The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 363 Demonized Creatures!

Chapter 363 Demonized Creatures!


"General, a demonized creature is found ahead!"

"Kill, not one!"

In a forest near the Puer Empire, the vegetation is dense, and there are many kinds of monsters. One by one, the army is besieging and killing several monsters. The monsters seem to be civilians, and they have reached the point of no cure.

Their faces are ferocious and terrifying, their blood-colored eyes contain only a bloodthirsty desire, and the devilish energy has already invaded their minds. They are monsters through and through!
"Yes!" The army soldiers began to siege, forming a square team one by one, not stingy with their soul skills, throwing soul skills on the monsters one by one.

As monsters of ordinary people, although they have been strengthened, they are still the bodies of ordinary people, and cannot be compared with those with cultivation bases.

However, the army, from head to toe, is armed to the teeth, with a suit of armor, which looks very similar to the armor of the cat demon, but the armor is the armor, and the soldiers put it on themselves, a very simple metal armor.

It's not the same level as armor.

Of course, it is enough to deal with ordinary demonized creatures. Under the siege of the army, the monsters will be wiped out quickly.

A delicate and pretty young general appeared, handsome and handsome, followed by two title-level powerhouses, who seemed to be bodyguards.

"Uncle Da, Uncle Li, what do you think?"

Little general Lin Qingxian, this army is the Lin family army. She glanced at the corpse of the monster on the ground, and saw a very strange aura, which made her unable to get closer. Become the existence of the walking dead.


Recently, unidentified demonized creatures appeared on the border of the Poole Empire from time to time, bloodthirsty and crazy, as if possessed by an evil spirit. Therefore, Lin Qingxian's father ordered her to come back secretly to check the situation. After searching all the way, they finally found some monsters.

"These people are very weird. They don't feel pain no matter how hard they are beaten. They are very difficult to kill!" Lin Qingxian touched her chin and said, now, seeing this situation, she suddenly thought of such a person—the cat demon!

Could this... be his new conspiracy?It seems that there is also such a possibility.

After all, that guy is so evil and terrifying, such a thing is very possible.

"This kind of symptom is very similar to the records in ancient books that the demonic energy invaded the mind, invaded the mind, and finally turned into a demonized creature walking dead." Uncle Da frowned. It seemed that the matter was not simple. According to the legend from years ago, the demons...

Many years ago, in the Fog Continent, when the three races lived in peace, there was no war at that time, unlike now!
At that time, a crack in time and space suddenly appeared, and a terrifying aura that could devour soul power appeared... devilish aura!
From the gap in time and space, a few demon creatures came out. They were very powerful. With a wave of their hands, the army would turn into demonized creatures and completely lose their minds.

The same is true for spirit beasts, which became very violent, and that was later Warcraft.

War, wherever the demons go, no grass grows, and people are demonized one by one...

At that time, the three races joined forces to defend, but still suffered heavy losses and failed miserably, and finally despaired.

A mysterious person suddenly appeared, and with his help, the three tribes completely defeated those demons and the army of demonized creatures, and re-sealed the time rift...

However, not too many years later, the three races broke apart, which led to today's situation.

There have been years of war between alien races and humans, and the elves are no longer appearing.

Legend has it that the elves are guarding the demon rift!

Looking at the demonized corpse, Uncle Li said: "Why don't you take the corpse back and let some capable people in the empire see it. If it is really a demonized creature, then our entire Misty Continent will experience a catastrophe. It's not about us or Poole. Things that the empire can solve at will." Demonized creatures, demons, and the previous alliances of the three races all failed, so terrible things can't be done with just a few of them.

But how close?The soldiers fell into deep thought. Before, there was a soldier who was close to the demonized creature, but now he has become a cold corpse.

At this moment, also lying on the ground...

very horrible!The demonic energy invaded the mind, it was very terrifying, no one dared to approach it.

Lin Qingxian, who tried to get closer, was also taken aback, and then used her soul power to quickly force out the crazy demonic energy. Her face was pale. The demons turned out to be that terrible race. They used to be disobedient. , her mother always said: Disobedient children, the Mozu people will come to catch them and turn them into obedient puppets!
Lin Qingxian always thought that those were just to scare the children. Now, she knew that the demon race does exist, and it seems to have appeared now...

The crisis in the Fog Continent must be known to everyone. It is indeed not something that a few of them can handle...

"Don't touch them with your body! Be sure to set up a barrier of soul power around you to prevent that weird aura from leaking out." With a solemn face, Lin Qingxian looked at Uncle Da and said, "Uncle Da, I'm begging you, here, only you One has that ability, please escort these corpses back, and make sure to let the people of the empire see, now the crisis in the Mist Continent appears..."

"I hope that the Empire and the others can unite temporarily to solve the immediate difficulties."

War and Extinction!Lin Qingxian didn't know what to do. Now, she just wanted the empire to pay attention and send someone to solve it!

And inform other empires, races!


"Yeah!" Uncle Da nodded, and then placed a barrier of soul power on a corpse to isolate all demon energy. However, in order to maintain the barrier, he had to pay attention all the time before arriving at the imperial capital.

"Go back with Uncle Da! Uncle Li and I will continue to check the situation here." Lin Qingxian decided to check if there are any such demonic creatures around. If there are any, they must be eliminated immediately.

"Miss, but..." The soldiers hesitated, his mission was to protect Lin Qingxian.

"There is nothing but, now, the empire, homeland, and even the entire foggy continent are in danger, so what is my safety?" Lin Qingxian said, danger?What dangers could there be in operating in the area of ​​​​your own empire, and who would dare to provoke her without opening his eyes?

"Old Li, protect Miss." Da Shu said.

Uncle Li nodded, "Don't worry!"

Uncle Da nodded, put the corpse into something like a coffin, and drove the Warcraft vehicle. Several soldiers also mounted their horses and set off!
Escort the corpse back. Without the corpse, no one would believe it.

With the corpse, the empire will pay attention to this matter, but it is very dangerous when sending each other, so you have to be careful.

Seeing Uncle Da and the others go away, Lin Qingxian's face was full of worry, and he clenched his fists, "Continue to search! If you find demonized creatures, destroy them immediately!" The remaining corpses have all been cremated...

After the cremation was clean, they left.

At this moment, a green and exquisite figure appeared in the dense forest, his face was pale and weak, blood remained at the corner of his mouth, and there were constant attacks from behind!

Suddenly, an energy fell from the sky, concentrated the elf girl, bang, huge force, let her hit a big tree deeply...

The big tree breaks, showing its power.

"Haha, the elf girl is mine!" A Contra appeared, and it was him who made the sneak attack just now, and he had been lying in wait for a long time.

The people behind kept chasing after her, and the elf girl also ran around everywhere. After all, she was unfamiliar with the place, so she didn't notice the people hiding around.

"Tsk tsk, what a spirit of water..." Looking at the weak elf girl who fell to the ground, that person rubbed his hands with a lewd face, showing a meaningful smile, and started flirting!

"Human!" The elf girl said with an angry face, but her thigh seemed to be pierced by a sharp branch, causing the blood to flow non-stop, and she couldn't move...

When unlucky, the branches are bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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