The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 355 Demon Clan Doubts!

Chapter 355 Demon Clan Doubts!

"Little demon!" The big black cow came, leading the guard army of Xingdou Village.

At this moment, the big black cow is ready to break through the realm of Titled Douluo. He has skills, pills, and all resources, and his cultivation has improved very quickly.

However, as the commander of the guard army responsible for guarding Xingdou Village, he let these unknown people in, and now he is very depressed...

Where is it?
Why is there no response from the soul guide?
What went wrong?

"Is there something wrong with your eyes? Or is there something wrong with the soul tool, or are you lazily fighting the landlord?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the guard troops and cursed. They are basically a combination of armor and battle armor, and they are the most luxurious troops in Xingdou Village. , I don't know how many monsters came in...

What if the kids were there just now?

Mao Xiaoyao is a little unhappy, this is no longer a matter of negligence in defense.

"The soul guide didn't send out an alarm. The monitoring soul guide we installed seems to be blocked by plants. It's really..." The big black cow is also suffering. When he checked just now, he found it!A bunch of vines wrapped around the soul guide surveillance camera, which prevented them from noticing these monsters!

The array also seemed to be destroyed.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao frowned as she looked at the elf girl who was beaten by her fellow monsters. The abilities of the elves are indeed very miraculous. It seems that the formation can't just be Xingdou Village, it must cover the entire Xinxingdou University forest.

It's just that the materials and time consumed...

Mao Xiaoyao fell into deep thought, that would require a lot of manpower, material resources and time.

However, the current situation in the human world!
"Little monster, what should we do? Do you want to deal with them? They look very human, not like orcs!" If you make a mistake, correct it, and you must be more serious in the future. When the big black cow saw that the cat and the little demon didn't blame them, he couldn't help but talk to his subordinates. It's a sigh of relief. They all know how scary this leader is!
Besides, they really didn't defend well, and they didn't protect Xingdou Village well, which led to such terrible things coming in!

"Go and search the forest thoroughly to see if there are any fish that escaped the net. If you see it, kill it immediately. Don't show mercy, and don't try to get close!" Everywhere they go is war, and wherever they go, some creatures will be demonized...

Before, see Warcraft!Mao Xiaoyao thought of this possibility. After all, monsters are demonized mutant races, and they are also a kind of monsters!
It's just that after so many years, they have evolved and multiplied, and they are not so walking dead.

However, the following elven girls are different. At this time, they are hopeless, and their demonic energy has invaded their minds, and they have completely lost their minds. Otherwise, they would not attack that elven girl crazily...

"But, here..." The big black cow hesitated to speak, and frowned. Those terrifying demonized creatures seemed to have some strength, and he was a little worried about the cat demon.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, glanced at the elf girl who was beaten by the monster companion below, and said: "Those things can't threaten me!"

"You go! Don't leave any hidden dangers for me. This kind of monster is very scary. If we don't deal with it well, we may all become like that." Mao Xiaoyao said with a serious face. Since there are demons, it means, Somewhere on the Continent of Fog exists demons...or, in other words, there is a place like a gate of time and space that connects to the demon world!

The magic energy leaked, causing creatures to mutate!
There are only two possibilities!Otherwise, it would be impossible for monsters to appear in the Fog Continent!

It seems that the Misty Continent is also very unsafe!The demons, the cat demon would rather deal with humans than face the more terrifying demons!


It must be investigated. The Misty Continent is the new home of the soul beasts, and the little cat can't let the demons destroy it!
"Then be careful!" The big black cow nodded and glanced at the battle below.

"Follow me!" The big black cow took the armored troops and began to investigate the forest. Seeing the solemn expression of the little cat, he also knew that this matter seemed very scary!
The armored troop nodded to Mao Xiaoyao, then disappeared, let's go!

Sending out soul flying troops to check the surroundings, Mao Xiaoyao quietly watched the battle from the tree, and seemed to have no intention of helping.

He wants to see, the elf girl, how can she save her!
"Qing'er, Ling'er, look at me, I'm Huanya, wake up!!!" The elf girl was crying, shedding tears, tears running across her delicate and beautiful face, she was very sad, she didn't know Why is it like this, why her friend suddenly turned into such a terrifying appearance...

With a trace of gentle purification power, she tried to purify the state of the monster clan, the elf girl did not give up, even though her body was full of wounds, she did not give up on her clan...

"Ahhh..." roared like a zombie, with blood-red eyes full of chaos and killing, a trace of blood and tears falling, and a hideous face, still attacking the elf girl...

Maybe sometimes, they are sober, but they still can't control themselves, their sanity is eroded bit by bit, and they will no longer be themselves!
The elf girl had a stubborn face and let her companions attack. No matter what, she would insist on purification...

Until the partner recovers...

However, there will be a time when the power is exhausted, not to mention that the devil energy has invaded the mind, and there is no way to cure it. Doing that is just futile.

"As I said, they are hopeless, and the demonic energy has invaded their minds. At this moment, they are no longer me. If you don't kill them, they will kill you! Moreover, they will suffer more and more, and finally explode to death! "

"Killing them is the real way to save them!"

The little cat can't stand it any longer. Let the demonized creatures attack the elf girl like that, and she will die. Those monsters will not show mercy!

What if they are all dead?
So who does the little cat ask questions?
"No, they are all my friends, I must save them!" The elf girl said sadly, staggering, her movements began to become slow...

Grasping the flaw, with one bite, a monster bit hard on her arm that was as white as a lotus root and snowy! ! !

In an instant, blood was dripping...

After the other monsters saw the blood, they became more excited one by one, scrambling to rush up, trying to devour the elf girl.

However, they have already been bitten, and the elf girl still did not attack her former partner, she still watched quietly and cried...

"Made, idiot!" Mao Xiaoyao finally couldn't stand it any longer. This elf girl couldn't die. After all, she was so beautiful. It would be a pity to die. Moreover, Mao Xiaoyao needed to ask her some things, she couldn't die! !
With a slap of the black wings, the cat demon flew down at a high speed, kicking away the monster that wanted to get close! ! !At the same time, run the blood power of the extremely lustful evil cat, devour and absorb it, since it is evil devil energy, it can definitely be absorbed...

"Let go of me, you're courting death!" The elf girl was hugged by the little cat, struggling desperately. A strange man actually hugged such a noble girl...

"Quiet, shut up!" The cat demon ignored the elf girl, but closed her eyes and carefully felt the fluctuation of the devil energy in her body. If the bloodline technique is recorded correctly...

Magic energy seems to be able to...

absorb! ! !

The elven girl was wronged, she looked at her companion who was still yearning for her own blood and fell into chaos, she took a bite and bit the cat demon's chest...

 Begin to enter the foggy continent, the plot of the demon race.

(End of this chapter)

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