The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 388 Demonic Creature Explosion!

Chapter 388 Demonic Creature Explosion!
"Sister Black Cat, what are you doing?"

Lin Qingxian was stunned. Hasn't the unlucky prince been taught a lesson?Why send troops to surround them?Moreover, we must target General Zhang!
General Zhang was very calm, and he didn't seem to want to resist.

"Qingxian, send His Royal Highness back to each other, and tell His Majesty everything that happened." General Zhang said weakly, at this time there was a faint sense of relief from death, as if he was indifferent to life and death, and the devilish energy in his body could no longer be controlled. A little erodes his sanity, as if in the next second, he will run wild and attack the people around him.

If General Zhang hadn't been injured, and the Second Emperor Heng Ha hadn't sneaked in, then the devilish energy wouldn't have invaded his sanity so quickly. However, in order to protect His Royal Highness, the hapless prince, he was at his wits' end against the siege...

Injured, gave the magic energy a through train, directly entering the body.

"General, what are you..." Lin Qingxian looked at General Zhang with red eye circles, he seemed to be in poor condition.

"He is about to become a demonized creature! You'd better not get close! Once such a powerful person becomes a demonized creature, it will be very scary."

The soul beast troops were surrounded, soul missiles, soul guide guns, and all kinds of weapons were aimed at General Zhang. The black cat definitely didn't want to let such a demonized creature go.

With such a strong cultivation base, after becoming a demonized creature, it must be a huge hidden danger.

Just now, Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat talked about the current situation. Except for the escaped demonized creatures, now, the demons have been beaten back into the entrance of the crack of the demons, and they are not coming out with the cover of demonic energy...

The demons are still demons, they are very powerful, and under such a terrible explosion, some of them still escaped into the cave.

Demonized creature?Demonic energy invading mind?Lin Qingxian and the others were stunned, why?They don't believe that General Zhang is so powerful, he is the patron saint of the empire...

"Tsk tsk, how sad!" The chief of the Fujishan Tribe laughed mockingly, and said, "General Zhang, alas, it's a pity, if His Majesty the Emperor came in person, there might not be any problems."

Seeing that the patron saint of the Poole Empire was dying and preparing to become a demonized creature, the chief of the Fujiyama tribe was very happy, because after the strength of the Poole Empire weakened, their Fujiyama tribe would have room for development, as long as they made good friends with Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

Or, to master that technique...

"How could it be..." Lin Qingxian's face was pale and powerless, with tears streaming down her face, she looked at General Zhang in disbelief, and said, "No, it won't..."

"General..." General Zhang's subordinates, the imperial guards, couldn't believe it one by one, because this is the patron saint of their empire...

"What she said is true. The demonic energy has invaded his sanity. I'm about to fail. Don't approach me. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself." The desire to kill and drink blood is devouring the last of his sanity bit by bit. That is magic energy...

General Zhang was not afraid of him, but he was afraid that he would become a demonized creature and cause harm to his compatriots.

"The patron saint of the Poole Empire, it seems, is nothing more than that, and he actually believed the words of a brat." The chief of the Fujishan tribe mocked, and the aliens also laughed. They have long disliked humans. This time, humans have lost a limit. Douluo powerhouse, that price is a devastating price.

Lin Qingxian and the others were angry.

The black cat didn't stop anything, but said like an emotionless robot, "If you don't commit suicide, then we will do it, I won't let such a powerful demonized creature hurt my family and friends, sorry! "She doesn't care about the conflicts between aliens and humans, but now she doesn't want to let this demonized creature go.

Huanya also sent people from his tribe to surround him, and Atolst was also staring at General Zhang. Now, the chief of the Fujishan tribe and Atolst, two extreme Douluo level powerhouses, were looking at General Zhang.

"Sorry, you can't leave." Huan Ya also stopped him, completely sealing off the space, preventing General Zhang from escaping. After all, such a powerful demonic creature is indeed very scary!
"What are you doing!" Lin Qingxian led the Poole Imperial Army to stand in front of General Zhang, preventing those people from getting any closer, and the Poole Imperial Army also refused to give an inch.

Lin Qingxian wept and looked at those who surrounded them, how could this be?She looked at General Zhang in despair...

"Let's go! I'm the one who shamed the Poole Empire, huh, patron saint? No, that's just a false name. The real patron saint is still guarding the Poole Empire." General Zhang wanted Lin Qingxian and the others to leave. After all, He is now terminally ill and hopeless, he doesn't want to hurt them...

I don't want to hurt them either!
The chief of the Fujishan tribe gritted his teeth, the real patron saint is still protecting the Poole Empire?He thought of someone, an enemy who kept their Fujiyama tribe awake at night.

That is Lin Qingxian's father, King Zhennan!The Dinghaishenzhen of the Poole Empire, with him, the Poole Empire will not fall because of foreign enemies...

General Zhang is in the imperial capital, one inside and the other outside, complementing each other. Unfortunately, many years of comfortable life have made General Zhang lose the judgment he should have.

The demonized creatures that caused the army to change, now those have disappeared, and now General Zhang is about to become a demonized creature.

"But, general..." Lin Qingxian was crying, she didn't want to leave...

The same goes for the soldiers, they couldn't believe it, losing so many troops at once, and now even the patron saint of their empire is going to die...

However, all of this is due to that damned Crown Prince, and now they are asked to protect this trash, of course they don't want to.

"This is the last order I give you." With his eyes closed and his head raised, General Zhang said loudly, "Go!" At this time, his body had already begun to show symptoms of demonization, and if he procrastinated, he would become a Enchanted creatures.

Atolster was also approaching, and the chief of the Fujishan tribe also smiled. After all, he was very happy to be the main force of a single strong man who could destroy human beings.

Lin Qingxian and the others refused to leave!General Zhang used his soul power to forcibly wrap them and walk out. At the same time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was also thrown out.

"Let's go! The empire needs you!" General Zhang smiled.

"General!" The soldiers knelt deeply, kowtowed, watched with tears in their eyes, and then withdrew to protect the crown prince they didn't want to protect.

Lin Qingxian was also stopped outside, not letting her get any closer.

Seeing that General Zhang has already started to demonize, the black cat can't wait! !She has to make a decision!boom!A gunshot and a Taoist bullet hit General Zhang hard, hitting the chest with precision.

The black cat suddenly looked back, and his expression was not very good. It was a ghost-faced ape. He was holding a soul-guided sniper rifle and fired. She was a little angry, why didn't she wait for her order?
"General..." Lin Qingxian was crying bitterly, why did this happen?The soldiers held back their tears one by one to stop Lin Qingxian, they were also very uncomfortable.

However, General Zhang did not die. As a Limit Douluo, his vitality was very strong. He quietly looked at his chest, looked at the bleeding wound, what a terrible weapon, pierced his body all at once...

Looking at Grimace Ape, General Zhang knew his situation, and couldn't help saying weakly: "You don't need to do it, I will do it myself!" He didn't want to die at the hands of others.

"Don't do anything yet." The black cat also said, signaling to the soul beasts not to do anything. At the same time, she looked at Grimacing Ape with warning eyes. She respected General Zhang's choice. life.

Grimacing Ape snorted coldly, then stopped expressing anything.

Other people, give up too!Even heroes have their moments of sorrow.

General Zhang quietly looked in the direction of the Poole Empire, looked deeply, goodbye, hometown...

Self-severing meridians, detonating the soul power of the dantian, a generation of strong people, will eventually turn into dust...

(End of this chapter)

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