Chapter 354 Elves?


The arrow is on the string!Mao Xiaoyao's complexion changed, a very powerful aura was approaching, it seemed to be Contra's aura, very strange...

The other party seemed to have no intention of hiding it!
Not humans, not orcs, what?
With the evil cat armor attached to his body, the cat demon is holding the Dao weapon crossbow, and at this moment, he has condensed an arrow feather of demon power. An opponent of this level should not be underestimated, and must be taken seriously!

Just when he was about to mobilize the soul troops to dispatch, the other party appeared...

That is……

call out!
The order to cut through the air, the arrow that contains the power of the little cat, is not just the power of the demon, the arrow of chaos, evil, full of evil...

One arrow in the past!
Accurate hit!

Dead or not?

A Contra so weak?The little cat is ready to fight, and a pair of sharp claws have appeared on the hands of the evil cat's armor, ready for a big fight, but?

"Wow..." A few evil auras appeared and immediately surrounded Mao Xiaoyao. Before Mao Xiaoyao had time to look at the enemy he shot, there appeared an enemy that made his scalp tingle...


Demonized creatures!

The little cat was shocked, the breath of the demons! ! !
Those guys with long pointed ears have long golden hair, what race are they, but they are all demonized, their appearances are distorted, hideous and terrifying, and they can't see clearly...

But they are all women, they don't seem to care about the beautiful jade body being exposed in the air, and now they are in chaos, they just want to kill the creatures they see in front of them...

"Made, let me just say that the appearance of creatures like monsters must have something to do with the demons!" Mao Xiaoyao cursed, began to summon the soul troops, and informed the big black cow, the guy in charge of guarding Xingdou Village, why the enemy When he came in, he didn't know anything?
Guards, dirt eaters?
One by one, soul sages cultivated as demonized creatures!

The cat demon likes this kind of demonized creature, don't ask why, because the more evil the thing is, it is a great tonic for the cat demon! ! !
Back then, when the demon army attacked the Kunlun Demon Realm, the Kunlun Mountain Realm was beaten to the point where blood flowed like a river, and demonized creatures were everywhere. Facing the terrifying demon clan, even the dragon clan was afraid!Don't dare to fight head-on.

Because, the devil energy can invade the mind and turn a normal person into a walking dead monster. This is the terrifying place of the devil race...

Wherever the magic energy spreads, it will basically become a demonized creature.

For example, after an ordinary tree is demonized by demonic energy, it becomes a demonic tree, constantly producing demonic energy...

The demon army is invincible just like that...

All races are afraid of...

However, at that time, the ancestors of the cat demon desperately wanted the evil cat clan to appear!As the body of all evils, the evil cats are immune to the invasion of magic energy, and can even absorb magic energy!
In the end, the evil cat desperately wanted to use the power of the clan, purify the demon energy, and lead all the monster clan to defeat the demon clan...

Be a hero!

However, the price of raising the clan is that when the bloodline is passed on, due to the absorption of demonic energy into the body, some members of the Extreme Evil Cat become unstable...

In the end, some clansmen with insufficient talent began to go on the road of absorbing evil energy crazily, and finally lost control of themselves, doing evil everywhere.

However, the Lustful Evil Cat Clan was gradually hated by other Monster Clans, even feared, and finally became the enemies of the Monster Clan and ended up exterminating the clan...

It's just that the current monsters don't care about the evil cats, they just want to kill the little cat, kill all the creatures in front of them, destroy, kill! ! !
"Made, damn monster!" Mao Xiaoyao had seen records of demonized creatures in the inheritance of bloodline skills, and the situation at this moment is similar to the records.

The eyes are blood-red and lifeless, the face is grim and distorted, murderous, walking corpses—— demonized creatures!
This is a monster, a creature polluted by magic energy that invades the mind!

"Ghost Claw!" The cat demon slapped a monster, the ghost claw, a terrifying purple ghost claw, with endless evil spirit, and grabbed it fiercely! ! !
A monster was slapped on the ground, bloody all over, but it still didn't die, and there was no pain. It got up and continued to pounce on the little cat!
"Dark Night Poison Claw!" The little cat was startled, the monster is indeed terrifying, if there is no way to really kill it, then it will continue to fight until it is exhausted, and finally explodes to death...

The poisonous claws fell and began to corrode the wounds of the demonized creatures, but the demonized creatures still didn't stop... They kept beating the little cats in groups!Group fights that are not afraid of death, although they have been knocked down by the little cat many times!

However, he still attacked wildly.

Fortunately, under the evil cat's armor, the monsters can't do anything to the cat demon, it's just...

"Don't hurt them..." A weak voice, like a ray of fairy voice, said nicely, causing the confused demonized creatures to pause and look in the direction of the voice.

At this time, a beautiful woman with blond long hair reaching waist appeared, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, her skin was like snow, with pointed ears, blond hair and blue eyes, green plant clothes wrapped around that mysterious part.

Elves! ! !
Mao Xiaoyao thought of this natural race, no matter in appearance or anything, it is very suitable!

Wait, the chest is...

Demonic Arrow Feather...

"..." Accidental injury, accidental injury, Mao Xiaoyao is a little embarrassed... However, it is hard to say whether the other party is an enemy, because the other party actually attacked him.

"You are not allowed to hurt them!" She was young, and her tone was not small. Looking at the elf girl who was about 15 years old, she was very powerful. She ignored the injury of the demon arrow feathers on her chest, and manipulated various plants to attack the little cat...

"Damn!" I blame the elf girl for being too beautiful and tempting, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances. If the little cat didn't pay attention, he was entangled by countless vines, and a crack appeared in the ground. He was directly dragged in, and the ground closed , he was trapped...

Wood, earth, the power of the five elements?The little cat was shocked again, saying that the elves are a race of nature, and they can manipulate the elements of nature...

I finally saw it today...

"They have been invaded by demonic energy, and there is no way to save them! If you persist in your obsession, you will be killed by them!" Mao Xiaoyao warned, because the other party seemed to be trapping herself and had no killing intent, otherwise when the land was completely closed , that is Roujiamo!

However, the cat demon will not be afraid, because the power of the five elements!The "Demon Heart Jue" he practiced also has metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. He really wants to know who is more powerful!
Internal organs, reincarnation of the five elements, refining the internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, corresponding to the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, earth!
Mao Xiaoyao has cultivated to the third level!

The heart will make the blood of the cat demon stronger!
The kidneys will help Mao Xiaoyao purify some toxins and turn them into his own use, making him invulnerable to all poisons.

Now it's the lungs, the third layer, it will help Mao Xiaoyao purify some evil spirits that have been absorbed into the body!Reduce the invasion of evil spirits to cat demons.

Can have a purifying effect!

"It has nothing to do with you. They are all members of my clan. I will not let you hurt them!" Before she finished speaking, she was attacked by a monster and she was injured. Now it is probably not the opponent of several demons...

"A fool!" The cat demon finally understood why the elf girl was injured. After all, the clansmen who dare not attack monsters blindly defend themselves. If they try to rescue them again, they will definitely be attacked...

Shattering the vines on the body, using the power of the earth, the little cat came out easily, with blue flames spraying from the armored feet and back, and quietly looked at the elf girl who was beaten by the group below...

At this time, the big black bulls have already arrived!Soul troops appeared to surround mecha troops, all came troops, armor troops...

 Tang Wulin was developing, and the story of the cat demon entering the misty continent was also developing, and after that, there was the bombing of Shrek Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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