Chapter 373 Get lost! !

Boom, boom, huge explosion, boulders rolling down, killing a few unlucky people, no reaction, no death on the spot, very simple.

The Mozu soldiers were vigilant for a moment, and they all looked up at the piece of magma above their heads, falling into unknown fear.

what's going on?
Hum Huang brought the soldiers up just now, why is there such a big commotion all of a sudden?

The demon soldiers looked up from time to time, and they were also afraid of being hit by a huge boulder rolling down their heads. After all, they just came to this world, so how could they not enjoy it?

Emperor Ha frowned, and fell into deep thought. He thought for a while, and guessed it was the army above, but he didn't know if it was the elves, humans, or aliens!

So many demonized creatures have been summoned back to defend, but they can't resist, how many people are there on the other side?

"Hurry up, don't look around, the entrance of the space-time rift will be temporarily closed if you don't last long, and you should send your tribe over as much as possible." Ha Huang said with a cold face, warning those who are looking around absent-mindedly. Now, daring to go so deep into the battle against their demons is simply courting death.

Looking at the pure demon energy around him, Ha Huang smiled, and then he didn't care much. Now, he is more concerned about how long the space-time rift can last.

Because every time a demon soldier passes by, Ha Huang can feel that the space-time crack is getting weaker, as if it will disappear instantly with a light touch...

The materials are not easy to find. They have to gather troops, quickly occupy a city, develop demonized creatures, gain a firm foothold, and wait for the next big teleportation.


At the same time, on the other side, Mao Xiaoyao, Da Hei Niu, and Grimace Ape watched the number of demon soldiers increasing little by little, lost in thought and anxious.

"It seems to be Black Cat and the others." Mao Xiaoyao was familiar with the sound of the explosion. The frequency of the explosion seemed to be mechanical souls and mecha souls. It was the seventh-level soul missiles and some weapons that were placed on them.

Above, the only one who can command them is the black cat. When the black cat came down, he was watching to meet Hum Huang and the others and fight!
"Then what should we do now? There are thousands of demon soldiers now, and if things go on like this, the number will only increase." The big black cow worried. A little increase, if they continue to stay, their place will be discovered by demon soldiers.

At that time, when the Mozu soldiers attacked from inside and outside, they would not even be able to run away. Moreover, facing such a large number of Mozu soldiers, they probably would not be able to beat them.

"That space-time rift seems to have a time limit. Have you seen that, the demon general has been urging the demon soldiers to speed up, and kept looking at the few luminous spots next to him." Just now, the little cat took a sneak peek. , was almost discovered by the Demon Emperor, the Demon Race seems to be very vigilant now, if it wasn't for the sound of fighting above to cover up something, then they might have been discovered.

Grimace Ape and Big Black Bull also looked there, looking at the time-space rift, they were stunned, sure enough, there seemed to be a few strange luminous spots around the time-space rift except for the aura other than monstrous evil energy.

Those few strange luminous points emitted a pale white light, and the light just shone on the space-time crack, as if it was expanding the space-time crack.

"Wait a minute, I'll turn into a demon soldier and slowly approach there, destroying the formation when I see the opportunity, you are responsible for supporting me! And let the mechanical souls plant the bomb, after the explosion, we will leave immediately to support the black cat." Mao Xiaoyao slowly He took off his armor, revealed a dignified face, and completely exposed himself to this place full of demonic energy. In an instant, the demonic energy surged around him, like a bunch of annoying flies. This operation made the big black cow and the grimacing ape Scared out of my wits.

However, they suddenly discovered that the cat demon seems not to be afraid of these demonic energy, but is instead absorbing it...

Absorb magic energy?

So scary?
Seeing the grimacing ape and the big black bull a little confused, Mao Xiaoyao immediately turned into a demon soldier and explained: "Devil energy is not a threat to me, but for humans, elves, aliens, and soul beasts, That is a deadly danger, so we must stop the army of demons!" A long time ago in the Kunlun demon world, the evil cat was the nemesis against the demons, and the demons were also the evil cat's nemesis. After the evil cats absorbed a large amount of magic energy, their physique changed...

When they cultivated to absorb evil energy, they gradually became uncontrollable, affecting generation after generation...

In fact, if you say you are not afraid, the cat demon is still a little afraid of those demonic energy, but it is useless to be afraid. After all, someone must take risks. clan battle.

"Well, be careful, we'll cover you." Dahei Niu said, looking at the little cat now, he still remembered the little cat that threatened and tricked him and the sky-swallowing python back then, but now it's gone. Become a qualified leader.

Every time he does something, he is always so desperate and full of confidence. At this moment, he chooses to believe.

Patting on the shoulder, Grimace Ape also said: "I still want you to take us to destroy humans!" Mao Xiaoyao is the leader of their Xingdou Village, even though Grimace Ape does not agree with Mao Xiaoyao's policy towards humans, but he To Mao Xiaoyao, he was full of gratitude, after all, it was Mao Xiaoyao who saved him.

A life-saving grace.

"Don't worry, I won't die so easily." Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly, then set off, disguised as a demon soldier who had just solved his physical problems, and slowly merged with the demon army...

At this time, seeing Mao Xiaoyao being stared at by some demon soldiers, the big black cow and grimace ape sweated in their palms and were very nervous.

However, the cat demon still didn't reveal anything, but approached bit by bit, the cat demon who didn't understand the language of the demons for the time being, anyway, just nodded and smirked all the way, and slowly mixed in...

The language of the Demon Clan, the cat demon can understand little by little according to the inheritance and memory of the Lustful Evil Cat...

such as……

Ha Huang said: "Hurry up, the entrance of the space-time rift won't last long. More demon soldiers must come out. The materials are very precious. I don't know when the entrance of the time-space rift can be expanded again."

When the space-time rift expands again, it's not just the little devil king and the big devil king, those devil emperors and devil saints can all come to the foggy continent.

At that time, the demon army will be even stronger, because maybe the demon god can also come...

However, the demon army must do one thing now, and that is to find materials, come back again to open the space-time crack, and completely lift the seal.

The current export is only a one-off.

The demons are also looking for materials!

"One-time space-time rift entrance?" Mao Xiaoyao understood bit by bit, the demon general seemed very anxious, looked at the magma from time to time, and observed the formation cores around the time-space rift from time to time.

The fight was so intense, and none of them went up to help, as well as the demonized creatures who came back frantically before, all showed that now seemed to be a very important moment.

Why is it important?
"The formation fluctuates, and the magic power presents a mysterious rune. The formation of the demon clan seems to be a bit similar to the formation of the demon clan." Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while, these demon clan and the demon clan that invaded the Kunlun demon world back then. Wouldn't it be the same race?

This question remains to be explored.

Now, from the face of the demon general, Mao Xiaoyao can see that the key to breaking the entrance of the space-time rift must be those few shining lights.

But how do you get close?
This seems to be a problem.

Time waits for no one, nor does it wait for the little cat. If there is no room for overthinking or wasting time, more demon soldiers will arrive, and he has to make a choice.


After thinking about it, Mao Xiaoyao chose the simplest method, that is: get around slowly...

Let it go, let it go, let it go...

Little by little, slowly passing by...

(End of this chapter)

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