The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 346 Group Competition!

Chapter 346 Group Competition!

"We don't like soul beasts! The black cat is my partner. It's that simple. It's not interesting to have a wedding after learning what humans do." The cat demon gave Dai Shu and Hu Lili a blank look, not to mention the soul beast. There is no such rule, as a monster clan, he doesn't seem to have such a rule, saying that he must get married!
When the Yao clan gets married, they basically do obeisance to the heavens and the earth to make a contract, and worship the demon ancestors, and pray for the blessings of the demon ancestors, then it can be done!

Of course, when a big boss gets married, there will always be a wedding, but it is for pretending and receiving a bride price. The big boss wants to save face!

But, myself...

Whatever face you want, you can get a wife.

"It seems to be the same..." Dai Shu scratched her head. Regarding the marriage of soul beasts, at present, there seems to be no rule that says that a wedding must be held. Just become a partner and enter the grove, it's very simple!
However, simplicity is simplicity, partner, that is a lifetime thing!Soul beasts are very loyal to their partners!
It used to be like that!

But now, due to the enlightenment of spiritual wisdom and the influence of human culture, some habits of soul beasts have been changed, and they are gradually learning from humans.

"Let's make it up in the future! You know, in the human world, there is another guy who gives me a headache. I don't know what to do now!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed softly. There will definitely be a wedding ceremony. Will make my wedding worse than others, and will not let my woman be wronged!

Just, wait!
Marry two wives at the same time?seems good...

"Oh! But, when are you going to tell the clansmen?" Hu Lili also knew, after all, when she was pretending to be a cat demon, the girl named Mu Xi would always come...

However, people are really nice!

Dai Shu also looked at Mao Xiaoyao, "The black cat can't have any grievances, otherwise, we won't let you go, and neither can the leader, he has to be pulled out and beaten!" The black cat is their good sister, If a good sister suffers any grievance, then she must get ahead, not even the leader, and the leader will have to beat her up! ! !
Who made the leader a philanderer?

"I'm afraid of you!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a wry smile and a hint of helplessness, "Wait until things stabilize on the human side! Now, it's not appropriate to talk about this matter. Right now, the main thing is to study weapons to deal with humans. Let's talk about it later!" This is what the black cat reminded himself, if it wasn't for her, he would have brought Mu Xi to Xingdou Village long ago, but now the soul beasts in Xingdou Village hate humans so much one by one!

It's a bit of a hassle...

"What if the tribe objected?" Dai Shu frowned. She also strongly disagreed that the cat demon fell in love with a human being, because her cat demon would lose her judgment because of a human woman!
Hu Lili also nodded, now that there are so many soul beasts in the main battle, each soul beast hates humans very much.

"That's why I said that after the dust settles in the human world, at that time, the Silver Dragon King will lead the soul beasts!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the table, looked at the photo of himself and the black cat Mu Xi, and said : "At that time, it will be useless for the clansmen to object. I will decide my own affairs. Maybe, I will leave Xingdou Village and go to an island to live my own life!"

Mao Xiaoyao never cared about other people's opinions on his own affairs, he was just afraid that the black cat and Mu Xi would be wronged, especially Mu Xi...

After all, she is a human being.

"This..." Dai Shu was a little speechless, Silver Dragon King?Xingdou Village was established by them alone, when did the Silver Dragon King manage their life and death?
Let the Silver Dragon King lead?

Maybe, the cat demon doesn't understand the current soul beasts!With their wisdom activated, they don't need to submit to any Silver Dragon King at all.

Just, leave?

The cat demon actually has plans to leave...

"So, I have worked so hard to train you. In the future, Xingdou Village will be handed over to you, and I can only be a salted fish island owner!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Dai Shu, smiled wryly, and said, "Management, really It's not suitable for me, I'm only suitable for being a salted fish..."

"Pfft..." Dai Shu couldn't help laughing, but a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. Could it be that she is suitable?
She quietly looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

"Hey, who knows what will happen in the future?" Hu Lili waved her hands. After all, they didn't know before that they would come to live in the paradise of the Misty Continent. Moreover, soul beasts can transform into forms.

And, how about practicing Mao Xiaoyao adapting the Yaozu kung fu?
These are unpredictable things!
"That's right!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "Okay, it's time to get down to business!" He started to get down to business, glanced at the list, the basic grouping situation, and in his heart, Mao Xiaoyao already had such a list.

Just copy a copy and give it to Dai Shu later!

Dai Shu and Hu Lili started to get serious.

"Rare metals, and all rare materials, I will find a way to get them, and tell them, don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success, experience more failures, and accumulate experience will be more abundant!" Recently, Mao Xiaoyao discovered a problem, Then the consumption of materials is very large, the investment in research and development is very large, and various rare metals and rare materials do not require money to be invested...

However, the effect is mediocre, failure, failure...

"You mean, the East China Sea, and the Misty Continent?" Dai Shu said. When it comes to materials, the current cooperation with the Shadow Ghost King is not smooth, and rare metal materials have been restricted...


"Recently, the shadow ghost king seems to have reduced the trading volume. Some rare metals are not out of stock for us." Dai Shu found a very serious problem. When they needed a large amount of materials, their largest supplier Donghai Shadow Ghost King, it seems that there is a little trick to reduce the supply of materials!
"Damn it, now we have to ask Snake Seven to search in the human world for the several materials we need. This is very dangerous." Hu Lili also clenched her fists, very unhappy. Attitude is not very good either.

This is very annoying!

Seeing the angry expressions of the two girls, Mao Xiaoyao frowned, and then said with a smile: "Hehe, it seems that the Shadow Ghost King is not stupid. Now, he should also know the preciousness of those materials. Now, Donghai Over there, they are slowly mastering the technology of soul guides, and they know that rare metal materials are precious from humans, so if you give us some, that would be good!"

If it were Mao Xiaoyao himself, he wouldn't even give it to him. After all, I need it too, so why give it to you?
"Then what should we do?" Dai Shu frowned.

"Talk with Anying, and help her build an underwater army! And, south, north, west, we also have to cooperate in these three seas!"

"Hehe, the Shadow Ghost King thinks we can't do without him?"

Regarding the practice of the Shadow Ghost King, Mao Xiaoyao had expected it. After all, anyone with ambition will never end greed!

Oh, it doesn't exist!

"Could it be that you want to..." Hu Lili was startled.

Dai Shu also smiled.

"Nursing Gu! The Shadow Ghost King's family can't be the only one in the sea. We also need to help his opponent develop. That's interesting."

The little cat showed a bit of a cheap smile, and when the ocean world rebalances, it is also the time when the soul beasts can reap the benefits of the fisherman!
after all!

New technology is here!

who wants it?

Resources to exchange ah!
 The consumption on Double Eleven is almost 5000, and I'm already in debt, blah blah... The new mobile phone 13 is so good, I can code words even more happily.

(End of this chapter)

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