The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 350 Returning without success?

Chapter 350 Returning without success?

"Squid King, are we really going to attack the island base?" A dog spirit fish asked, he has been favored by the cat demon, and he has obtained the transformation pill, and now he is going to attack the cat demon's territory, will it... He was hesitant, and so were the other sea spirit beasts.

At this moment, the cuttlefish king and the others had already entered the formation, entered the attack range of the defense system, and everything was under surveillance.

"This is the order of the Shadow Ghost Shark King. We just need to execute it. Other things are not for us to consider." At this moment, the cuttlefish king has turned into the main body. In the sea, the main body is the most powerful way to fight. .

Every Sea Clan soldier is a body, the difference is that they are equipped with soul guides, this is the device set up by Mao Xiaoyao for them!
Main body combat, can launch depth charges, etc...

Landing operations?The little cat seems to have never given them such a weapon!

"Try not to hurt those land spirit beasts!" The cuttlefish king didn't want to form any hatred with the little cat, at least he couldn't kill those land spirit beasts indiscriminately.

"Yes!" Gou Lingyu didn't say anything, but went back to the soldiers, told them to speed up, and told his men not to harm the land spirit beasts.


"Go back, Squid King! We don't want to fight with you. Everything in the island base belongs to the leader of the little cat, and belongs to us!" Some soul beasts in the sea that were subdued by the little cat stopped the Squid King and the others. As far as the final attack range is concerned, the soul of the island base will launch an attack at that time, in order to protect the safety of the island base!
Some armored soul beasts also appeared, but the number was very small, followed by more unmanned submersibles, all of which were controlled by the island souls.

Mao Xiaoyao originally thought about letting the soul be a death squad, that is, the mechanical soul army... After thinking about it, the soul is also a kind of life.

The Expendables team...

Therefore, Mao Xiaoyao invented the method of one soul with multiple souls, that is, one soul can control multiple soul guidance devices, so that the danger of the soul can be reduced!
This is also the power of the soul of the island base, that is, it is controlling those submersibles. Except for some simple intelligence, the submersibles are basically controlled by the soul.

After all, the number of soul beasts is limited, and the main battlefield is in the human world. Mao Xiaoyao never thought of going to war with Haizhong!
"I'm sorry, I have an order. We just want to borrow some instruments from the island base." The cuttlefish king asked his subordinates to get ready. It seemed that the other party had already noticed all their actions. At this time, it seemed that they came out to warn.

"If you insist on approaching, the island's defense system will attack, and you won't be able to tell when the time comes." Defense is not offense. The order Mao Xiaoyao gave the island base is defense, not to attack the cuttlefish king.

What Mao Xiaoyao wants is balance, to balance the stability of the four seas, not to let the Shadow Ghost Shark King's family dominate, then the benefits of the soul beast will become very small.

He must guarantee the interests of the soul beast, and it must not be destroyed.

"Sorry!" The huge body of the cuttlefish king came, the octopus with eight claws spread its huge tentacles, and approached little by little...

"Back!" The soul beasts reacted quickly, opponents of this level are not for them to deal with!
Sigh, swoosh, a few underwater torpedoes came, they didn't have any explosive power, but poison, a strange poison.

O, it is a defensive formation. It actually has no defense and no means of attack. It simply surrounds the entire island base.

O is the defense system. It has all attacks and is responsible for guarding the entire island base. For example, the current poisonous gas is all in O. The poisonous gas blends into the seawater and will not be diluted.

o, it can also be poisonous, so the soul beasts backed away just now! (Do you understand?)
"Ah..." The cuttlefish king's army began to scream, and the spirit beasts began to twitch one by one. This is just a kind of toxin that isolates the air, and it is not fatal, as long as it does not enter the defensive formation.

go out!It can continue to get oxygen from the sea water, otherwise, if all of them are in it, it will die of lack of oxygen. To deal with the soul beasts in the sea, the cat demon has already thought of it.

It is definitely impossible to compare the numbers, and you can't beat it, you can only play some tricks.

"Squid King, take your army out! You can breathe freely when you go out. Our leader doesn't want to fight with the Donghai tribe. For cooperation, our leader is now cooperating with Miss Anying." A soldier guard on Mao Xiaoyao's side He also said that if he wanted to fight, a lot of soul beasts in the sea might have died just now, and they would completely turn against the Shadow Ghost Shark King.

However, in order to save face for the Shadow Ghost Shark King, it is very necessary to cooperate with Anying!This is also to give the Shadow Ghost Shark King a face.

As long as you don't hit the little cat, everything is fine!The cooperation can continue, but if the partner is changed, then Anying, as for how to negotiate cooperation, that is the matter of Anying and the Shadow Ghost King.

The Cuttlefish King's cultivation base is strong, and he and a few people with strong cultivation bases have no effect at all, but some ordinary soldiers do suffer from hypoxia.

The sea is no better than the ground, and it is a bit more difficult to obtain oxygen.

But even if it is land, so what?Putting poisonous gas in the formation, ordinary soldiers will die a lot!

Of course, having an anti-virus soul guide is another matter!

For example, if the current soul beasts in the sea find a soul guide that can assist breathing, then the toxins of Mao Xiaoyao and the others will be useless.

OK, no!
"Go back! If you want to fight, you can make an appointment for a time and place!" Grimace Ape also appeared, and he was sitting in a submersible at this time. If it wasn't for the damn island soul being too rigid, he would have attacked a long time ago!

Just now, when Grimace Ape asked the spirit of the island base to attack, the spirit actually said something, the order of the little cat is that war is not allowed.

very angry.

The cuttlefish king glanced at his subordinates, he was ashamed, he was really ashamed, he had fought against the Shadow Ghost Shark King for so many years, and he had never seen such a brazen attack!

Let the oxygen disappear directly, paralyzing the entire army, if the opponent attacked just now...

Then the consequences are serious!
"Dare to ask your name?" King Cuttlefish said, at least one of them confessed.

"10-year Grimace Ape, Grimace Douluo, three-character combat armor master!" Grimace introduced, with disdain on his face, a group of pigs, they haven't learned the combat armor technique, so they don't want to rely on them anymore.

"Very good, I hope we can compete against each other sometime, and I'm leaving!" The cuttlefish king retreated, his huge body was swimming, and the army also began to retreat. When they came out, one by one returned to normal and could breathe normally...

They were all shocked, what the hell is going on!
The cuttlefish king is also shocked, if this kind of technology, Mao Xiaoyao handed it over to other people from Sanhai...

The cuttlefish king didn't dare to think about it anymore. Now, he just wanted to go back and discuss with the shadow ghost shark king about re-cooperating.

It is obviously unwise to be an enemy of the little cat.

"Hehe!" Grimacing Ape was full of disdain, and went back with his subordinates. Mao Xiaoyao asked him to come to the island base, probably for the better development of Xingdou Village, right?
After all, I am always against it!

But, who knows what he thinks?

Island base!

 Grimace Ape, remembering what humans did to him, and Tost gouging out his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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