The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 372 Suspicion of the demon race, under the magma!

Chapter 372 Suspicion of the demon race, under the magma!

The entrance to the Mozu Crack, below the magma.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others are advancing slowly, taking a step to observe a few steps, and then they can take a few more steps, because the world under the magma is very complicated, and the hot magma is everywhere, and ordinary people cannot move freely.

Moreover, there is plenty of magic energy!If Mao Xiaoyao and the others were not wearing Taoist armor, then they probably wouldn't be able to last long in a place with so much magic energy.

And, the sweltering temperature, an egg cooked in seconds, grilled fish, etc., it is estimated that it can be eaten just after the seasoning is finished.

"Ahead, I felt two huge auras. They should be the demons. Be careful, the surroundings are full of restrictions. If you are not careful, the three of us may be exposed." Mao Xiaoyao commanded the mechanical soul troops, Hidden, one by one began to install bombs and some defensive weapons, at least they can support when the fight starts, after all, the opponent's strength is about the same as the two Titled Douluo.

Even stronger, not an ordinary Titled Douluo, but a very powerful Titled Douluo, because the Demon Race is like the little cat and demon family, not belonging to the Douluo Continent, and the level distinction is different.

However, the strength is beyond doubt!Both demons have the strength to fight against Title Douluo, and if one is not careful, he will be demonized...

very scary.

The hot magma erupted from time to time, and small flames spewed out in all directions, which seriously affected the three of them sneaking up to observe.

"What a pure power of fire!" The little cat was stunned, looking around quietly with blue eyes. If you are cultivating the power of fire here, it is really a good choice, so that you can burn Tang Wulin in the future When the blue silver grass is growing, it is estimated that it will be burning fiercely.

(Tang Wulin: Fight the demons, don't think about me!)

Grimace Ape and Da Hei Niu nodded slightly, and then seriously followed behind Mao Xiaoyao, slowly moving towards the place where the devilish energy is the strongest!

Demon Crack!

The huge power of space-time turbulence is very familiar to Mao Xiaoyao, because there are many portals like this in Kunlun Demon World, which connect many worlds.

Moreover, the restrictions are also very large...

So this small crack, will it also have restrictions?If the demon god is coming, then don't play anymore, just clean up and surrender seriously!


Behind a rock, Mao Xiaoyao and the others finally got a little closer to the purple crack, the power of the dark space spread bit by bit, and the space-time crack was also expanding bit by bit...

However, from the space crack, one by one demon soldiers, purple body, a pair of horns like bull horns on the head, purple bully all over, very tall, basically over 1.8 meters.

Some demons even have a bunch of demon wings behind them!
can fly!

"Where is that lord?" The two most powerful demon emperors glanced at the portal. Why are they both younger brothers? If they are all little demon kings, their strength is a bit weak.

The demonized creatures above were all wiped out, and they couldn't summon those demonized creatures above.

[The Realm of Demon Race Strength]: Devil, devil, devil soldier, devil general, little devil king, big devil king, devil emperor, devil king, devil emperor, big devil emperor, title big devil emperor, devil god, devil ancestor...

"The lord said that the space crack is too small, and with his level of strength, he can't reach this world at all. Therefore, everything depends on the two Lord Demon Emperors." A demon soldier respected, and the moment he spoke , Hundreds of demon soldiers have appeared densely at the entrance of the demon rift, and the strongest are basically between the little demon king and the big demon king.

The others are all magic generals and magic soldiers, and the number is increasing.

Hum Huang said: "Well, I will understand later."

"En." Emperor Ha also nodded slightly.

Hehe, the Second Emperor, was the vanguard sent to the Misty Continent. Many years ago, around the time when the God Realm disappeared, they had already arrived in the Misty Continent. unstable.

The devil decides!Send two demons to come in to check, look, look, hum ha the second emperor was sent over, until recently, they made a big opening in the crack of time and space, allowing the demon soldiers to come over.

However, some powerful demons are still restricted by the laws of heaven and earth and cannot reach the foggy continent.

Before, and there were guards from the elves, the Second Emperor Hehe and the others had been hiding all the time. Every time the elves came in to check, they had to endure the high temperature of thousands of degrees and tens of thousands of degrees to hide in the really hot magma...

"The humans above seem to have occupied the seal, and I won't be able to get out when they block the entrance of the cave." Huo Huang watched the demon soldiers who kept sending them over, and suddenly became excited, because there was another new continent, which was about to be demonized by them. Tribal conquest.

However, as vanguards, they will definitely be rewarded by Lord Demon God in the future.

"It's just a demonic creature, and it will die when it dies. Now, I hope that the human army will go into the lava cave quickly and see if they can withstand the invasion of demonic energy." Hahuang also smiled, and the group of elves before The guardian of the clan is the demonic energy that they have hidden for many years, and it is released all at once, resulting in no reaction. The demonic energy invades the mind and becomes a demonized creature.

Those demonized creatures above are not their demons, no matter how many times they die, they will not feel distressed, but Ha Huang is very strange, why did the demonized creatures stop those people for a short time?

Now, the demon army has not come over completely, and it cannot be interrupted in the middle...

"Hehe, I'll lead five hundred soldiers up to have a look, and you stay here to guard the space-time rift." Hun Huang smiled, he had to stop the incoming troops and win the teleportation time for the demon army.

Moreover, the entire lava cave is full of demon energy, without a trace of soul power, so he wants to see who is not afraid of death and dares to come down?

In the past, the magic energy leaked from the cracks in time and space were all absorbed by the Second Emperor Heng Ha. The purpose was to confuse the elves and make them think that there was nothing wrong with the seal of the cracks in time and space.

It wasn't until recently that he couldn't hide it any longer that the Second Emperor Hengha thought of doing it, because he had been hiding for many years and everything was ready to wait for the demon army to come.

"Don't worry, you go! Let them all turn into demonized creatures and become our slaves! Haha!" Emperor Ha laughed wantonly. Now the demon army has thousands of people, and the number is still increasing. What they need now is Time, the longer the time, the more the number of teleportation troops will be.

However, the cracks in time and space can't last long, and they want to send troops over as much as possible when those precious materials are exhausted.

Emperor Hum nodded, and then led five hundred demon soldiers to rush out of the magma...

Throughout the whole process, Mao Xiaoyao and the others hid behind the boulder, and nothing was discovered, but when they were coldly glanced at by Emperor Heng just now, they were taken aback.

"Little demon, what should we do now?"

"Just the three of us, surely we won't be opponents?"

The big black cow worried, the demons are too scary, each one is tall and big.

"What are you afraid of, fight!" Grimace Ape wanted to fight very much, his face was full of fighting spirit, and he was very much looking forward to fighting the demons.

They were all looking at the cat demon.

Suddenly, boom boom...

On the top of the magma, the top seems to be fighting first!

Meow meow meow?

what's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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