The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 385 Defense against Demonized Creatures!

Chapter 385 Defense against Demonized Creatures!


Demonic energy invades the mind, some people have very good physique, and there is no danger for the time being, but some people are very unlucky, and they become demonized creatures and walking corpses in minutes when encountering magical energy.

boom!With a sound of a soul guide gun, a demonized creature came out to kill a demonized creature. This is what the cat demon ordered the soul beasts to do. As for the other troops, the cat demon naturally has no right to order them to do it.

How to fight is their own business.

"Be careful, some people are not demonized, I hope we can save them." Lin Qingxian said, some soldiers don't seem to be demonized, and they are trying to escape at this time, they have to rescue those soldiers Otherwise, after a long time, the soldiers may be infected into demonized creatures.

The aliens are very simple-minded, and they think very simply. They don’t care if you are demonized or not. According to their thinking, those people inside will eventually become demonized creatures.

Kill early, kill late, you have to kill.

"You..." Lin Qingxian gritted her teeth and said angrily. She was about to rescue a soldier who had just escaped, but Obergol killed that soldier completely with one blow. Why?What's the meaning?
With a face full of disdain, Obogu held the ax in his hand vigorously. It was a weapon given to him by the cat demon. It was very precious and powerful. At the beginning, in order to use it, he almost emptied his blood...

Only when he is full of blood can the blood soak the armor and weapons. After soaking, he will be even more invincible with the armor and weapons.

From then on, in the realm of the high priest (Contra), no one from a foreign race is his opponent. He can fight even with the title of high priest (title Douluo), without coercion, and can win!

"I'm killing demonized creatures. I hope you don't stop me. Otherwise, I may accidentally injure you." Obergol ignored the angry Lin Qingxian. There are only a few people in the Poole Empire, and he wants to kill them all. , But, after thinking about it, the demons still exist now, they have to solve the demons first.

Moreover, Lin Qingxian knew Mao Xiaoyao, and they couldn't become enemies.

"However, none of them have been demonized. They are trying to escape. Why did you kill them?" Lin Qingxian said angrily. People who escaped from them can be redeemed. People will basically die, and those aliens don't care whether you are demonized or not.

One word: kill!

"Oh?" Obergol smiled, and he suddenly felt that the little girl was so naive, "Can you guarantee that when those people are rescued, will they immediately become demonized creatures?" Demonic energy Now they are mainly concentrated inside, and they are outside at the moment, but, as time goes by, the devilish energy will still spread here, and they will still be in danger at that time.

After all, who can guarantee it?

Besides, killing humans, killing humans from the Poole Empire, Obergol and the others have no burden on their hearts.

"..." Looking at the people who have just been rescued, they have all experienced terrible things just now, and some people seem to be injured, so it means...

Lin Qingxian remained silent, and suddenly made up her mind to isolate those people for observation. For the sake of everyone's safety, she had to do that.


Who is the lead conductor?Some troops who have just arrived at their destination still won't listen to the cat demon's warning. After all, who is the cat demon?

Why listen?

Immediately, leading the army to send wave after wave...

The number of demonized creatures is increasing little by little, and some areas with relatively weak defenses cannot resist the attacks of so many demonized creatures.

Once there is a gap in the defense area, it will be a devastating time, and the demonized creatures will run to the surrounding cities, bringing infectious demonization.

"The demons have come out, look at the mighty ones coming out of the volcanic cave, the one in front of them seems to be..." Huan Ya was stunned, so the demonized creatures are all Contra-level powerhouses, and even more so. Several Titled Douluo also became demonized creatures. At this time, the demon clan captured a person—His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness the Prince of the Poole Empire, that guy who inspires people everywhere, is the chief culprit for letting the troops of various countries go in and die.

General Zhang is still in the army of demons, and the army of demonized creatures is looking for him. However, General Zhang is now being trapped in a formation by several demonized creatures of the title Douluo level, as well as the joint demon Hum Ha Erhuang.

The magic energy has begun to invade his sanity...

Only, he didn't notice.

"Huan Ya, I hope you elves don't learn from their humans and go in one by one to die."

Mao Xiaoyao ordered the six soul-guided transport planes to get ready and stand by in the air. When all the demon army came out, that is, when the tenth-level soul missiles were dropped, he must blow up those bastards.

Recapture the entrance of the cave and hold it there. After all, those who are not afraid of demonic energy invading their minds are probably only soul beasts and mechanical spirits wearing defensive armor. If other people come in, they will definitely die and become demonized. biology.

However, the cracks in the Demon Clan still exist, relying on one's own strength to find sealing materials must be limited, and now he wants to cooperate with Huan Yalin Qingxian Obogu and the others, after all, their abilities are limited.

"What do you want to do?" Huan Ya said, the attack methods of the elves are very simple, they will try their best to rescue those who have not been demonized, but those who have been demonized will still die!
They are not saviors, and they don't have the ability to save so many people. Moreover, those people have no brains, and they clearly said not to go in, but...

"Those demonized creatures must die! We will guard the entrance of the cave again. You are responsible for cleaning up those escaped demonized creatures, and find the materials that you used to seal the demonic cracks, and seal the demonic cracks again." Sealed once before , then this time it must be sealed once again, the soul beast does not need those materials, the cat demon quietly looked at Huanya, as the little queen of the elves, she should know something.

"Less killing will be good for you. You are too intent on killing, and forcefully absorb all evil thoughts and evil thoughts in the world. Those things will eventually crush you one day." Hua Ya reminded, she knew that Mao Xiaoyao wanted to do it. What, she really wanted to refuse to stop it, but what happened after she stopped it?There are so many demonized creatures, so many fish slipped through the net, and now some troops outside have already appeared infected by demonized creatures...

Too contagious.

"You don't understand me, and you don't understand what I'm going to do." Mao Xiaoyao looked at General Zhang who was being attacked by demonized creatures. He could have stopped him, but His Royal Highness is in the hands of the demons, so that's where his weakness lies. Now that the demon army only needs to delay time bit by bit, it will be a matter of time before General Zhang becomes a demonized creature.

A demonized creature of the Limit Douluo level?
Hit Nima!
"I'm carrying too many things on my body. Time doesn't allow me to do that. I need power, some power, powerful power." As he said that, the cat demon rushed into the demonized creatures wearing the evil cat armor and began to fight. To kill His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, otherwise, General Zhang will not be able to escape, a demonized creature of the limit Douluo level...

That would be a real pain in the ass.

"..." Huan Ya was silent, looking at the evil cat demon with an unwavering face, she asked Artorst to rearrange his defenses at the same time, the demonic energy was spreading, they couldn't get too close, everything had to be careful.

She was thinking, what is it that can make Mao Xiaoyao become stronger at all costs?

She doesn't understand.

However, those infected people were the ones who escaped from it. Just after being isolated for a while, some people began to become demonized creatures...

To save or not to save?

Everyone is very confused about this question now, because the demonic energy has begun to spread, and their encirclement must be expanding the distance, but once it is exaggerated, the defense force will be dispersed...

as well as……

(End of this chapter)

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