Chapter 362 Go!


"What are you muttering about, everyone is waiting for you, let's go!" At this time, the black cat was wearing a civet armor, and came da da da da, heroic, like a heroine, she was ready to fight.

Outside, the soul beast army is too!
Led by the big black bull and the grimacing ape, six flying transport planes, one mecha troop, one strategic material plane, one other military equipment, one mechanical spirit race troop, one soul beast troop, one...

This time, more than half of the combat power of Xingdou Village was taken, and the elite troops were basically dispatched. It can be said that Xingdou Village has no big realm guards.

Fortunately, now is not a time of war, no one came to sneak attack, otherwise, it would be very dangerous for people to know that the defense is so empty.

"Well, let's go!" The cat demon is also possessed by the evil cat armor, and he is also ready to fight. He can't back down. When the fissure of the demon clan widens, they will be very passive.

Now take the initiative to attack, we must eliminate those hidden dangers of the demons, completely repair the gaps in the demons, and eliminate the hidden dangers of uneasiness.

Start mobilization, a few words of inspiration, everyone set off, for the future of soul beasts.


On the soul guide transport plane, in the driving control room where the cat demon is.

Looking at the Xingdou Village that was gradually shrinking away, Mao Xiaoyao fell into endless emotion, what a beautiful Xingdou Village, it must not be destroyed by the demons.

Go here, vow to eliminate all hidden demons!You can't leave any crisis for the soul beast.

"We will succeed. Didn't you say that there are only two of them? I have so many clansmen, what are you afraid they will do?" In the cab, the black cat said, she also looked at Mao Xiaoyao, in fact, she didn't want Mao Xiaoyao The demon is gone, but she can't stop anything.

Therefore, she chose to protect the cat demon!

Mao Xiaoyao often protects others, but he never knows how to protect himself!

"Ah, it's so hard..." The cat demon forgot that they were wearing armor now, and originally wanted to hug the cute black cat and have a daily tickle...

"Take off!"

"Don't take it off!"

"hurry up!"

"I won't!" The cat demon and the black cat are fighting each other in their daily lives, which can be regarded as a way to relax before the war begins!After all, it's not good to be too depressed all the time.

"What's the matter?" Noisy, noisy, Mao Xiaoyao saw the strange little mood of the black cat, she would not let it be like that before, but recently she suddenly became a little sentimental, as if something happened.

"I didn't live up to it at all. I didn't conceive a child for you." When the black cat looked at Mao Xiaoyao, her eyes were very sad, guilty, and remorseful. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get pregnant. She even doubted herself ,Why?
Until I met an elf girl!In fact, one day, the black cat secretly visited the elf girl, and the elf girl said a word to her!

Elf girl: "You are one dark and one light. If you form a partner with each other, your fertility will be very poor, because your attributes are not compatible!"

Without further ado, the black cat and the elf girl started fighting, and the two of them didn't stop until Cangyuhe stopped them.

The black cat was angry, and the elf girl was dissatisfied, and the two ended up fighting...

Mao Xiaoyao didn't know about it.

"Silly girl, you can't rush this kind of thing. I trust you, but you also have to trust me." Mao Xiaoyao gently put his arms around the black cat and said softly: "The child is the crystallization of our love, but there is no child , it will not shake your position in my heart, and it will not shake our love."

"It's okay to talk about the child later! It's so dangerous now. If you are pregnant, I will be afraid instead."

Why not pregnant?Mao Xiaoyao once thought about a problem, and that was her own reasons!The pure energy of the black cat and its evil power are in conflict with each other!
Pregnancy can be very difficult.

However, he didn't tell the black cat these things, but tried very hard...

"Next time you go back, let Mu Xi come to Xingdou Village! I will protect her, and no soul beast will bully her!" The black cat thought for a while, looking at the cat demon, she was a little unwilling and said, she had been thinking a lot these days many things.

If she couldn't conceive a child for Mao Xiaoyao, then she couldn't stop anything, maybe Mu Xi would be the lucky one.

"Let's talk about it later!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed softly, and then stopped talking, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart, because he made the black cat wronged!
At this moment, they have come to the sky above the Poole Empire.

Heading to the endless forest...

The black cat didn't say anything, but hugged Mao Xiaoyao even more tightly, hugging, hugging hard, trying not to let himself think about some strange things.


However, in the Poole Empire, a hunt is also going on...

"Elves! Catch her, haha, you've made a fortune now, it's actually an elves!!!"

"Tsk tsk, what a juicy elf girl, haha!"

"After so many years, no elves have seen it, but today..." Some human monks, all of them are under the elves girls.

However, they were chasing the elf girl.

The elven girl who just came to the Poole Empire was unfamiliar with her place of life. She exposed herself as soon as she entered the Poole Empire, and the soldiers at the city gate asked for inspection.

After all, a blonde beauty is hard to see in the human world...

As a result, the elf girl ran away!

The human soldiers thought they were wanted criminals, so they started chasing him!Chasing, chasing, they found that it was an elf girl...

Elves?I don't know how many years ago, at that time, the alien race, the human race, and the elf race got along very well, and they often traded and exchanged needed items.

However, due to the greed of humans and alien races, war broke out, and the elves chose to enter the endless forest and not participate in the battle.

However, humans and alien races have been fighting for an unknown amount of time.

The elves have also disappeared since then...

People have almost forgotten this race!

However, there was once a businessman who accidentally caught an elf, and when he returned to the human world, he sold it for a very high price.

From then on, I have no worries about food and clothing!

Unfortunately, that elf knew that she was going to be a slave. As a noble elf, that was not allowed. In the end, she committed suicide...

After that, one after another, in the endless forest, people will find elves from time to time!It's just, hard to catch.

However, once caught, the elves generally end up very miserable.

Especially the female elves...

"Damn humans!" the elf girl said angrily. She turned her head and looked at those humans. She wanted to attack them, but there were too many people on the other side, and she couldn't fight with so many people.

Moreover, those human elves are not weaker than her!

I have obviously been very careful!However, when passing through the human world, she was still found, and the elf girl was also very depressed.

But also very scared, human beings are indeed a group of evil guys, even more evil than that guy, after all, when that guy looked at him, he didn't show such lewd eyes...

However, this group of humans is different!
The elf girl gritted her teeth. She didn't want to fall into the hands of these humans. It was impossible. She would rather die than take advantage of them.

(End of this chapter)

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