The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 351 The Shadow Ghost Shark King's Choice!

Chapter 351 The Shadow Ghost Shark King's Choice!


There is no war!
just lost!
"Waste, a group of waste, even an island base can't be taken down. Do you want me to go there myself?" The Shadow Ghost Shark King was in a tantrum, swearing wildly, and when he saw any subordinate who was upset, he hit and kicked him! ! ! !

It's a shame that Donghai's elite troops went to attack the island base and got nothing, but they were beaten back in despair!
"It's very strange there. When the army entered, the spirit beasts couldn't breathe one by one, and lost their fighting power instantly, but the other party didn't seem to want to start a war." The cuttlefish king said, at that time, he could actually charge in with a few spirit beasts, It's just that all the subordinates fell down, so they lost their resistance in an instant, and the cuttlefish king didn't want to have any struggle with Maoxiao, so he didn't take other measures.

"A bunch of trash! Tell Anying to come and see me!" Shadow Ghost Shark King said coldly, he really wanted to see what the cat demon was cooperating with his good daughter.

As for cooperation!Since it was impossible to cooperate until now, and there was no fight, it means that Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want to be an enemy of himself!

The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled. It seemed that it was time to contact humans. Since the little cat would not cooperate with them, they had to find humans by themselves.

Anyway, it's not just Mao Xiaoyao and they have skills!


An Ying is here!

"See the Shadow Ghost Shark King!" Anying said calmly, she already knew about the failure of the Cuttlefish King and the others. After all, so many troops were dispatched, and when passing through her territory, the subordinates would naturally tell her what happened.

At this moment, An Ying looked at her father, looked at him, and suddenly felt that he was so ridiculous, because he had no idea what terrifying power the little cat possessed.

And, who exactly brought the changes in the East China Sea!Doesn't he know?
If there is no cat demon transformation pill, then the soul beasts of the Donghai tribe are still far behind, and only soul beasts over 10 years old can transform into human form.

Not to mention opening up wisdom or something!Without the elixir, it is impossible to transform.

Killing each other is very common in the ocean, and the weak prey on the strong!

However, the elixir brought by Mao Xiaoyao opened up the spiritual intelligence of the soul beasts, letting them, as ordinary soul beasts, know what things can be done and what things cannot be done!

And, embark on the road of learning...


The soul beasts in the sea are no longer so primitive and savage, they are slowly learning to evolve...

It's just that it's too late now!
"I heard that the little cat is cooperating with you? Tell me how to cooperate!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King looked coldly at his daughter, that human woman back then!

After he snatched a human woman and raped her, he left her on an uninhabited island!
Unexpectedly, after many years, that woman did not die, but gave birth to a child, namely An Ying!
That woman was still killed!An Ying was brought back into the sea...

Why to cooperate?

The Shadow Ghost Shark King looked at his daughter and chuckled, no matter what, Mao Xiaoyao is also a male soul beast!
"Yes! He cooperated with me and returned to the previous scale. The premise is that it is only with me, and that the free sea activities of Mao Xiaoyao and the others cannot be affected, otherwise the cooperation will be cancelled!" Anying said indifferently, looking at her father At that time, there was a hatred hidden in her heart, but she couldn't show it, she must bear it!

Forbearance, for revenge!

An Ying will never forget the scene of her mother dying in front of her!One day, she will make this so-called shadow ghost shark king pay a heavy price! ! !
"Arrogant cat demon, who does he think he is? Hehe, it's not that I don't know those strong soul beasts on the mainland. He is just a ten-year soul beast. Killing him is as simple as waving your hand Something." The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled, he knew the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King of the Star Dou Forest, that is, the beast god, the master of land spirit beasts, of course, the master now is the Silver Dragon King!

Cat goblin?
If it wasn't for the Transformation Pill and some pills that can improve spiritual intelligence, the Shadow Ghost Shark King would not have cooperated with Mao Xiaoyao.

Ever since he knew the preciousness of rare metals and some materials, the Shadow Ghost Shark King began to restrict them, because he knew that the East China Sea would also need those things in the future.

I don't want to give Mao Xiaoyao so much!

It's just that he didn't expect Mao Xiaoyao to cut off the cooperation so decisively!This is the reason for his anger. Now, he can't wait to lead his troops to attack Xingdou Village!

However, landing a battle is a very big challenge for sea spirit beasts. If they can't solve it quickly, they will fall into a passive state...

Moreover, most of the soul beasts are fish and fish, and the soul beasts that can go ashore normally are similar to crabs and turtles...

However, most of them have no changelings and have no way of surviving on land for long!

Regarding Transformation Pill, Mao Xiaoyao is very strict, and has always given very little. However, there are so many soul beasts in the sea, so it is natural that there is not enough.

Now, the Shadow Ghost Shark King did that only to let the little cat know that it was time to add some conditions...

But who knows...

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Shadow Ghost Shark King, it's just that you seem to have overlooked a problem."

It would not be a wise choice to be an enemy of the cat demon, if it were An Ying herself, she would do the same, but not now!

Because the soul beasts in the sea don't have enough things, she won't choose this time to do it.

As for working with humans?
Hehe, cat demons are at least soul beasts, and cunning human beings dare not use their skills even after learning them! ! !

"Oh, tell me! The cat demon asked you to act as an intermediary. Presumably, you also have your own skills." Once, the Shadow Ghost Shark King proposed that the cat demon marry his daughter Anying, but at that time, the cat The demon refuses!

Unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao still chooses to cooperate with An Ying, why?

The Shadow Ghost Shark King frowned, he suddenly couldn't understand his daughter, but this look was too similar to that woman.

Every time he sees Anying, he is not in a good mood, that kind of human eyes are very annoying!
The cuttlefish king and all the spirit beasts were silent. The shadow ghost shark king always said what he said, and no one dared to go against it.

Unless you live enough!
If there is no reason to persuade, then the Shadow Ghost Shark King will not let the little cat go so easily, and the war is about to break out! ! !
However, that's not everything Mao Xiaoyao wants, he doesn't want a war!
"You choose to cooperate with humans, we have no objection!" Maybe in the next second, she will face a furious shadow ghost shark king, but Anying still has no fear: "But, please remember one question, humans After all, they are human beings, they will not teach us as seriously as Mao Xiaoyao and the others!"

People who are not of my race must have a different heart. This is what Mao Xiaoyao told her, and at the same time, it is also a sentence that he asked himself to pass on to the Shadow Ghost Shark King.

"Get out, you don't have the qualifications, accuse me!" Shadow Ghost Shark King said angrily, the tide surged around his body, a strong current rushed Anying out of the palace, very angry, he was actually preached!
What do you do that you need people to talk about?
The cuttlefish king and the others still didn't say anything, they wouldn't make themselves unlucky with such a thing.

Outside, Anying spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at the direction of the palace with unwilling eyes, clenched her fists, turned into a mermaid, and disappeared...

Stupidity always pays! ! !
The furious Shadow Ghost Shark King was swearing at people, but when he calmed down, he still asked the Squid King to go and see the cooperation with Yin Ying, the cat demon.

Humans, soul beasts?
 I'm late!

(End of this chapter)

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