The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 374 Blowing up the Entrance of the Crack of the Demon Clan!

Chapter 374 Blowing up the Entrance of the Crack of the Demon Clan!

"You, stop!"

A yell sounded from Mao Xiaoyao's back, and a demon soldier patted him on the shoulder and called him to stop!

Mao Xiaoyao was taken aback, thinking that he had exposed something, looking at the distance in front, it seemed that it was only about three or four meters away, but the demon general was there, he didn't go anywhere, just guarded.

It seems a little difficult to get around that demon general, so he is going to blast at close range!


"You're blocking me!" the demon soldier said unhappily, he was looking at the formation.

What do you mean?
What the hell?
Confused four times, Mao Xiaoyao was stunned. Looking back, he saw a very angry face, looking back at the glowing formation cores, and then stepped aside: "Sorry, sorry, for disturbing you!"

Mao Xiaoyao used the few words of Demon Race language he knew, quickly said sorry, slipped away, slipped away, this time, he finally got close to the core of the formation.

Seeing that huge wave of devilish energy rushing out like a river, Mao Xiaoyao knew that there must be a formation on the other side of the entrance of the crack in the demon clan, which was responsible for transporting the devilish energy.

The Demon Race must want to assimilate the Misty Continent step by step, eroding it bit by bit...

The situation is a little dangerous,

However, in addition to the demon generals at the core of the formation, there are also a few very powerful demon soldiers guarding it. They observe the surroundings from time to time, which makes it impossible for the cat demon to attack.

Thinking, thinking, looking at the expectant eyes of the Mozu soldiers looking at the entrance of the Mozu crack, Mao Xiaoyao's eyes also brightened, as if he had thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Ha Huang looked at the number of troops, smiled slightly, and was very happy in his heart. After lurking for so long, he could finally invade this world surrounded by fog.

At this time, the entire magma was covered densely. Looking at the number, there were already tens of thousands of soldiers, each of whom was the elite of the demon clan, and they were invincible when they went to battle to kill the enemy.

"It's not good, it's not good..." A demon soldier ran towards Hahuang with a bunch of strange things in his arms, ran, ran, fell down with a plop, a pile of things in his arms were scattered everywhere, some It even falls next to the core of the formation.

"Made, what are you yelling at?" Emperor Ha went up and hit the demonic storm, hitting the demon soldier hard, and the demon soldier rolled a few times, his face full of pain.

"Say! What is this!" Ha Huang looked at the strange items scattered on the ground, holding a strange object, beeping, beeping, making strange sounds, and some strange red numbers were constantly changing.

What is this stuff?
The demon soldier in the form of the cat demon gently rubbed his chest, shook his head and said, "I don't know, this is something I found nearby. It looks very weird, so I'll tell you, the general!" As he said that, he showed a very terrified look in his eyes, but in fact, he was secretly cursing the old turtle in his heart for beating him!


"Oh?" Ha Huang's eyes were calm, and he couldn't see anything.

But the other demon soldiers were discussing, looking at Mao Xiaoyao with very strange eyes, suspicious, puzzled, puzzled!
The cat demon waited quietly.

Ha Huang looked at the thing in his hand, turned around and studied, studied...Suddenly!
Ha Huang turned around, and with a powerful attack, a huge claw slapped towards Mao Xiaoyao.

boom! ! !dusty.


"I don't understand how I was exposed."

The dust and smoke dissipated, and the cat demon possessed by the Taoist armor slammed into the ground hard, and was smashed out of a deep hole. However, he still had nothing to do, but his blood was churning. This is the terrifying defense of the Taoist armor.

As his own Dao weapon armor, the resources invested by Mao Xiaoyao are definitely not comparable to ordinary Dao weapon armor, and the blow just now surpassed the strength of Title Douluo.

It was an attack from the demons, resisting it abruptly, the little cat felt very uncomfortable.

The demon soldiers appeared in a commotion for a while, and soon surrounded the little cat, gearing up one by one, looking at the little cat fiercely, one by one, wanting to eat the little cat who broke into this place alive...

"General? No, my name is Ha Huang, and they all call me Lord Ha Huang in the realm of the Demon Emperor." Ha Huang played with the gadget in his hand, looked up and down the little demon Mao with mocking eyes, and said, "But you are called My general, this is what you make me doubt, human, alien race, elf race?"

"On you, I see some very annoying aura, very annoying, who are you." Ha Huang waved his hand and ordered his subordinates not to get so close, surrounded by so many people, moreover, the other side's reinforcements could not come down from above, nor could they Don't worry too much about anything.

Ha Huang was curious, wondering why there was such a huge demonic energy, and other creatures could still enter this place freely, and they didn't find anything.

Unexpectedly, dodged the formation above the magma?

"So that's it! I was careless!"

Mao Xiaoyao sighed lightly, it turned out to be a question of address that caused him to be exposed, it seems that there is a chance to catch a demon to read the memory, and to have a thorough understanding of the level distribution of the demons, as well as some knowledge.

"I'm sorry, I'm not one of those three races." Mao Xiaoyao looked up at the magma and smiled without any panic, which made Ha Huang very puzzled, who is this mysterious guy?

What support would allow him to be so unscrupulous?

Unexpectedly, ignoring such demon soldiers, ignoring the powerful self, ignoring the devil energy?

Is it...

Ha Huang's complexion changed, and he looked at the things in his hand.

"If you live, let's brag next time."

"Goodbye!" Before Mao Xiaoyao finished speaking, Ha Huang had already realized something, his face changed, and he looked at the core of the formation at the same time...


Boom!A large-scale explosion begins!Explosions at close range, regardless of enemy or friend, the terrifying power comes from the bombs scattered on the ground. Just now, when the little cat ran over and fell down on purpose, the bombs were useful when they were deliberately thrown down.

Especially the few bombs near the core of the formation are so powerful that even Ha Huang probably cannot completely resist them.

The same goes for the cat demon.


The screams were endless, and the huge explosion caused the demon soldiers who approached there to be torn apart one by one. It was very miserable, and the ground was bloody.

Although, in that situation, Hahuang was already desperately resisting, but the object he protected was the core of the formation, so there were thousands of casualties, without any defensive power, such a dense explosion, like throwing it in a fish pond Like a grenade.

There are fish everywhere, if you throw them with your eyes closed, you can kill a large piece, a large piece...

For the same reason, the current situation is the same, there are a lot of casualties...

"Grab him!" Ha Huang said in pain, his whole body was covered in blood, and now only one of the two horns on his head remained. It was very miserable, with shocking wounds all over his body.

The hand holding the bomb has been blown to pieces...

The demon soldiers are all looking for the little cat.

However, a more dire problem arises.

Due to the destruction of the core of the formation, the entrance of the Demon Crack no longer transmits Demon soldiers, only the magic energy can pass through it...

(End of this chapter)

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