The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 343 What Humans Have!

Chapter 343 What Humans Have!

Simply put, it is similar to mushroom eggs!
Soul Douluo and the like can't resist Soul Missiles.strength?Hehe, in the world of Douluo Continent III, it is useless for Douluo to run all over the ground.

Soul guides are the dominant ones. Douluo Continent has slowly evolved into a technological world, and the realm of cultivation is becoming less and less important now.

Mao Xiaoyao believes that human beings will think so too!After all, they all know the power of soul missiles!
"Boss, how many levels of soul missiles can we manufacture at most?" The light fell, and a soul beast raised his hand and asked. Have you mastered that technique?
And, is there any way to deal with it.

The cat demon smiled, "Level eight!"

Level six blows up the soul king and soul emperor, so isn't level seven a threat to the soul emperor and soul saint?If the number is large, then even Contra...

However, the eighth level is estimated to be a threat to Contra.

The soul beasts were stunned. It turned out that they were so powerful that they had already mastered the eighth-level soul missile technology, so they would not be afraid of anything...

However, here comes the problem!

"What about human beings?" The soul beast asked again, their soul beasts develop so slowly, they can make seven-level soul missiles, so how many levels do humans have?

"According to intelligence, humans may have mastered the twelfth-level custom-installed soul missiles, but due to materials and other reasons, it seems that humans currently have three."

The twelfth level already belongs to a level similar to an artifact, nicknamed: Killing God!In other words, God can be threatened.

Then, some laws of heaven and earth will definitely not allow the appearance of thirteen-level custom-installed soul missiles.

Otherwise, if you lose one to me, and I lose one to you, wouldn't Douluo Dalu be finished?Then you don't need to fight to play a chicken, just use your soul-destroying missiles.

See which one is lost and which one has more inventory!Whichever wins.

"Level [-]..." The soul beasts gasped. Among them, most of them were thousand-year-old soul beasts, and basically they didn't need to be at level [-]. When they exploded in a large area at level [-] or [-], they couldn't bear the explosion anymore. When they were bombed by humans before, they saw the deaths of their clansmen, and they were all soul missiles.

Now there is fear, panic, and anxiety.

Hearing that humans have mastered such terrible things, the inflated hearts of the soul beasts were wiped out in an instant. After all, they are not in any danger on the Mist Continent recently, and the people of the Mist Continent cannot threaten them, so their lives are a bit comfortable .

However, by comparison now, human beings have so many terrifying weapons, so what will they do in the future?
How to face such a terrible weapon of human beings?

"Black cat, is that true?" Hu Lili also had an unbelievable expression on her face. Humans have actually mastered that terrible weapon. If it is used to deal with Xingdou Village, it is estimated that an eleventh-level custom-installed soul guide will be enough. ?
She asked the black cat, the black cat must know something, after all, the one who has been following the little cat must know something about human beings.

"Human beings are stronger than we imagined. According to what the little demon said, all gods will take care of human beings, and the soul beast is the only one that is abandoned." She said that in the story of Tang San, the Sea God, there is a God Realm above their heads, and that God Realm will watch over humans and will definitely not let humans perish! ! !

So, the future!The challenge of their soul beasts will be very severe!If you take any wrong step, the soul beast may become extinct!

Total extinction!

For this reason, Mao Xiaoyao also gave up the idea of ​​killing Tang Wulin. After all, facing the anger of the entire God Realm, he couldn't joke about the future of the soul beast.

Or, wait until he has to find an existence that can compete with the God Realm!
At that time, he will not be afraid!
And, when you have absolute strength.

"Hey!" Hu Lili sighed softly. She looked at the little cat on the stage. In fact, the most stressed one is always the little cat, right?After all, he knows everything and worries about everything...

The black cat was also silent, thinking about something.

"Boss, what should I do?" the spirit beast asked again. After all, when they heard the twelfth-level soul missile, their confidence had already been hit, and they no longer had the confidence they had before.

Now every soul beast is thinking, what kind of weapon should their soul beasts use to block such a terrible weapon of humans?
Human beings have such terrible weapons, to resist them physically is simply to die...

"What should I do?" Mao Xiaoyao saw the worried expressions of the spirit beasts, and could understand their worried feelings. After all, when he knew it before, he was so scared and so confused...

What can I do to stop it?
"Twelve-level custom-installed soul missiles are not Chinese cabbage. The materials needed are very precious. It is impossible for humans to mass-produce them. I estimate that humans have no more than three in their hands. Moreover, they are not used to target our soul beasts. They are human beings." Hit yourself and deal with Shrek Academy's weapons." Three of them are already very terrifying existences, one, even a Limit Douluo can be killed, now there are several Limit Douluo in the Douluo Continent, are there any? ?
It is unrealistic to resist the soul guide with the body!No one is that stupid!

three?The soul beasts began to feel uneasy again. One of them was scary, but the three twelfth-level custom-installed soul missiles were very scary when they thought about it!
But, why are humans going to deal with Shrek Academy?

The soul beasts didn't know, they all looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

However, Mao Xiaoyao smiled, some things don't need to know too much.

It is actually a good thing to see the soul beasts so scared. The sense of crisis must be present all the time. You cannot be born in sorrow and die in peace!
Mao Xiaoyao looked at a titled Douluo next to him, Grimace Ape, who is also one of the teachers of the Soul Guidance Academy!

"Brother Grimace Ape, what do you want to say?" The cat demon smiled, looked at Grimace Ape, at this guy who had the same appearance as the Shadow Ghost Shark King, the Shadow Ghost Shark King was born ugly, and Well, Grimace Ape is not ugly, every scar on his face is caused by humans!
Grimace Ape is under the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, the existence of a soul beast whose strength is very close to 10 years. At the beginning, when Mao Xiaoyao saw him, he was dying. At that time, Mao Xiaoyao gave him a pill , saved him with pills, and helped him open up his mind!
At the same time, plan with him how to transfer those experimental soul beasts safely!
The big explosion in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda a few years ago, Grimace Ape brought all the transformed experimental soul beasts, and came to Xingdou Village under the support of Snake Seven!

Grimace Ape can be said to be Mao Xiaoyao's second most powerful general, and his strength is limited to the other side Douluo Yan Wuhua.

The silent grimacing ape quietly looked at the little cat, his face was terribly gloomy, and the scar on his face was actually the best proof that it was blown up by a human soul missile!
At the beginning, Mr. Xiong and the others did not save him. Under the large-scale bombardment of humans, he was injured and captured by humans, and he became an experimental soul beast ever since.

Blood is drawn every day, and every day is used as a test product!However, his left eye was gouged out by Tost, and he will never forget that hatred!
"Kill those who can develop soul missiles, and don't keep any of them, and they can't be developed for human beings!" Grimace Ape said viciously, and he was very grateful to Mao Xiaoyao, because it was Mao Xiaoyao who saved him!

The savior, he will never forget!
However, Grimacing Ape has always disagreed with some of Mao Xiaoyao's policies.

Too easy-going, no determination to fight humans!
(End of this chapter)

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