The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 359 Spirit Body!

Chapter 359 Spirit Body!


"Hmph!" The black cat let go of the elf girl's neck, not very happy, and at the same time threatened and said coldly: "What are you doing, believe it or not, I will kill you directly!" If you are a clan, you will still be beaten. When you are in a bad mood, you may be beaten to death directly.

"Ahem." The elf girl touched her neck, feeling a little angry. She bit her lips and gritted her teeth, unwilling to look at the black cat. Now her cultivation has not recovered, and when facing the black cat, it seems that she has not recovered. any solution.

Patted the black cat, the little cat smiled, the black cat snorted coldly, and then ignored it.

"Calm down! I saved you not because I want to do anything to you, but because I want to know what happened to you and your companions." Mao Xiaoyao asked, and now he really wants to know something about the demons , if there are demons, they must be eliminated at all costs.

The elf girl was vigilant, looking around with a little anxiety.

Seeing this, Dai Shu also said: "Answer the question, and we will let you go. You will definitely not embarrass you." Regarding the elves, they don't know much about them so far. At least, they will not forge any hatred.

The black cat hugged its chest and watched quietly.

After thinking for a while, the elf girl was full of vigilance towards the little cat, and said, "You are so similar to the demon aura, how do I know, are you lying?" The elf girl could clearly sense that the little cat She would definitely not admit to the traces of demonic energy remaining on the demon's body.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao suddenly wanted to laugh, but, looking at such a cute elf girl, he said: "If I am really the kind of person you think, then you should be trembling with disheveled clothes now, or become The same existence as your companion, just become a walking dead monster."

"Lie to you? I have hundreds of ways to absorb your soul and know everything I want, believe it or not?" The cat demon smiled, and then released the evil aura on his body, spreading strand by strand, like purple tentacles Same, purple and weird, slowly entangled around the elf girl...

"Ah...don't come here..." The elf girl's face was full of fear, that breath, breath...

The breath is wrong!

The black cat said contemptuously, "What a fuss."

Dai Shu was also watching the reaction of the elf girl, she seemed to be very afraid of the cat demon.

The cat demon withdrew his breath, and the demonic energy disappeared. At this time, the demonic energy had turned into a pure breath, which flowed into the cat's demon's dantian, and just a little bit of demonic energy could make an ordinary person lose his temper in an instant. Obsessed...

Totally lost my mind!Being a demonized creature is pretty scary.

"Can we talk about it now?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the terrified elf girl. It seems that after going through some things, she is now very afraid of evil energy, so when the evil energy spreads, she will be so afraid Bar!

"But you are still an evil person!" The elf girl said, she would never bow to an evil person, never.

"Then do you want more of your clansmen to become like that? Demonic energy, monsters, demons?" The cat demon pressed the elf girl, staring fiercely, now wasting one more second, then more One second of danger.

"How do you know?" The elf girl was stunned, she couldn't believe it, why, this very evil guy in front of her, also knew about the demons?

"Our purpose is the same, I am afraid of the demons, you are also afraid, I also want to destroy them, and you must be like that!" Mao Xiaoyao said.

The danger of monsters, if it breaks out, is more terrifying than the threat of the human world, which will turn the foggy continent into a magical continent.

At that time, the monsters will run rampant and kill all creatures on the foggy continent, then everything will end.

"Then how can I trust you?" The elf girl was still very vigilant, her eyes were on the little cat, black cat and Dai Shu. She didn't understand why these people followed such an evil person.

"If you don't tell me, I will forcibly extract your soul. Hehe, when the time comes, something will go wrong, or you will die! Don't blame me!" Mao Xiaoyao threatened impatiently. Now he really doesn't want to have sex with the elf girl. Nonsense, it's useless to be beautiful and cute, if you don't say anything, then you can still extract the soul, why do you care about her?

"Then what about me? Are you going to kill me?" The elf girl still didn't want to say, she was very stubborn, and she didn't seem to want to give in to the cat demon.

Suddenly, click!
The hands and feet were all put on metal shackles, moved a bit, and shocked!
The interrogation begins!
"Ah, I'll kill you!" The elf girl wanted to resist, but a current from her feet, hands, and neck made her fall numbly to the ground, and her body began to twitch...

That picture...

Black Cat and Dai Shu even look down on it a bit.

Starting from the forced reading of soul memory, the cat demon doesn't care about how beautiful and cute you are, now, he just wants to know what happened.


The demon power surrounds the elf girl, a formation falls, and the cat demon is reading the elf girl's soul, and the elf girl is also shocked to lose resistance.

It's hard to speak...

When Mao Xiaoyao checked his memory just now, he finally understood what happened.

Sure enough, there is really a Demon Crack in the Mist Continent. Now, the seal is loose, and the magic energy begins to leak. When the elf girl and her companions check it.

Being attacked by unknown demons, and his companions were accidentally invaded by demonic energy, this made him look like a walking dead.

Just when Mao Xiaoyao was about to learn more about it, a ray of light shot out from between the eyebrows of the elf girl, and almost hit Mao Xiaoyao. That golden dazzling light transformed into another elf clansman.

The appearance is somewhat similar to that of an elf girl, and they are both beautiful.

"You dare to hurt my elf queen, you must die today!" The elf soul turned into a storm of energy, directly attacking the soul of the little cat.

"Damn it!" Mao Xiaoyao had no choice but to cancel the memory reading, and the elf girl was liberated proudly, panting heavily, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao with resentment.

"No offense, I just want to know something, I will let her go." Spirit attack?Maoxiao frowned, this spirit body is a bit powerful, he didn't expect the identity of the elf girl to be so terrifying, it turned out to be the queen of the elves...

This queen is too worthless!It can be picked up anywhere in the wilderness, and this spirit body made the little cat feel threatened for the first time! ! ! !
The strength of the main body is definitely not as simple as Titled Douluo, and the limit Douluo is definitely not...

what is it?

"Go to hell!" The spirit body moved and turned into a pure green light. As a spirit body, she can only attack the soul.

However, due to the suppression from the depths of his soul, Mao Xiaoyao's scalp went numb in an instant!
"Dai Shu, black cat, you go out!" The cat demon untied the soul-suppressing bell and turned it into a barrier to protect the black cat and Dai Shu. This spirit body is very powerful. Prohibition on elf girls is a means to protect elf girls.

The cat demon successfully provoked this existence...

"Little demon, be careful!" the black cat reminded, because the spirit body is here!Dai Shu is also in the protective cover. At this moment, she and the black cat are not out at all.

The Soul Requiem Bell protected them tightly.

"Come on! I don't care who you are, this is my place, and I won't let you hurt my people!"

"Evil cat change!"

The little cat turned into a huge body, and a huge black evil cat appeared, spreading the black wings on its back, roaring at the spirit body...

(End of this chapter)

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