Chapter 375 Defense!

"Stop, don't let them out, attack, kill them."

On the magma layer, the mechanical spirit clan army led by the black cat is fighting with the demon army, and various soul guides are thrown into the battle.

Soul missiles are basically level [-] or above. Now it is not a question of whether the entrance of the demon rift will expand. The appearance of the demon army means that the entrance of the demon rift has been opened, and the demon army is coming from another world. Come to the Mist Continent.

They must be stopped and wiped out completely.

chug!The mechanical spirits use soul guns, and the skin of the demons is not as hard as metal, and metal bullets can still threaten them.

The attack by weapons such as soul missiles was even more terrifying, and the unreasonable explosion caused the demons to pay a terrible price. The black cats and the others finally stopped the pace of the demon army.

"Who the hell are you guys? Humans, alien races, and elves, there doesn't seem to be such strange things as you." Hun Huang said, with purple skin and a terrifying expression, it can scare children, and the mouth is not very standard. Speaking in Douluo Continent, he looked at the strange metal troops fighting against the demon army, and fell into deep thought. When did the Fog Continent have technology?

Technology, I have seen it before when the demons invaded other worlds. That is the world they hate, because some high-tech weapons can kill everything in an instant if they are very unreasonable.

The realm of strength seems to be useless in front of some high-tech.

Technology?When did the Fog Continent possess technology?Isn't this a relatively backward primitive continent?
"Where is the little demon!" the black cat said coldly, the other party's cultivation was definitely higher than his own, and seeing the fluctuations in strength, he seemed to be a powerful Title Douluo!
Could it be that something happened to the little demon that caused these demon troops to come out?The black cat is full of thoughts.

Looking at the lava cave, those demon soldiers came out, but Mao Xiaoyao and the others didn't show up. The black cat became anxious. She thought that something must have happened to Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

"I don't know what you're talking about! But, I'm very curious, why you dare to go deep into the lava cave without being afraid of magic energy." Hun Huang looked curiously, very confident, he didn't think the girl in front of him had any strength, but , Under the Taoist armor, he didn't find anything abnormal, but the Taoist...

"Tao weapon, you can refine it!" Hum Huang was stunned, looking at the Tao weapon armor on the black cat. In such a backward continent, there are people who can refine weapon, and looking at the Tao weapon, it seems that the level is not high. Low.

He was shocked.

The materials are basically very high-grade metal materials, which have been tempered and refined into steel. The craftsman, the person who made it must be a genius.

"It seems that you don't know." The black cat didn't say anything, she looked at the billowing lava, the demons seemed to come up from below just now.

There is such hot magma below, so how can they come up?
After thinking about it, there seems to be only one possibility.

The black cat raised its hand to launch the soul missile, hey, the flight trajectory was heading towards Hunhuang, Hunhuang had already suffered a loss just now, and this time he will definitely not suffer again.

With the surge of monstrous demonic energy, purple demonic energy began to spread. Ordinary people would definitely be demonized. However, the demon soldiers are now facing souls.

The soul is not afraid of magic energy at all, and neither is the black cat, because it is protected by armor.

"Do you think I'll be fooled a second time with the same trick? Hehe." Hunhuang jumped continuously, dodging those soul missiles in the air, and perfectly dodging the attack from the black cat armor soul missile. To prove his strength, moreover, he dare not be careless about this kind of technological stuff.

The demons are powerful, arrogant, martial, and warlike. They never rely on foreign objects. The battles are basically fist-to-flesh, very brutal killings.

But it was such brutal killings that made them very powerful. In addition, every time the magic energy invaded their minds, they had an army of countless demonized creatures.

For technological weapons, the demons have always disdain to rely on those external forces. They believe that what they practice is the most real, and external forces are only external forces after all.

But it doesn't mean they won't be afraid of these things, after all, they have suffered a lot.

That was when they invaded a mechanical world. At that time, the demons sent a large number of soldiers to conquer that world and obtain important resources. However, no one there was afraid of demonic energy, and finally the demon army was defeated...

Boom boom boom boom boom!A few loud explosions made Heng Huang, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly change his face and look back at the magma.

His face was bluish green, very ugly.

"Hehe, it turns out that there is a cave hidden under the magma. It seems that the so-called demon crack is underneath!" The black cat saw the explosions, and when they exploded instantly, a hole was created, and the hole was casually fast. It recovered, but it was seen very clearly, and there was another world below.

what exactly is it?
Presumably, the little demon is also down there, right?

"Damn you!" Hum Huang was furious and attacked, surrounded by monstrous devilish energy. In this place full of devilish energy, his combat power could be said to be blessed and become even stronger.

The black cat is now in the realm of the soul emperor. Even with the enhancement of the Taoist armor, she is at most a soul saint. Facing a titled Douluo Heng Huang, she will definitely not be an opponent.

However, with a million-year-old soul, fighting is not necessarily an option!A million-year-old soul, titled Douluo, may not be impossible to fight!
"Today, you will be here, don't even think about going one step ahead." The black cat summoned a million-year-old soul to defend against the attack of Emperor Heng, defend!The violent demonic energy hit the million-year-old soul fiercely. It belongs to the domineering spirit of a tiger-type soul, and it has nothing to fear!
Fight an earth-shattering battle!It has to protect its master.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?" Hum Huang's attack was blocked, and he was very unhappy. Where did the tiger-like spirit body emerge from, so scary?
However, blocking it will cost a lot. After all, a million-year soul is still a million-year soul. If it is a million-year soul beast, it must be hanging and crying.

Taking a few steps back, smashing against the wall of the cave, the white jade spirit tiger with a million-year-old soul roared angrily, attacking Huang Huang in a series of fierce attacks.

The black cat took the opportunity to sneak attack, firing metal bullets non-stop, hitting the Emperor Hen. Facing such a terrifying opponent, it would be very unwise to fight head-on.

Let's hand over the one-on-one task to my million-year-old white jade spirit tiger!
He took out the soul guide gun that Contra was afraid of, and the black cat was very angry.


The mechanical spirit clans all went into battle, and some of them beat the demons to pieces, but the demons also beat them to pieces.

After fusion, the metal body belongs to them!They also belong to the metal body, and if the body is destroyed, it means: death!
"Go to hell!" Seeing that the mechanical spirits started to be blown up one by one, and those were all lives one by one, the black cat was furious, the damn demons were all them!

(End of this chapter)

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