The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 341 The establishment of the Soul Beast Academy!

Chapter 341 The establishment of the Soul Beast Academy!
until noon...

The "battle" lasted until noon, and when Dai Shu came to look for it, Mao Xiaoyao reluctantly left...

The black cat also watched with resentful eyes.

They scored twice, they tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and they are young and energetic, and the cat demon doesn't know what's wrong with him. Anyway, seeing such an attractive little black cat, I can't help but think about it. well……

At this time, in the car, Dai Shu drove to pick up Mao Xiaoyao to the arsenal.

back pain!In the car, the cat demon rubbed his old waist from time to time. Last night, he bullied the little black cat from the beginning, and then, he had a faint feeling of being suppressed by the black cat, but as a man, he had to be fierce.

As a result, I am a little tired now...

It's not easy to thrive...

"What are you laughing at?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but cast a glance when she saw Dai Shu who was driving next to her. She was always laughing at herself, driving so inattentively, it's strange, is there something on her face?
"I'm laughing, our cat demon leader is getting more and more mature, and now he looks like a real man!" Dai Shu smiled softly, driving the soul guide car, they have arrived at the arsenal of Xingdou Village, and it only takes a few minutes , even in a car...

However, this is the place where Xingdou Village produces and researches soul tools—the arsenal!

Hundreds of soul beasts work here, and the scale is a little smaller than the underground base. After all, there are thousands of human geniuses in the underground base.

On the contrary, there are some good and bad soul beasts. After all, there are only a few soul beasts, and the number is definitely not as large as that of humans. Now there are hundreds of soul beasts, which is already considered good.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao blushed, Dai Shu was too smart, sometimes I really didn't like it, because I didn't seem to have any privacy in front of her.

"Here we are!" Dai Shu got out of the car, helped Mao Xiaoyao open the car door, bent down and said, "You unreliable leader, you don't seem to come to the arsenal much, do you?"

Dai Shu remembered that after Mao Xiaoyao gave everything to her, he and the black cat went to the Fujishan tribe, and when they came back, they went back to the Douluo Continent...

Mao Xiaoyao doesn't seem to care much about Xingdou Village.

"Well, it really didn't come much!" Mao Xiaoyao got out of the car and took a look at the current arsenal. The scale is a bit large, and there are mecha tests, soul guide tests, and some soul guide applications that can be seen everywhere.

He nodded happily, everything was going according to plan, and Dai Shu did not disappoint him.

"Let's go!" Dai Shu smiled, took the cat demon into the arsenal, and immediately notified the soul beasts to gather! ! !

Soon, the soul beasts put down their work and came out to gather in the square, looking at the little cat on the stage one by one!

"Is that the leader?"

"Why are you so young?"

"The leader is so handsome..."

The soul beasts began to discuss below, the leader, they are a bit unfamiliar with the leader, they have always heard that there is a leader, but they have never seen it.

When I saw them now, I was so excited one by one. Some soul beasts thought that the little cat would be an old man, or an uncle...

I didn't expect to be so young...

"Hello everyone, maybe you will be very familiar with me but also very unfamiliar. My name is Mao Xiaoyao, and I am the leader of Xingdou Village in name. However, I am a bit irresponsible and disappear from time to time. I have never seriously managed Xingdou Village. " Looking at the soul beasts in the audience, the little cat who was a little nervous looked back at Dai Shu next to her, and said with a smile: "The deputy leader Dai Shu is in charge, I hope everyone can give her some applause, the deputy leader I believe everyone understands the ability!" Mao Xiaoyao looked back at Dai Shu with a smile, bowed to Dai Shu, bowed seriously, thanked Dai Shu very much, when he started to train Dai Shu before, he trained it for his successor , Dai Shu is capable and she is a suitable manager.

In the future, Xingdou Village will also be handed over to Dai Shu for management, Mao Xiaoyao may become a salted fish island owner, or raise fish in Xingdou Village, fighting the landlord...

Hugging left and right, demons give birth to winners, living a life that even gods are envious of!

Clap!The thunderous applause was given to Dai Shu by everyone. Everyone knows that this deputy leader is very powerful. She is the one who led Xingdou Village to rise step by step along the way!

Everyone has seen that work madwoman, and she is still troubled by her single problem!However, Dai Shu is a workaholic, so she doesn't seem to think about it!
"Little demon, you..." Dai Shu smiled wryly, looking at everyone in the audience, she also bowed to everyone, and was suddenly very happy to be recognized, that's what she should do, and it's all for the bright future of the soul beast.

Mao Xiaoyao is working hard, she is working hard, everyone is working hard!

Mao Xiaoyao smiled slightly and nodded to Dai Shu, who also smiled and nodded. This was the first real cooperation between the two managers.

"Today, I asked everyone to come for two purposes!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the audience and said.

Everyone was very quiet, listening carefully, not a single spirit beast was talking nonsense, they were all looking at the cat demon on the stage, and they all wanted to know what it was.

"One, our soul beasts need to inherit. In terms of education, we must pay attention to it. We must pass on what belongs to our soul beasts. I will select a few elites among the soul beasts and establish a soul beast academy to pass on to the future of the soul beasts. !"Knowledge needs to be passed on and progressed, Mao Xiaoyao hopes that soul beasts can't be complacent, can't say, what have I learned, then my family and future generations, they can all learn by themselves!

It is possible, but, after all, one person's learning is limited, unlike a group, after all, each has its own strengths, and the aptitude of each soul beast is different!
At this time, the academy is needed!Similar to Shrek Academy.

Mao Xiaoyao has to admire human beings, they will not be obsessed with geniuses, they believe that everyone has their own value of existence!
There is no waste, only people who don't work hard!

In their eyes, there is only a monster who has put in a lot of effort, and such a monster is a monster and qualified!

Since Tang San's generation, the inheritance of Shrek Academy has continued, and it has become stronger and stronger, the inheritance of Shrek people from generation to generation...

Mao Xiaoyao also thinks that soul beasts can be passed down from generation to generation...

"Soul Beast Academy, the first generation dean, I, Mao Xiaoyao! Vice-president Dai Shu, teaching director Yan Wuhua..." Mao Xiaoyao began to issue orders, and all the soul beasts who heard their names came out and came to the stage, They are all the best among soul beasts, and they are very capable of learning. They can all serve as teachers to teach soul beasts!

Introduce one by one, don't worry, Mao Xiaoyao wants to let the soul beast know, the team of the soul beast academy, and some things...

The matter of the Soul Beast Academy is confirmed, as are some systems. From the time he came to the Misty Continent, Mao Xiaoyao asked the Soul Beast to re-record the time!
That is to say, from that time on, the year, month, and day are all changed to the year, month, and day used by soul beasts. It is no longer the same as that of humans, but the format is the same!
1234567 a week, 30 days a month, four months a quarter, 365 days a year.

However, every week, Mao Xiaoyao asks the spirit beasts to come to the Soul Beast Academy for classes, two days of classes, four days of work, and one day of rest!
Combine work and rest, what you have learned, you will have to digest and review immediately!This is Mao Xiaoyao's teaching philosophy, you can be stupid, but you must work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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