The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 360 News of the Demon Crack!

Chapter 360 News of the Demon Crack!

Evil awe-inspiring!

Domineering, I am king, everything is false!

The evil cat transforms, the little cat demon turns into his own body, desperately desires the evil cat, the power of the bloodline explodes completely, and eyes like black holes appear around the body, devouring everything, as well as the spirit body...

"Evil!" The beautiful spirit body was stunned, and she seemed very surprised by the change of the little cat.

The elf girl was also shocked, such an evil guy should not exist in this world, but now she is out of shape, her body is limp and has no strength.

"I don't care who you are, if you threaten me, the cat demon, you will also pay the price. I don't know what state you are in now, but for me, the spirit body really can't threaten anything, unless your body comes!"

When the main body came, Mao Xiaoyao could only run with the black cat and Dai Shu, but now the other party is just a soul imprint, that is, a spiritual body clone.

What's so scary, he desperately wants the evil cat to rule over this disobedient spirit body, how many there are, and how many he devours!

"Ghostland!" the little cat said coldly, and endless black holes appeared around him, mysterious and strange, and terrifying ghosts appeared in the black holes, slowly crawling out, with bloody hands, ghost claws, hideous, terrifying and distorted faces !
The cat demon is like a hell messenger, summoning his own hell army. Under the ghost prison, the evil spirits are roaring, wanting to tear everything apart! ! !
In the medical hospital, the Cangyu Crane also appeared. With such a powerful evil force, she already clearly felt the horror of the matter.

"What's going on?" Cang Yuhe asked anxiously. At this moment, the room was impossible to enter, and the soul-suppressing bell turned into a barrier to isolate them.

The black cat was also worried: "There is a terrifying existence on that girl, and the little demon is fighting her!"

Horror exists?Cangyuhe saw the cat demon in the body state of the extremely lustful evil cat, and was fighting a spiritual woman, and there were one by one beside him...


The spirit body woman was of the light attribute, Cangyuhe frowned, as if restraining the little cat.

After thinking about it, looking at the fighting situation inside, the black cat said, "Block the surrounding area and keep other spirit beasts away!"

Dai Shu also nodded, the cat demon's current state cannot be seen by other soul beasts.

Cangyuhe nodded, "I'll arrange it! Be careful, the other party is very powerful, if you can't do it, just kill that elf girl!" Cangyuhe glanced at the elf girl, the person who needs to be protected is dead, then the spirit The body has nothing to protect, it will dissipate!

And, delaying time, the spirit body cannot fight for a long time, and the spirit body will become weaker and weaker with time.

Seeing the Cangyu Crane go out, the black cat breathed a sigh of relief, then controlled the soul guide weapons in the room, shifted all of them, aimed at the elf girl, and could instantly kill the elf girl with a concentrated fire.

"Little demon..." The black cat's face was full of worry. If something happened later, she would kill the elf girl without hesitation!Her little demon can't do anything.

Dai Shu was also very nervous, she couldn't help much, and seemed very anxious.

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao fought more and more bravely, and the whole room had been destroyed badly, no metal of any kind could block that sharp claw!
Swallowing, absorbing, the cat demon is devouring that spirit body, preventing her from escaping from the Netherworld.

At the same time, the evil spirits roar and charge forward. They have only one purpose, which is to devour the enemy! ! !
"Son of Evil!!!" The complexion of the beauty's spirit body changed, she finally felt uneasy, but her face was very happy.

Unfortunately, swallow it in one gulp!Mao Xiaoyao is even more simple and domineering, swallowing the entire spirit body in an instant. This spirit body, which surpasses Contra's strength, is swallowed up in an instant.

"Wait, I'm actually..."

"Go to hell!" Mao Xiaoyao said angrily, it's a fart, whoever you are, it's just a spirit body, why are you so arrogant?

So what about devouring spiritual bodies, comprehensive suppression, and attribute restraint?
The day does not understand the darkness of the night, how can the night understand, how white is the day?

With a mouthful of stuffiness, the little cat turned into a human body and felt full, the Nether Ghost Domain disappeared, and all the demons and ghosts retreated, disappearing one by one...

The elf girl was even more frightened, and none of the last resorts could protect her...

At the same time, in the endless forest, among the elves.

Under the ancient tree of life, the great elder of the elves spat out a mouthful of blood deeply. On his peerless face, there was a trace of pain, but he was also a little happy. He held his chest and said, "The son of evil finally appeared, Fanya! I hope you can bring Return to the Son of Evil, save the people..." The spirit body clone left behind by her daughter was devoured, and she also suffered serious backlash. She never thought that a Nether Ghost Realm would be so terrifying...

Countless evil spirits appeared endlessly, attacking and devouring her constantly, making her tired of coping!


The screen returns to Xingdou Village, the medical center.

The soul-suppressing bell jingled, and flew to the little cat's neck automatically, because at this moment, the little cat's body was bumping with a pure force.

With a pale face, he staggered and fell down. The black cat hugged him tightly, "Little demon!" The black cat cried with red eyes, then looked coldly at the elf girl, and said, "I'm going to kill you, It's all you!!!" The soul guide weapons in the room are already in place, and the soul guide guns and soul guide guns are all aimed at the elf girl!

The elf girl was afraid unwillingly. If her cultivation base had not recovered, how could she be afraid?

But, is he going to die?

She was not reconciled, she didn't go back to tell the clansmen about the crack in the demon clan, the clansman's revenge was not avenged, she shed tears of regret, the elf girl tightly closed her eyes.

"Stop, black cat!" The cat demon said weakly, the pure power in his body was still rushing around, suppressing the demon power and soul power at the same time, there is still nothing to do with it now.

Suppress it with evil energy, the evil energy will be purified, and it will only make the little cat weaker.

"But!" The black cat was unconvinced, and looked at the elf girl with gritted teeth. It was all the spirit body in her body, and everything was her!

"Black cat calm down, listen to the little demon!" Dai Shu patted the black cat on the shoulder to calm her down.

When Dai Shu looked at the cat demon, the worry on her face was no less than that of the black cat, but she was suppressing that concern.

The black cat gave up, and immediately hugged the cat demon!
"You can leave at any time! When you want to leave, tell Cangyuhe, the one who takes care of you, and she will take you here."

The little cat demon has now found out where the cracks in the Demon Clan are, and to find out what happened.

There are indeed two demons at the crack of the demons, but those two demons seem to have no plans to come out to make trouble now!

Because, they want to expand the crack and let more demons come over, and when the army of demons arrives, they want to dominate this foggy continent!
The elf girls and the others were attacked by the other party when they went down to check the seal, which led to the invasion of demonic energy...

Now, what Mao Xiaoyao has to do is to go back and prepare, space materials, and re-seal the demon crack...

Hope, this world has...

As for the elf girl, Mao Xiaoyao has no deep hatred for her. Besides, if she kills the little elf queen, she will become an enemy of the elves, and there can be no more enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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