The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 382 Teammate Pigs Are Too Stupid!

Chapter 382 Teammate Pigs Are Too Stupid!


"Little demon, the demon army is coming!"

"Well, I'll be right there." The cat demon looked solemnly, looked in the direction of the cave, and flew away quickly. Now it's not the demons that are scary, some masters of the demons are unable to get through due to the suppression of the cracks.

The most frightening thing now is the devilish energy. Once it erupts, those self-righteous human armies will be vulnerable to a single blow.

Through the communication system, Da Hei Niu also told Mao Xiaoyao the current situation at the entrance of the cave. At this time, he and Grimace Ape were both there, but...

"Go away!" Not only the army of the Poole Empire, but also the army of some human empires came one after another. They all wanted to kill the demons and use it to build their own merits.

None of them were worried because of the arrival of the demons, but they were excited one by one.

"What do you mean?" Grimacing Ape was also in a bad temper, and a human told him to go away?

The big black cow turned off the communication, hurriedly went to stop it, and said: "Forget it, forget it, the little demon will come later, we can't fight first."

The big black cow stopped and said, he was naturally unhappy, but since the other party had a lot of people and strength, he naturally spoke a little bit horizontally.

Not very far away, Mao Xiaoyao came wearing the evil cat armor, and without a word, he shot the man, bang, the Taoist bullet hit the man's arm accurately.

The scream, the one clutching his arm, made the already uneasy atmosphere even more tense. Everyone was watching and discussing in surprise, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

"Little monster." The big black cow and the grimacing ape have been waiting for a long time with the soul beast team. Now their main force is outside, and the elites who can come in are basically.

It's just that the number is very small, just a few dozen, and all of them will be looked down upon.

"Don't look down on me, I'm sending you a shot!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't say anything, and shot again, bang, hitting the man's thigh, making him completely lose his fighting power, "Wait a minute, you should Will thank me!"

Immediately, he stopped looking at the screaming guy, hehe, so what about the soul saint?Have you ever seen a soul gun?It doesn't give you time to react at all, isn't it scary?

"What do you mean?" Someone was unhappy.

"That's right, what do you mean, you want to fight?"

Mao Xiaoyao ignored some bad words, and then came to the entrance of the cave to look at Hum Huang and Ha Huang inside the barrier, seeing their distraught expressions, he was a little happy.

After all, they dare not come out now, because they don't know what's outside, but they can't break the barrier for a while.

So, now everyone can only stare and stare at Mao Xiaoyao with hatred.

"It's you, hit my soldier?" Looking at the soldier who was taken away for treatment, His Royal Highness was very unhappy, looked up and down the little cat and said: "Just now, the person who came out of it was you? It was the demon you attracted ? Or, you let the demons out?"

The words were not startling, and the prince started again, and he was frantically doing things, for fear that others would not know his identity as the prince of the Poole Empire.

"Stop spouting dung! I don't care who you are, but talk to me when you're alive." The cat demon didn't want to play any conspiracy theories with these humans. Seeing Hum Huang and the others destroying the barrier, He knew that the enchantment would not last long, it was a pity that there were so many humans...

Mao Xiaoyao saw Huan Ya, so she had to explain the situation to her, otherwise, it would be too late, once the magic energy burst out, it would be a matter of being invaded by the magic energy in an instant.

However, some subordinates of His Royal Highness stopped the little cat.

"Are you looking for death?" Grimacing Ape and Dahei Niu said angrily, the cat demon is their leader, what exactly do these people want?
Mao Xiaoyao turned her head and looked at His Highness the Prince with a smile. What do you mean?

"What are you? I'm the prince of the Puer Empire. If you beat me as a soldier, don't give me an explanation, right..." Before the words finished, His Royal Highness was held hostage by the little cat, who grabbed his neck with sharp claws.

The Poole Empire army was stunned. What kind of speed was that, they couldn't see clearly?

General Zhang, who had just reacted, appeared in an instant, revealing his powerful aura, and said coldly: "Let go of our prince, and speak up if you have something to say, everyone is here to deal with the demons!"

Some people were so surprised, the speed was so fast, they couldn't remember what happened.

"General Zhang, kill him!" His Highness the Crown Prince was still not afraid, after all, he was surrounded by his own army, so what was there to be afraid of?

However, the claws pierced his neck bit by bit, it was very painful, and he was bleeding and finally began to fear.

Suppressing his anger, General Zhang said: "Little brother, please think about the overall situation." Killing an imperial prince is such a terrible thing, and he will be punished because of poor protection.

However, his mission is to protect His Highness the Crown Prince, and he must not be allowed to come into danger.

"I want to make trouble! I can wait for the matter of the demon clan to be resolved at any time, and I am happy to accompany you." Mao Xiaoyao looked at His Highness the Crown Prince coldly, with a pair of eyes full of murderous intent, which made His Highness the Crown Prince tremble, and then threw him to the prince. General Zhang, Mao Xiaoyao said again: "I warn you again, leave this place and retreat to the alien race, otherwise, tens of thousands of troops will be useless."

A group of pigs, why don't you listen?The cat demon is very troublesome. Humans don't know the importance of things, so what about the elves?Why are so many still left in it?

His Royal Highness was relieved, touched his neck in fear, and said, "General Zhang killed him!"

His Royal Highness hates Mao Xiaoyao very much. After all, it is the first time for him to be threatened so much when he grows up so big. Hehe, now there is a Limit Douluo to protect him, what are he afraid of?


However, General Zhang still didn't make a move. Watching the little cat walking towards the elves, he said, "His Royal Highness, retreat! Everyone else is retreating, so it means that this place is very dangerous. We can't make fun of the lives of soldiers."

General Zhang can disbelieve what the little cat said, but most of the elves have left the central area, why do they still stay here.

However, His Royal Highness still did not listen.

"Your Majesty Queen." The cat demon ignored His Royal Highness and wanted to cause trouble. This kind of person can be killed in minutes without any effort at all.

"Mao Xiaoyao!" Huan Ya turned back very unhappy, and at the same time, two elf soldiers stopped Mao Xiaoyao.

"Let him in!" Huan Ya said, she just wanted to ask what's going on under the crack.

At this time, some troops still kept advising, and kept approaching the entrance of the cave.

General Zhang didn't want to kill Mao Xiaoyao, so His Royal Highness could only stare blankly, he remembered Mao Xiaoyao's face, very good, wait, he must kill Mao Xiaoyao.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded and smiled at the two elves who stopped him. Are all the elves so beautiful?
Sure enough, they are all spirits of nature.

"What's going on next?" Huan Ya calmed down, not pursuing the past, she was looking at Mao Xiaoyao.

Atolst also stared at the little cat coldly, because he felt an aura no less than that of the demons from the little cat...

Kind of annoying.

"The Demon Crack Teleportation Formation was destroyed by me. There is no way for the Demons to send more Demons here. However, there are at least tens of thousands of Demons below." Looking at this natural elf Fanya, Mao Xiaoyao explained Said: "According to the division of strength, the highest should be the strength of the title high priest, and the worst is the strength of the king, and you have also seen the devilish energy!"

"Get out first!"

Mao Xiaoyao really doesn't want to deal with so many demonized creatures. His soul missiles are very precious, and he doesn't want to waste them on those fools.

(End of this chapter)

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