The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 342 Targeted Weapons!

Chapter 342 Targeted Weapons!
After introducing the matter of the Soul Guidance Academy, at this moment, night fell, from noon to night, the arsenal was brightly lit, hungry, but no soul beast was absent!
On the contrary, more and more soul beasts gathered, and everyone came to listen to Mao Xiaoyao's speech, whether they were employees of the arsenal or not, they were all listening carefully at this moment.

Even some little soul beasts crawled on father's shoulders and mother's arms, listening carefully to the words of the leader, Mao Xiaoyao...

However, the black cat who has already prepared dinner and can't wait for the little cat to come home has also come to the arsenal!

Home is very close, but the little cat has not come back, dinner has been ready for a long time, and she has been waiting for a long time...

She worked hard to make a dinner for the cat demon!
But, still haven't waited.

"Black cat!" Hu Lili saw the black cat and waved at her. At this moment, she is in charge of distributing some information to the soul beasts. The soul beasts must understand and read some things in the plan!

At the beginning, the soul beasts that followed the cat demon, Snake Seven, Da Hei Niu, Dai Shu, Pangolin, Hu Lili, and the night cat demon clan, now each have their own status!
Mao Xiaoyao reused them, and they didn't embarrass Mao Xiaoyao!Make a difference in your field!
Needless to say, Dai Shu, the deputy head of Xingdou Village, who manages the entire Xingdou Village, can be said to be the real helm of Xingdou Village!

Snake Seven is a nail left by the cat demon in the human world, and it has already taken root! ! !

Da Hei Niu, the commander of the Xingdou Village Guard Army, is responsible for protecting the safety of Xingdou Village and guarding the border between the Xinxingdou Forest and the Obogu Tribe!

Pangolin, the first engineer of Xingdou Village, the construction of some projects cannot do without him!
Hu Lili, as Dai Shu's assistant, has been wandering around the world of the foggy continent recently, and started to establish a new diplomacy!

The dark night cat demon clan has also begun to develop into business...

Everyone is working hard!

Always working hard!
"I'm waiting for someone who doesn't come home!" The black cat smiled bitterly, she knew that once the cat demon puts himself into work seriously, he would never think that the self at home is always waiting for him!
"Don't blame the little demon either!" Looking at the tireless little cat on the stage, Hu Lili sighed softly, and said, "Hey, for the sake of the soul beast, he has sacrificed too much, he is the hero of the soul beast, but , but not a qualified boyfriend, you have suffered!"

Hu Lili knew about Mu Xi, and also knew some things. She didn't know what the black cat was thinking. If her boyfriend found a human girl, she would probably come to her with a knife!

Click, click!
"That's why I like Xiaoyao, but it's just a little sad! I don't know, when will all of this end, and Xiaoyao will belong to me!" The little cat is so eloquent, I don't feel tired!

The black cat looked very distressed, the glass of water on the table was still full, and the little cat didn't even take a sip, but was talking very seriously.

"Hurry up! The little demon will finish speaking soon!" Hu Lili looked at the process, as if she had already reached the point, strategically targeting weapons!
That is, this time, the cat demon is back with a purpose!

"We also have to study hard." Black Cat smiled, seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was so serious, she couldn't desert her, then sat down and listened seriously, the handsome guy on the stage was her boyfriend!

her man!

Hu Lili was sitting in the same way.

On the stage, the cat demon said:
"In today's world, strength is no longer so important, and the soul guide is the real leader! I was in the human world, and once saw an ordinary person driving a mecha and defeating a soul king!"

All the soul beasts were shocked, so powerful?

"What is the concept of a soul king? That is a two-word battle armor master! With the increase, it is estimated that he can reach the soul emperor or even the soul saint, but he was defeated by an ordinary human driving a mecha?"


"who knows!"

Mao Xiaoyao smiled and looked at the spirit beasts in the audience, but at a corner, he saw a familiar figure - the black cat, he couldn't help nodding and smiling, it turned out that it was so late...

The black cat rolled his eyes.

A group of soul beasts all raised their hands and were hit by the spotlight, so they could answer.

A soul beast that was hit by the spotlight was a little confused, and then got up and replied: "It must be that soul king who underestimated the enemy, so he was defeated."

"Well, guess right." Mao Xiaoyao smiled and motioned to continue, but the answer was not enough.

Another soul beast replied: "The level of the battle armor is too weak?"

The little cat shook his head.

Another soul beast replied: "Is that human driving a god-level mecha?"

Scratching his head, Mao Xiaoyao shook his head, and explained with a wry smile: "Ordinary humans cannot control a god-level mecha! God-level mechas are a test of the physical condition of the driver, and ordinary humans cannot drive them."

Answering one by one, Mao Xiaoyao was not very satisfied, it was a bit weird,

At this time, the spotlight hit the classmate Black Cat who raised her hand frantically, and she said, "Because that human has many seventh-level custom-installed soul missiles!"


"That's right!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled. The little black cat student is a bit powerful, and he doesn't give others a chance. The answer is correct, indeed, because a seventh-level fixed soul missile can kill a soul king, especially It is an enhanced version of the soul missile of Mao Xiaoyao, it is simply a soul king!
"Hmm? My dear leader, then I answered correctly, you will go home later!" The black cat suddenly said angrily, the food is cold now, so it must not be so delicious, could it be that she ordered it herself? The chef rewarded the cat demon.


"Be sure to go back!" Mao Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed, why are there so many soul beasts?Classmate Little Black Cat, can you give the leader some face?

Dai Shu next to Mao Xiaoyao also smiled, as did the teachers of the Soul Guidance Academy sitting on the stage, they all knew the black cat!
All the soul beasts looked in the direction of the black cat. It was a very beautiful girl, the leader's girlfriend?
"The leader's girlfriend is so beautiful..."

"That's right? That's the leader's girlfriend, how could it be mediocre!"

"Hehe, that's the beauty of my dark night cat demon clan!"

The soul beasts began to discuss, and the scene was a bit noisy.

"Quiet!" Dai Shu said seriously, holding the microphone, without discipline at all, really!

"Ahem!" The cat demon also coughed a few times, looked at the black cat, and signaled her not to make trouble.

The black cat stuck out its tongue, then sat down.

"Ahem!" Seeing the soul beasts quiet down, Mao Xiaoyao immediately explained: "Let's go back to the question just now, yes, soul missiles! A seventh-level soul missile can destroy a soul king. About soul missiles , presumably everyone is familiar with it? Human beings use them to slaughter our people!"

The soul beasts clenched their fists, indeed, the soul missiles are very terrifying.

"Soul missiles can be said to be the main reason why soul beasts are in their current state, because we can't resist the attack of soul missiles with our bodies!" Mao Xiaoyao put the information of soul missiles on the big screen on the stage , so that the soul beasts can see it, and let them know what a soul missile is...

However, the soul beasts clenched their fists one by one, how could they not recognize soul missiles...

Most of their family, friends and clan members died at the hands of this soul missile... They all know the power of the soul missile!
Especially some soul beasts who survived the explosion of the soul missile, still have lingering fears now thinking about it!
There was a cold sweat on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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