The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 348 Fish cannot live without water, but water can live without fish!

Chapter 348 Fish cannot live without water, but water can live without fish!
An Ying fell into deep thought. She naturally knew a little about her father, otherwise, this kind of thing would not have happened.


Ambition too big, appetite too!
Just, how to do it!An Ying agrees a little bit, but she doesn't agree either!

"The closest distance between the Star Luo Continent and the Sun-Moon Federation is the East China Sea! If you lose us, your sea trade will not be able to start. Do you want to detour to the west, south, and north to go to the three seas?" An Ying thinks, it should be possible. Let's negotiate, after all, Donghai also has its own advantages, and Mao Xiaoyao can't let Mao Xiaoyao focus on the other three seas.

Otherwise, when the other three seas develop, they will be their number one enemy in the East China Sea! ! !
"Hehe, Anying, you underestimate humans and our technology too much! Your father is now hunting ships at sea like crazy, causing the ships to fail to set off. Do you think that humans have no countermeasures?" The cat demon looked at the black cat and smiled. Let her take out a few helicopter soul-guided planes, and let Anying see what is the magic of air transportation.

And, tell the soul guide transport plane in the sea base to come out and do some activities. Didn't you just unload the cargo just now?Hurry up and head to Star Dou Village!

The black cat smiled and nodded, finally being able to perform by itself.

Taking out the space bag, the black cat summoned a helicopter by itself!
"XXX Soul Guidance Helicopter, serving you!" The voice of a soul appeared, buzzing, spiraling into the sky, with boundless magic power, and started to start, the huge wind blowing several people's hair messed up!

The black cat puts on the helmet, enters the cab, sits in the driver's seat, taps the screen with his finger, and starts to enter the driving mode, "fly around the island for a week!"

"After 5 seconds, start flying! 54321!"

"Take off!" The soul guide helicopter started to start, the propellers were spinning at a high speed, humming, and there was a loud sound, like thunder...

"This..." Anying couldn't believe her eyes, what the hell is this, how could it fly?She has never seen...

The naughty black cat started, he saw a garbage floating in the sea, aimed, locked on, and a soul missile went down...

Boom!In an instant, there was an explosion, and the garbage was blown into powder...

They can attack, they are the enemies of the soul beasts in the sea, Anying is afraid, their sea soul beasts can't fly, if humans use this method to transport them, then they can't do anything to humans at all...

"Black cat, come down! Make way for the big guy!" The cat demon had already seen Anying's reaction, but the bigger guy had just entered the runway and didn't really come out.

"Yeah!" The black cat drove the soul guide helicopter to land, stopped on the beach, and happily ran to the front of the cat demon, suddenly feeling a little proud.

Dai Shu's communicators, start commanding!
"Little demon, this..." An Ying really wanted to say something.

"Come on, An Ying, take a good look at the technology currently controlled by humans. It is impossible to copy these things by just catching a few talents!" I don't understand, but the cat demon understands!

Using Xu Haoqing and Tost, Mao Xiaoyao obtained those technologies, so whether it is mechas, warships, airplanes, or soul guide cannons, it can be researched and produced.

Otherwise, even if Mao Xiaoyao is a time traveler, if he doesn't understand anything, he definitely doesn't understand anything, and he can only talk on paper!

"???" Anying was puzzled.


Appear out of thin air!It really appeared out of nowhere, without any recruitment, a huge ship suddenly appeared, to An Ying, it was just a huge ship.

In fact, it is an aircraft that transports soul guides. This is the real big guy. However, due to technical problems, the battery life is a bit insufficient. Currently, Mao Xiaoyao is working hard on research, just as it can fly from Star Dou Village or the island base to humans. the other side of the world.

"Where did it come from?" Anying was startled, why did it appear suddenly?Such a big guy, why hasn't she noticed it all this time?
Could it be that the vicinity is not her territory?
"Where?" The cat demon smiled.

The black cat and Dai Shu smiled, and they were also looking at the soul guide transport plane that was transporting rare materials back to Xingdou Village. This is the magic of the cat demon: the demon formation!
The entire island base is shrouded in monster formations. Sometimes what the naked eye sees may not be true, but where the naked eye cannot see, there is a new world inside!

"That's why I came to you today. Your father is short-sighted, and that's probably it, so he's powerful." The cat demon looked at Anying, and said, "But you are different, you have seen all the seas. Among the soul beasts, the soul beast most resembles a human, in fact, you have human blood, right?"

What sea tribe?Mao Xiaoyao doesn't believe it, the environment around the island base is so-so, and it's because grandma doesn't love her uncle that she can be assigned here.

However, the cat demon also has human blood, he can clearly feel the smell on An Ying, she is smart, knows how to endure, and has a strong learning ability!
"..." Anying remained silent, as if she was being talked about.

"The soul guidance technology you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. Your father is short-sighted. I no longer want to cooperate with him in depth. The purpose of my coming today is to cooperate with you!" Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the island base, and was very concerned about his own situation. I am very satisfied with the method arrangement. There are no formation masters in this world, and human beings can't find anything at all.

Inside the formation is the core of the real island base. Everything outside is for others to see, half of which are fake and half of which are real.

For example, in the transport plane just now, cats and monsters are usually transported at night, just to avoid people's attention, and the transport ships are just transporting ordinary things!

Unless those gods.

However, God is not idle!After becoming a god, there are so many rules, only Tang San and the others are willing, if it belongs to the little cat, they will not get any god position.

Once the cultivation level reaches the peak, it is extraordinary and refined in itself, so why bother to inherit the position of others, thereby restraining oneself?

"I'll cooperate with you!" An Ying said, without thinking too much, once the cat demon cooperates with the other three seas, the ocean pattern will change.

If they hesitate, that opportunity will be lost!
"Very well, I like smart people, so I'll give this to you, I hope you like it!" Mao Xiaoyao pointed to the soul guide helicopter, and said, "Go ashore! I know, you can move freely on land, here No one else will reveal your secret!"

With human blood, you can definitely go ashore.

Anying smiled wryly, "I can't hide anything from you!" Anying went ashore, and the scales slowly faded away, little by little, slowly revealing her long legs, as white as jade, slender and fair...

O sea, you are all water...

All beauties have legs?
The scales turned into short skirts, covering the mysterious parts, as did the chest, the turbulence above 36D was well covered up...

This is the charm of underwear and bikinis. You can see everything, so naturally there is no sense of mystery. This kind of vague feeling is the best...

The little cat was stunned, and almost had a nosebleed. Damn, it's so exciting, these dark can play for years, so slender and fair! ! ! !
 It's late today to get my phone and do something.Sorry.Awaited
(End of this chapter)

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