The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 347 Gu Raising Project!

Chapter 347 Gu Raising Project!


East, South, West, North!
The endless mysterious sea is divided into four sea areas.

Of course, this is only a general division, and some of the more mysterious places have not been visited so far!
East China Sea!The territory of the Shadow Ghost King, now, there are rumors that he has broken through to a million-year soul beast, which makes other three sea soul beast kings faintly uneasy!
Because the Shadow Ghost Shark King has mastered human weapon technology, which is a very deadly threat to other Sanhai soul beasts!

Island base!It is a connection point between Xingdou Village and Douluo Continent. Every soul beast ship that passes here will be replenished here. It can be said that it is an important military base for soul beasts now!
"Bronze walls and iron walls, but if the enemy attacks from the sea, it's still not enough, the defense is not enough! You have to fight back!" On the island base, the little cat was landing, quietly watching the changes in the island base, in fact, he was very happy, Because, this defense is like an iron pass, watertight.

However, defense is still not enough!
In the past, the defense system was built to defend against humans!Now, Mao Xiaoyao has begun to think about defending against the attack of the soul beasts in the sea!

"Boss!" The guards at the island base bowed respectfully when they saw Mao Xiaoyao. It was an act of submission!It's similar to bowing your head deeply and surrendering when you see a powerful soul beast.

"Thanks for your hard work, let's keep working! Today is just a routine inspection!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a light smile. In fact, there are other things to do today, and the inspection of the island base is just a coincidence.

"Yes!" The guards respectfully said, and then took them on to continue patrolling. The magic weapon, the battle armor, has been equipped with the entire guard!The things that only cat demons can create are very small and precious, so cat demons must use all their power wisely!

"Let's go! Let's meet old friends!" Mao Xiaoyao turned to Black Cat and Dai Shu and said, today they came here just to meet a partner, a very important partner.

Black Cat and Dai Shu also come.

"Why, do you miss her so much?" The black cat cast a glance, An Ying, that mermaid, back then, she heard that the little cat had brought her back to study for a long time.

Dai Shu nodded.

"..." With a slight sigh, why did he bring the black cat out while he was working?

The little cat said: "Don't make trouble, he's coming!"

At this moment, Anying appeared and took the shape of a human being, but the scales still covered the whole body, like tights, outlining a perfect figure.

"Huh?" The black cat was very unhappy, this is another monster with big breasts.

"Little demon, how did you think you had a friend like me?" Anying came to a place where the revolving door was for them to move around, and the sea water reached Anying's waist. Prepared by the soul beast!
An Ying, seems to be that one.

When I met Mao Xiaoyao, she didn't bring anyone with her.


Anying looked at the black cat and observed carefully. She knew Dai Shu, but who is this beautiful girl?
The black cat also looked up and down, looking at something.

"No, it's here." Mao Xiaoyao smiled and introduced: "This is my partner, Black Cat! And, Dai Shu doesn't need my introduction, this is not the first time you two have met!" Girlfriend , Wife, Wife, etc., probably Anying would not understand, after all, between soul beasts, they are generally called: Companion!
As for the wife, wife?The black cat has always been like that, the Yaozu marriage is very simple, just make vows to each other, and get blessings...

It's just that Mao Xiaoyao originally thought that this is not the Kunlun Demon Realm, so heaven and earth probably wouldn't bless it, right?
As a result, when he made his oath with the black cat that day, the cat demon directly experienced a thunderstorm from the Kunlun demon world...

Nima cross-border law enforcement?

No, it should be a cross-border blessing?

"Partner? That's really congratulations!" An Ying smiled, and she seemed to be a good match for a man and a woman.

Just when Mao Xiaoyao wanted to say something.

The black cat hugged the little cat's arm, said to Anying, "Thank you!" She didn't seem to want to let go of the little cat.

An Ying was taken aback.

Dai Shu snickered.

"..." The cat demon looked at the black cat, why was he so angry?He has nothing to do with Anying, okay?

"Tell me! Today, come to me, what is the matter, I don't think you, a busy person, will just talk to me casually." An Ying is not looking at the black cat, the other party is a jealous little girl That's all, but looking at Mao Xiaoyao, said: "The matter of your land soul beasts, you must have been very busy, right?" There must be something wrong with myself.

Anying was very curious about what it was that made the cat demon come in person.

"It's that simple to cooperate with smart people!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled and looked back at Dai Shu.

Dai Shu nodded, and then handed some documents to Anying.

The black cat immediately let go of the cat demon, and suddenly felt that it was meaningless, she didn't understand anything, but, watching quietly, it was a little boring...

An Ying looked at the documents in her hand!
"Here, little demon, you can't do that!" Anying's complexion changed, and her expression was not very happy, because the documents were all things she didn't want to see.

"From the time your father started to change his mind, my cooperation with him and Donghai is just like that!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly and said, "He doesn't need to rely on us so much now, so why should we have to cooperate with him?" How about continuing to rely on him?"

The Shadow Ghost Shark King has ambitions and doesn't want to be controlled by the cat demon. Now he has started crazily catching humans, keeping them useful and killing them uselessly. Now there is no need for the cat demon to say anything. He is keen on robbing ships now!

As a result, humans began to change sea transportation to air transportation, the quantity is small, but safe!Don't worry about being attacked by soul beasts in the sea!

As for why?
That's because: technology!
"But, you are the first to cooperate with us!" An Ying was anxious. On the documents, they were all requests for cooperation from other Sanhai, and the conditions were many times higher than those of Donghai...

How terrible is this?

If the other three seas also use the soul guide technology, then the pattern of the ocean world will undergo a huge change! ! !

It will no longer be the only one in the East China Sea! ! !
In the past, it was impossible to forge in the sea, because the seawater technology could not be isolated for too long, and it was very difficult to transform the soul beast in the sea.

Basically, they are all 10-year-old soul beasts, but how many 10-year-old soul beasts can be forged?

Before, the little cat stole the palace of the Shadow Ghost Shark King!Create a possibility.

After all, it is just to isolate the sea water!

"It's late! Anying, you should know your father's ambitions, but you should also know what we need now! And what he did would be very fatal to us, I can't make fun of my group!" Cat The little demon will not go to the Shadow Ghost Shark King, the sea is so rich in resources, and it's not just him who owns them, there are many, many partners, why bother to be obsessed with one East China Sea?

"However, as a friend, I will come to you. How to do it depends on you!" The cat demon gave An Ying the right to choose.

How to choose is her business!Mao Xiaoyao has no shortage of partners, but they in the East China Sea are very short, unless they find humans.

Just humans?

Will it adapt to the environment of the sea world?
It is estimated that he will die very quickly!This is why the Shadow Ghost Shark King is so persistent in catching humans!
(End of this chapter)

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