The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 381 Scary Pig Teammate!

Chapter 381 Scary Pig Teammate!

"Little demon, is the black cat okay?"

On the soul guide transport plane, Dai Shu came. She was going to save Mao Xiaoyao and the others just now, but unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao and the others came out directly.

The black cat seems hurt and she is worried.

"It's just that the soul power is exhausted, it's okay, just take a rest and you'll be fine." Mao Xiaoyao said, in fact, he didn't feel well, the explosion damage at such a close range, and now he still suffered a little injury, and his chest was churning with blood.

Dai Shu breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered her head and said, "Xiao Yao, I..." felt a little uncomfortable.

"No, those people committed suicide! Don't worry about them, let them go! Anyway, you can't let a demonized creature go." The little cat didn't blame Dai Shu for anything, and he was so angry when he saw so many fools No, a group of pig teammates, damn it, he would rather not have this kind of pig teammates, it would be embarrassing if he was cheated.

Dai Shu also sighed, there was nothing she could do to stop her, if she tried to stop her, a fight would start.

"Take care of the black cat, I'll go down and have a look, wait for my order, six tenth-level soul missiles, just to test their power." The cat demon clenched his fists and his face was serious. At this moment, the big black cow and the grimacing ape have gone down to gather troops To re-invigorate the army, the only thing left to do is to wait for the demons to emerge.


"Well, be careful." Dai Shuweiwei nodded, looking at the unconscious and pale black cat, she felt very distressed, not to mention the little cat demon?

The cat demon must be very angry now, right?

Gently kissing the black cat's forehead, the little cat demon's eyes showed a trace of murderous intent, and the armor instantly possessed him, and the evil cat's armor full of scars was summoned, and it was falling at a high speed...

Dai Shu was stunned. What terrible thing happened down there just now? Why was the armor cracked so badly?

Landing, the cat demon came, and immediately came to Lin Qingxian's side. Looking at the human army, he was only angry, without a trace of good temper.

"Qingxian!" said the little demon cat. She didn't expect to see little friend Lin Qingxian here. It's been a long time. This little girl has grown up a lot, but she seems to be wearing a soul guide armor?

"Damn cat demon!" Lin Qingxian scolded, the cat demon finally appeared, but where is the black cat?Body, what's going on, the damage is so serious?
After taking off the armor, the cat demon came to Lin Qingxian, knocked her on the head hard, and cursed: "Little friend, how do you talk?"

At the same time, he glanced at the human army and the alien army next to him, and found Obergol.

Neither the elves nor the human beings have some simple-minded aliens who want to understand how dangerous the front is.

Lin Qingxian was wronged, so many people watched, she is a general, does she want to lose face?

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and then said: "Wait, you will order troops to line up in this place, and prepare to stop the demons and the group of demonized creatures inside." There is no army at all, and Mao Xiaoyao has already regarded it as a group of demonized creatures , a bunch of dead people.

"Why? Could it be that the demonic energy is really that scary?" Lin Qingxian asked in disbelief, why must there be demonic creatures in it?so many people...

Should be able to stop it?
"The elves have to become demonized creatures in the face of demonic energy. As for you humans, what special method can you do? I don't have so many things on you, and I don't have such good intentions. I have also warned them, but they won’t listen to me, what can I do?” The cat demon saw that the time was almost up, and the demon army should be coming up, why is there no movement now?Could it be that there are other channels or playing hard to get?

"Let me talk about it!" Lin Qingxian's face was very ugly, looking at Mao Xiaoyao's dignified expression, it didn't seem like he was joking.

Mao Xiaoyao sighed and shook his head, looking at Lin Qingxian who was in a hurry, he said: "Put on the helmet and come out immediately if something happens, otherwise, you will die inside too."

Lin Qingxian nodded, then put on his helmet, and flew away in an unskilled manner.

At this time, the cat demon came to Obergu and the others, and now the aliens have changed a lot. It seems that the imitation skills of the dwarves are good.

Many armors have the shadow of the former Carl Village troops.

"I'm very happy, your alien troops are not as stupid as them." Mao Xiaoyao looked at Obergol with a smile, very satisfied, and at the same time looked at a very powerful person next to him, damn, the foggy continent is really scary, Limit Douluo's strength, so no money?

Why so many?

Obogu nodded slightly, and pretended to say: "Hello, hello, we are from the Fujiyama tribe!" Obogu also pretended not to know Mao Xiaoyao, but in fact, he and Mao Xiaoyao knew each other well. , Mao Xiaoyao has already notified him, and still explained some things.

"I'm your neighbor, from Star Dou Great Forest." Mao Xiaoyao also smiled, looking at that powerful existence.

At this time, the powerful man next to Obogu also smiled and said, "The unknown intruders in that forest are you?"

That is the aura that belongs to the level of Limit Douluo. The cat demon has only felt this kind of aura from Qingtian Douluo Yunming, but this aura is a little weaker than that of Qingtian Douluo Yunming. little bit.

If Qingtian Douluo uses Doukai, then basically it is: complete abuse!This is the difference in strength realm, but this orc is still a powerhouse at the limit douluo level, very powerful.

"My homeland was destroyed, and I came to settle in the Misty Continent with nowhere to go. I'm ashamed to say it." Mao Xiaoyao also laughed, not at all afraid of the other party being Limit Douluo, but thinking of something in his heart.

A powerhouse at the Limit Douluo level?
Then the threat from the Demon Race shouldn't be that scary!
"It used to be the place of our Fujishan tribe! You are intruders." The chief of the Fujishan tribe said, and he was not as angry as he imagined. He looked at Mao Xiaoyao carefully. He was wondering why Mao Xiaoyao didn't die because of his humble realm. afraid?

What is the reason for this?

Aobogu frowned. If the Fujishan Tribe fought with Mao Xiaoyao and the others, the outcome would be... What's more, their Fujishan Tribe had just experienced a big battle with humans, and they still haven't recovered.

"Oh, conditions?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "Then the human army inside, do they count as a condition for buying that forest?"

The chief of the Fujishan tribe was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something, he suddenly smiled and said, "I can accept it!"

"I hope we have a chance to cooperate!" Mao Xiaoyao also smiled and left. In fact, he was very nervous and afraid of being shot to death suddenly.


Obogu and several other small tribal leaders were puzzled. They all looked at the chief of the Fujishan tribe. What did they mean? Why couldn't they understand?

"Obogu, the person who told you not to go in is the arrogant guy just now?" Only after the cat demon left, the chief of the Fujishan tribe who had been silent all this time suddenly asked, his eyes were so cold.

Obogu's complexion changed, and he knelt down and said, "Chief, I..." Could it be that his relationship with the cat demon has been exposed?

"I can see the development of the Obogu tribe. You have done a very good job." The chief of the Fujishan tribe stopped talking immediately, but quietly looked at the poor human army. What kind of commander is it? The army so close?

Magic energy is never a good thing.

Once those troops inside become demonized creatures, hehe, it will be a blow to the Poole Empire. At such a price, it will be worthless to change a territory and friendship!

The chief of the Fujishan tribe is willing to accept.

Obogu didn't understand, he was in a daze now, but he seemed a little excited about the movement at the entrance of the cave!

Has it finally started?
(End of this chapter)

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