel, Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat are watching the so-called TV on Douluo Dalu. Hey, there is nothing to watch anyway, Douluo Dalu is still not enjoyable.

The entertainment is terrible!

Seeing Mao Xiaoyao drowsy, but, the cute and attractive little black cat is next to him, he can't sleep, and he can't sleep tonight...

"Didi...Xiao Yao, that person has returned and is watching you at the entrance of the hotel!" The suspension car at the entrance of the hotel is observing the two surveillance guys, observing their every move, and the two sky-eyed soul guides Devices, that is, two super invincible soul guide surveillance cameras, have been lifted into the air, in order to avoid being discovered by Mingdu defensive soul guide devices.

The two "eyes in the sky" soul guide surveillance cameras flew so high that some defensive soul guides in Mingdu City couldn't detect them at all!
At this time, the Sky Eye Satellite is looking at the vicinity of the Holiday Inn Tomorrow, and if there is any trouble, the hover car will know it immediately.

And tell the cat demon!
"Well, I know." Mao Xiaoyao frowned, it seems that what should come will always come, the second prince has indeed been monitoring Xu Haoqing all the time, so those who are related to him must be under surveillance!

Mu Xi...

The little cat is in a hurry, and hopes that the things she keeps by Mu Xi's side can protect her!

"What's the matter?" Sensing the uneasiness of the cat demon, he opened his big purple eyes and woke up. The black cat stretched lazily and yawned, that lazy little cuteness.

It was a very poor child, without much energy, lying limply in front of Mao Xiaoyao's chest, rubbing her little head lightly, but she didn't realize that there was a hole in her collar. At this time, she squeezed A's small chest There is a perfect arc groove, fair and tender, if you look at it this way, it seems that it is no longer A-level!
It is said that Momo is big, and sure enough, Momo can be big.

This cute little lazy cat doesn't seem to care much about the situation of the enemy outside. Just now, he slept soundly!
 Feel big!

(End of this chapter)

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