The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 387 Under the Super Soul Missile!

Chapter 387 Under the Tenth Level Soul Missile!

"Stop him!" Hehe Erhuang tried his best to stop the little cat, and activated a wave of demonic energy, turning into a big purple magic hand, rotten and vicissitudes of life, and quickly grabbed the little cat in the air. The flying demons also flapped their purple wings and rushed up to surround the little cat.

Surrounded, if the little cat runs away, they will be very embarrassed, surrounded by so many powerful demons, it is a sure thing...

seems unstable...

what is that?A cylindrical object is very large, with a diameter of one meter and a height of about four or five meters. It is descending at a high speed, and red and yellow flames are sprayed from behind. At the same time, six behemoths appear in the air. They are six soul transport planes...

Before, they had been hiding above the altitude of [-] meters. Now, the cat demon ordered them to come down, because the demon army had already come out, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Stop chasing me, look below." The cat demon is like walking a dog, wearing armor, flying non-stop, followed by a bunch of foolish demons, hehe Erhuang takes the lead, they are almost every time Attacked, almost, this is very angry.

After all, it is always a little bit worse every time. In terms of speed, Mao Xiaoyao has only lost to the black cat. After all, she has a speed-boosting soul skill, and the speed provided is too abnormal, and the duration is too short. very long……

Although Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have this soul skill, he can still make up for it by relying on the monster clan's spells. After all, he still knows a few kinds of body skills...

For example, when I was patrolling the mountains, I passed by the territory of the monkey clan and saw the monkeys practicing one of the melee body skills, which is a melee combat technique that must be learned. Later, the cat demon learned it secretly. : Spirit monkey haunts steps!
If "Water Shadow Step" is used to move away from the body to escape and attack, then "Spirit Monkey Haunting Step" just hangs on and fights at close range, jumping up and down like a monkey, very flexible and free.

But, now, Mao Xiaoyao is going to leave naturally, he doesn't want to be bombed by his tenth-level soul missile, he can't resist that thing...

What's more, what about the demons who are not prepared at all?
Boom!A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the first tenth-level soul missile exploded. The power of the explosion directly wiped out the part of the demon army in the center, wiped out, and disappeared...

Humph The Second Emperor was stunned, stopped in his tracks, his face instantly turned pale, very ugly, the cylindrical explosion caused them to lose one-third of the demon soldiers and countless demonized creatures.

However, there are still five...

Outside, Huan Ya, the queen of the elves, was also shocked. A strange cylindrical metal body possessed such terrifying power and exploded instantly.Tens of thousands of enemies were wiped out...

How terrible is this?

He just saved His Highness the Crown Prince, but was urinated again, what if he was in it just now?The power is so powerful, will I die...

"That Mozu spy is insane, so many people didn't escape, and so many innocent lives died, isn't he afraid of being punished by God?" His Royal Highness is still His Royal Highness, and Wei Wei spooked him, but it still didn't affect him. However, he is still targeting the cat demon.

Everyone looked at His Highness the Crown Prince, angry one by one, wishing to eat him alive. If it wasn't for this damned Prince of the Poole Empire, they wouldn't have lost so many people.

It's all him!
His Royal Highness was stunned, why was he looking at him like that?It's obviously the devil's spy...

Pa, a purple palm with soul power slapped His Highness the Crown Prince fiercely. His Highness the Crown Prince is His Highness the Crown Prince after all, and he also knows how to practice, but he was still slapped on the ground.

General Zhang, who was meditating on the spot to get rid of the evil energy, didn't have time to react!Just when the black cat wanted to kill the so-called His Royal Highness the prince, General Zhang rescued him and said, "Who dares to hurt me, the prince of the Puer Empire?" The qi invaded his mind, and he is now trying to defend himself. The devil qi is controlled in the meridian, and it has not spread for a while...

However, once the cultivation base soul power is used, the devilish energy will continue to invade the mind...

Everyone was stunned, who was so fierce and dared to hurt someone in front of Limit Douluo?

His Royal Highness is also afraid, but what about people?


The black cat fell from the sky like a pure angel, flapping its wings, and landed slowly. Everyone was stunned. There is such a woman in the world?She withdrew her white wings, and said indifferently: "The spies of the demon clan in your mouth have reminded you to evacuate more than once, but what about you? Your brain is flooded and sick, and each of you thinks that you are the best in the world. What happened? You all became demons!" Bacteria?"

"Anyone, if you say something about Mozu spies again, hehe, did you see that thing that exploded? I will throw it in your country."

The black cat who had just woken up and came down to support the cat demon, she was naturally unhappy when she saw such a horrible thing, but now she really wanted to kill this so-called His Royal Highness the prince.

Obviously Mao Xiaoyao has said it so many times, and he has reminded him again and again, but what?That group of people is a bunch of idiots, they deserved to be completely blown to death.

The cylinder thing?Lost in your own country?See, such a terrible explosion, everyone is broken, if that thing is thrown in their own country, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Everyone immediately hated His Royal Highness the Prince of the Poole Empire even more, what the hell.

Lin Qingxian also came to the black cat in a hurry, and said, "Sister Black Cat, calm down!" Don't you want to kill the cat demon?Lin Qingxian really doesn't understand what His Royal Highness is, why are you still attacking your allies at this moment?
With a cold snort, the black cat didn't care about anything, slapped the purple soul claw, and slapped His Royal Highness flying, and then ordered the soul beast to retreat a little, because five tenth-level soul missiles will completely raze this place to the ground, and then everything will be destroyed. There will be no leftovers!

Sure enough, the slow guy was stunned by the power of the explosion.

"Kill her! Kill her!" His Royal Highness was very angry and rubbed his chest. He is a prince of the Poole Empire, who dares to threaten him like that?
Snapped!General Zhang also slapped His Royal Highness on the face.

Touching his painful face, His Royal Highness said in disbelief: "General Zhang, what are you doing, hit me, are you..."

Another slap, slapping Prince Fei hard, General Zhang also said coldly: "This slap is for the dead brothers! It was a mistake for His Majesty to let you out to practice. I hope His Majesty can see you clearly, otherwise the country will be handed over to you!" Give it to you, and the Poole Empire will perish."

Stupid, stupid, looking at the big bang, General Zhang regretted it very much, why didn't he listen to Lin Qingxian?Doesn't nothing happen outside? ?
His Royal Highness was completely knocked out, unable to say anything, because what he said was all nonsense and was of no practical use. Instead, he caused so many enemies for the Poole Empire.

The black cat snorted coldly, looked at General Zhang, looked at his aura, and said, "Are you going to commit suicide, or I will do it!" The black cat ordered the mechanical spirits to point their heavy weapons at General Zhang, because, inside After a huge explosion, everything seems to be no threat.

However, such a big threat still exists!That is, the demonic energy began to invade General Zhang's mind, and it began to change bit by bit...

(End of this chapter)

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