The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 335 The Suffering of the 2 Princes!

Chapter 335 The suffering of the second prince!
"The enemy is coming."

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly said, his face was a bit dignified, the other party was coming menacingly, and he didn't know if he would do anything.

At this time, the hover car was observing outside, and the sky eyes also lifted off, ready to attack anyone at any time, they all have the ability to attack!
However, the big fish that Mao Xiaoyao needed didn't come, the little fish and shrimp were just ordinary soldiers, it didn't matter, what he needed was the second prince, but he didn't know if he could lure him out.

"Are you here?" The black cat finally got a little more energetic, but its clothes were still loose, and it quietly looked out the window. It was an enemy who didn't know what it looked like.

"I'll let them see, they followed right, we're in this room!" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly stood up and walked out of the window, revealing her real face, not the one she pretended to be, looking at it very aggressively Downstairs, pretend to see the scenery!

Gululu, the black cat fell down...too sleepy =_=, and didn't want to get up. I originally wanted to cooperate with the little cat to attract the enemy. After thinking about it, forget it, go to sleep by yourself!That's a matter, just leave it to Mao Xiaoyao to do it.

Below the hotel, the man was looking at Mao Xiaoyao with a telescopic soul guide, and looking at the wanted photos of Mao Xiaoyao nearby. By comparison, this is simply a person...

"Second prince, I can be 100% sure that that person is Mao Xiaoyao!" That person seemed a little excited, because the person he saw with the Wangyuan soul guide was Mao Xiaoyao, even if he misidentified his parents, he would not be able to Misunderstanding the cat demon.

After all, it is naturally impossible to admit that the cat demon can get a big reward just for providing clues.

"Look at it! I'll be there right away, I'll be there right away, don't lose me!" The second prince said excitedly. After all, Mingdu is his own territory. His good brother came to Mingdu despite the danger.

What a fool!
The second prince began to mobilize experts to go there. Before, sending troops there was just for testing purposes. Now that he can be sure that it is a cat demon, then there is no need to care about it, just take people there.

That person hung up the communication excitedly, and shared with his companions what the second prince was planning to come. They had to keep an eye on Mao Xiaoyao as quietly as possible to make sure that Mao Xiaoyao didn't go anywhere before the second prince and the others arrived.

If you go, you have to follow it. You must not let the little cat run away or disappear. After all, that is a huge reward...

That person flirtatiously, with a wretched smile, already thinking about the beautiful days of finding a few wives in the future.

At this time, in the hotel, the cat demon also smiled, and then closed the windows and curtains.

"Little lazy cat, we should do something, otherwise, when the second prince arrives, we won't have anything to entertain him!" After finishing everything, the cat demon returned to the room, closed the window, and squeezed his hands. The small face of the sleepy black cat, squeezed, soft, very comfortable and very tactile.

"Ah!" The black cat opened its teeth and danced its paws and beat the cat demon, pouted: "What are you doing? Install a few bombs at random, and when they come, blow them up, so it's all right? What a simple thing, you do it alone Can't you? I want to rest..."

Last night, when Mao Xiaoyao fell asleep, her hands were very dishonest, and she fumbled dishonestly, which made her unable to fall asleep and suffered from severe lack of sleep.

"Yo yo? It's naughty now, isn't it naughty as an adult kitten? Uh huh, find a chance to eat it, let's see how crazy you are!" Mao Xiaoyao hugged the sleepy black cat, and waited When I got back to the suspension car, I fell asleep casually: "Help me install it, I can't do it alone, hurry up, or I will spank your ass!"

Black cats are becoming more and more clingy recently. In the past, the cat demon always said that according to the age of human beings, it is impossible for minors to do and not do anything...
But now, the black cat is no longer so easy to deceive. Every time he sleeps, he always thinks of ways to do something, doing it, doing it, the little cat is very uncomfortable, and almost can't help it several times.

"Okay!" The black cat also understands that the enemy is outside now, and it's really not a matter of sleeping now, but these guys who disturb her sleep will pay the price for it later.

"Reward you!" The cat demon kissed the black cat's forehead, gently put her down, and then went to work, this time the things should be enough for the second prince to cry.

"Who cares?" The black cat gave a blank look, and then went to work to help install the soul guide bomb.


After one hour...

"How is it? The cat demon is inside right now? You haven't come out before!" The second prince arrived, and he hid the army, responsible for preventing the cat demon from escaping. Douluo, as well as several Contras, are all powerful one by one.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with beating the cat demon, because according to his information, the cat demon seems to be able to fight against the soul saint, and his strength seems to be around the soul emperor, and he can really fight against the soul fighting...

The cat demon seems to be out of the question!
"In, just in the room, I didn't come out, it seems to be ready to sleep!" The subordinate said respectfully, he was also a little happy to see the second prince brought so many people, so many people, the cat demon will definitely not be able to escape now If he falls, then his reward should be there, right?
"Very good! I will reward you heavily when you go back!" The second prince suddenly smiled and looked at the direction the man was pointing at. Indeed, he could see the little cat at the window door. That person, that face, was exactly the little cat. Nothing wrong!
The man was very happy.

"Don't act rashly. The whole hotel is full of fish and dragons. We must not startle the snake. The little cat is very good. If there is any disturbance, this person will definitely run away!" The second prince fell into deep thought. The ability possessed by the little demon allowed him to remain undiscovered for such a long time!
However, the second prince was a little proud. He had been defensive at the beginning, thinking that the cat demon would definitely come back to see his good brother.

Sure enough, the cat demon really came!

And, those friends of Mao Xiaoyao, the second prince is also sending people to watch, but there is no problem, so he is not sending people to watch anything, because Mao Xiaoyao probably knows that he is watching.

"Yes!" Several strong men behind the second prince started to move, everyone was very aura, and they were also very excited when they heard that they had caught the most wanted criminal in the mainland, the cat demon. Things are naturally very happy.

They pretended to be guests staying at the hotel normally, and were going to go to the room where the little cat was. They did something in the middle of the night, so that the little cat was caught without anyone noticing!
However, what an honor it is to capture the most wanted criminal in mainland China, Mao Xiaoyao?Who doesn't want to be a big hero?
The second prince nodded. Naturally, he also went in. He wanted to see Mao Xiaoyao in person, but, two people?That woman must be Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend.

Black cat?

The second prince suddenly smiled so lewdly.

(End of this chapter)

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