The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 352 Be prepared for danger in times of peace!

Chapter 352 Be prepared for danger in times of peace!


In the Fog Continent, in Star Dou Village.

Star Dou Village Armory!

Mao Xiaoyao is in the office in the arsenal, watching, looking at some materials, lost in thought...

"The Shadow Ghost Shark King is still going to cooperate with humans after all. Why, he is so not easy to be satisfied, ambition is sometimes scary." Mao Xiaoyao slammed the information in his hand on the desk, his face was full of anger, The Shadow Ghost Shark King disappointed him too much. Obviously, he has already cooperated with Anying again, and has stepped up efforts to help Donghai develop soul guidance technology!

But why?
Why is the Shadow Ghost Shark King still cooperating with humans!
People who are not of my race must have different minds, don't you understand this truth?
Seeing the materials scattered around the table, Dai Shu who just came in also took a look at the materials, frowned, and said: "The ambition of the Shadow Ghost Shark King has always been like that, little demon, he is not satisfied with what we provide , looking for humans is for sure, after all, he holds the resources that humans need!" Shadow Ghost Shark King doesn't want to be controlled by Mao Xiaoyao, because Mao Xiaoyao is just a ten-year-old soul beast, what do you want to get?
Di Tian is not qualified to be like him!What's more, cat demon?
"Let Snake Seven pay more attention and see who the Shadow Ghost Shark King is in contact with!" Mao Xiaoyao gently rubbed his temples, sighed with a headache, lying on the couch, very troubled recently, but the Shadow Ghost Shark King didn't really come to attack Xingdou Village in a feverish manner, otherwise the whole plan would be in vain!
"Well, I already asked Snake Qiduo to keep an eye on the Shadow Ghost Shark King and their movements!" Dai Shu put away the materials, put them back into the file bag, and handed them to a soul robot next to him. Going forward, stretched out his mechanical arm, took the document bag, put it into his body and began to smash it.

Then, it poured another glass of water for Dai Shu and Mao Xiaoyao!Very intelligent and full of wisdom, and this is the result of the fusion of souls and soul guides!
Mechanical Eldar, this is the name given to this new race by Mao Xiaoyao! ! !

Mechanical Eldar!

Two elders, the eldest.

Among them, one is the million-year-old soul underground in Shrek City, and the other is the million-year-old soul in the Star Dou. The two of them manage the entire mechanical spirit race!


After taking a sip of water, the little cat with a tired face touched the soul robot next to him, indicating that it was doing well and getting smarter and smarter.

The soul robot showed a smiling expression, very happy, and immediately stood by.

Dai Shu also smiled, the types of souls have changed a lot, and now they are a brand new race! ! !Complement each other with soul beasts!
"By the way, Snake Seven sent a message saying that the evil soul master seems to be very interested in the sea transportation route, and sent people everywhere to look for you! Also, some strange people began to appear around Mu Xi, but they were all eliminated !" Dai Shu also explained the recent situation on the human side. The evil soul masters have been active very frequently recently, and they seem to want to take some action.

sea ​​transportation?What does the evil soul master want to transport, and why is he looking for the cat demon?

"Look! I also want to see what those guys are trying to do!" Mao Xiaoyao knew that the Holy Spirit was just a puppet after all. Now, what he needs to be more careful about is the silent Spirit Pagoda.

If Mao Xiaoyao remembered correctly, the Spirit Pagoda, the evil soul masters, the Sun Moon Federation, and the three forces would unite to blow up the entire Shrek Academy, and Yun Ming and Cai Lao would die in that explosion! ! !

Shrek Academy and Tang Sect will all be their targets!

However, the Holy Spirit Cult is just a clown, and the Sun Moon Federation is the same. The real danger is the Spirit Pagoda!
And, the man Tost dreamed of surpassing—Qiangu Dongfeng!The head of the Spirit Pagoda!Therefore, the only tower leader of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has unfathomable strength!
However, the only one who can fight against it is Qingtian Douluo——Yun Ming!
Three, twelfth-level custom-installed soul missiles, the level of killing gods, basically belong to the level of artifacts, rumored to be able to threaten gods! ! !
This is also the reason why Mao Xiaoyao looks disdainful towards Yun Ming, because this character is just a dead person!

It's just that Mao Xiaoyao is very busy now, and maybe at that time, he may not be able to see the beautiful scene of Yun Ming being killed and Shrek Academy being bombed.

However, at that time, the entire underground base had to be transferred!

The project is very big!
The little cat has a headache again...

"However, Tost seems to be in contact with evil soul masters too. Will this...have any impact on our plan?" Dai Shu was a little afraid that the soul mecha technology would be leaked out and be used by humans instead. To deal with their soul beasts.

In fact, Tost is also under the surveillance of Mao Xiaoyao, but Tost seems to be very cunning, basically in his secret base.

If Wang Zunfang hadn't entered the monitoring range, then Mao Xiaoyao probably wouldn't have known that Tost would come into contact with the evil soul master!
However, an ambitious person will definitely use all resources, even if it is an evil soul master! ! !
"No matter how they produce the soul mechs, those souls will only obey me after all. They are the army created for us!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled sinisterly, he would not be so foolish as to provide technology to Tost , He only gave Tost those technologies within the controllable range.

Moreover, with such a terrifying technology, Tost will definitely not be so stupid as to share it with others, so that others can also create a soul mecha!
"You mean..." Dai Shu was stunned, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but glance at the little soul robot in standby mode, then she understood something and smiled.

"I can communicate with the soul. Tost seems to be creating his own army, but in fact, it's just helping us! I wish he could tell everyone! By then, we will no longer be afraid of anyone!"

When Mao Xiaoyao gave the technology to Tost, he must have considered those issues, otherwise, he would not have given the technology he wanted so much to Tost.

Moreover, no matter how many souls humans create in the future!As long as Mao Xiaoyao and their two million-year-old souls continue to evolve and exist!
So soul!Will always obey the orders of the soul beast! (The fusion of human souls does not count!)
"Xiaoyao, you are really amazing, haha!" Dai Shu laughed, happy like a blooming flower, delicate and bright, she was relieved, she knew that the little cat must have something to deal with Method.

"I hope Tost won't embarrass us!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, Tost?Is this person really that ambitious?

Dare to challenge the pagoda of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda?It does not seem to be a simple character!

It's just that Tost knows that there are too many things, and it is always a hidden danger! ! !Mao Xiaoyao frowned slightly, I hope Tost will work hard to cultivate and produce research with anger!
When the time comes, Mao Xiaoyao will accept it.

"Yes, you tell Snake Seven to be more careful recently, and pay more attention to the movements of the Sun Moon Federation, the Spirit Pagoda, and the evil soul masters. If there is anything, report it to me directly!!" Mao Xiaoyao said again, Shrek He really wanted to see the great destruction of the academy, and that Yun Ming, he also wanted to see Yun Ming die! ! !
"Yes!" Dai Shu nodded, and then went out, busy with her affairs.

"Tang Wulin!" Mao Xiaoyao murmured, looking at the world outside the window, couldn't help but smile, when everything you cared about is destroyed, will you feel sad and painful, will you hate?
Mao Xiaoyao knew what would happen next. However, Mu Xi was somewhat safe in Shrek Academy, and she had to go back. Her father was a blacksmith, and would become the target of the enemy's assassination.

I hope that Youlang and Yudie can protect Mu Xi well, and everything will be fine!

 Run in the codeword of the new mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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