The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 386 Can You Save It? !

Chapter 386 Can You Save It? !

"General Zhang, save me..."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was screaming, but the demonic energy did not invade him, because, heh, the Second Emperor asked the Crown Prince to stay awake, so as to give General Zhang a little hope. Hope, General Zhang came back, so that the demonic energy slowly Invade General Zhang's mind.

Emotional cooperation with the demonic energy invades the mind, then they will get a powerful demonized creature, this is the idea of ​​Huo Ha Erhuang.

"His Royal Highness!" General Zhang said angrily. Wuhun is a huge sword, and with one sword after another, combined with the extremely powerful sword energy, he cut off those demonized creatures time and time again, but time and time again, unless his body Fragmentation, otherwise the demonized creature will still not know the attack of exhaustion and pain...

very scary.

Hehe, the second emperor is even more mean. The two of them jointly arranged a formation to trap General Zhang, and at the same time control the magic energy to concentrate towards General Zhang...

Formation?Seeing the demon formation for the first time, General Zhang didn't know what to do. He wanted to save His Royal Highness, but he was attacked by the second emperor Heng Ha from time to time.

There is a terrifying aura in the body, and General Zhang knows that it is a devilish aura...

"Tsk tsk, human, if you are willing to serve our demons, we can make you a half-devil and keep your sanity!" Ha Huang smiled, looking at General Zhang like a giant bird looking at ants on the ground.

Half-devils are an evolution of demonized creatures, but they have their own minds, but their bodies are already demonized creatures, controlled by the demons, referred to as: demon slaves!servant!
Looking at General Zhang who was killing demonized creatures, Emperor Hum also said, "For such a useless prince, why bother?" Seeing some idiot troops still come in to die, Emperor Hum didn't know how happy he was, besides, he Some powerful demonized creatures have been let out quietly, go to places where there are people, attack and spread the demonized creatures!
Help them, delay time for their demon army!At the entrance of the Mozu Crack, the Mozu side is working hard now, trying to find materials, expanding the Mozu Crack again, and letting more Mozu soldiers come over, so they have to delay the time.

After seeing so many powerhouses in this foggy continent, Hehe Erhuang actually knows that they will definitely not be able to match them now, so they have to delay...

Then the demonized creatures must be allowed to mess around and distract.

It's all the damn...

That is, Mao Xiaoyao, if he hadn't destroyed the formation at the entrance of the fissure of the demons, then they would be an army of tens of thousands of demons now, and they wouldn't be so timid.

It's a pity that after being bombed by the cat demon, the demon army only came out more than 1. The number is too small, but each of them is very powerful...

Now, in cooperation with the demonized creatures, Hum Ha Er Huang already wanted to break through the defensive formation of Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

"Dreaming!" General Zhang said coldly, he will not give in to the demons, even if he can't hold on, he will never become a demonized creature.

His Royal Highness is crying. Now, he has only a little effect, watching his army become demonized creatures.

His Royal Highness wanted to cry, and to suffer, all because of...

"Hehe, you don't have to drink fine wine for a toast!" Huh Ha, although the Second Emperor couldn't beat General Zhang, they could slowly delay the time and wait for the devil energy to invade General Zhang's mind, and it would be too late.

After all, who can come in and save General Zhang without being afraid of the devil's energy invading his mind?
A metal bullet from a Taoist weapon hit the head of a demonized creature, killing him instantly.

Like most walking dead, the head is also the weakness of demonized creatures.

Attacking the head can make the demonized creature incapacitated.

Humph The Second Emperor was stunned, the familiar attack, could it be...

what happened?General Zhang also looked into the air, at a speed that the naked eye couldn't catch, several demonized creatures around him shot to death in an instant!

"Damn it, it's you again!" Emperor Ha said angrily, the wound on his body still hadn't healed, and he lost an arm, which was the injury and pain left by the little cat. As a result, no more magic soldiers came.

Hum Huang also looked at Mao Xiaoyao, the familiar "armor" was exactly the same as that girl, and they were all technological weapons.

But why is it different?

The weapons of some human armies are very backward, but why are the scientific and technological weapons on the side of Mao Xiaoyao so powerful?
At the moment when Mao Xiaoyao appeared, General Zhang also seized the opportunity, teleported to appear beside His Royal Highness, killed two powerful demons with one sword, and at the same time, rescued His Royal Highness, and escaped from this area...

"..." Mao Xiaoyao seemed a little embarrassed, General Zhang ran away, and ran away with His Highness the Crown Prince, but demonized creatures seemed to surround him, something like that, this didn't seem to be the script he wanted.

"Damn it!" Humph The Second Emperor surrounded the little cat, trying to kill him, every time it was this guy, they couldn't take it anymore, they happened to be alone, right?

Damn, such a powerful demonized creature was already about to succeed, but was let go by the little cat, and he had to wait for a while...

However, General Zhang's fate, unless Mao Xiaoyao goes back faster and can absorb the devilish energy in him, otherwise, there will be no chance.

At that time, General Zhang will become a demonized creature!After all, in order to protect His Highness the Crown Prince, he had been injured by the Second Emperor Henha just now, and he kept using his soul power, which caused the speed of the devil's energy to invade his mind even faster...

If it wasn't for the huge cultivation of General Zhang, an ordinary person would have already become a demonized creature...

"Desire evil cats! I never thought that there are still desperation evil cats in this world." Seeing the traces of absorbed magic energy around the cat demon, hehe Erhuang's complexion changed, and they thought of a terrible race , the Clan of Desperate Evil Cats, the one that can absorb demon energy and is known as the nemesis of their demon clan.

"Oh? Yes, hehe, then you must know the Kunlun Demon Realm!" The cat demon was stunned, his expression was a bit like that, and he felt like a fellow countryman seeing a fellow countryman for a moment. Although he was not a real fellow countryman, he was basically the same.

After all, does the other party know about Lustful Evil Cat?Then it must be the same race as the demons who invaded the Kunlun demon world back then...

Then all fate is so wonderful.

Mao Xiaoyao was suddenly happy. Maybe one day, he could go back to the Kunlun Demon Realm...

Damn, go back and report Tiger King Sun Dog!
"A hateful race, it's you again!" Ha Huang clenched his fists. At this time, it was not only demonized creatures that surrounded the little cat, but a group of demon soldiers also surrounded the little cat.

In order to prevent the little cat from escaping, some flying demons with wings behind them also stopped the little cat in the air and told him not to go anywhere.

"Today, you will die here! It's just an evil cat that hasn't grown up. After all, it hasn't grown up." Huang Huang arranged formations around him. They had to eliminate a very dangerous evil cat, because , back then it was such an inconspicuous evil cat who saved the Misty Continent once...

Now, they cannot repeat the same mistakes.

"I haven't grown up, but, throughout the ages, there must have been no evil cat who would have everything I have today!" The cat demon smiled lightly, and then summoned his own armor.

Launching soul missiles to serve the demon army, I came in just now to save that general Zhang, now General Zhang has gone out, so I have to slip.

After all, the tenth-level soul missile is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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