Chapter 393


The black cat frowned slightly, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao with puzzled eyes, why should he thank that person?It was obviously that big elder who beat the cat demon.

Seeing the black blood remaining at the corner of Mao Xiaoyao's mouth, Huan Ya looked at her mother and suddenly smiled, so she seemed to know something.

"Extreme desire evil cat can indeed absorb all evil thoughts in the world, but if you absorb it like this, aren't you afraid that one day you will be unable to control yourself?" The elder of the elves looked quietly at the cat demon, an invisible power of purification, Changing little by little, she said: "Although I can purify the evil spirits left in your meridians, what do you want to do with the evil spirits that have penetrated into your body and have been deeply engraved in your heart?"

The attack just now, in fact, was to help the little cat to dissolve the evil energy in the meridians that could not be absorbed. Although those evil spirits were rare, they would cause hidden dangers over time. Only after the thorough purification just now, the little cat would spit out black blood.

The black cat was stunned, her worry was palpable, she looked at the little cat, and asked with concern: "Little monster, how do you feel now?" Her eye circles were slightly red, she also knew that the little cat was not a soul beast, but , Those evil spirits that cannot be absorbed, she also saw them twice when they erupted. At that time, the cat demon was very scary.

"I'm fine, Black Cat. Just now, the Great Elder helped me to purify that evil energy." The little demon Mao said with a smile, telling Black Cat not to worry, this situation is just a racial characteristic, maybe it's okay for the time being.

This happens to every Desire Cat, and it cannot be avoided.

The black cat pouted, she was very worried just now.

The cat demon rubbed the black cat's little baby face, smiled, and then said to the elder of the elves, "Time does not allow me to lag behind others, and I am not afraid of you getting angry. I am very happy."

Because, after the demons appear, there will be demon energy, which can be absorbed, and that thing is stronger than soul power.

As well as demonized creatures, six tenth-level soul missiles killed so many people, and the power of the dead souls was also absorbed by the cat demon. Recently, it can be said that the cat demon practiced the fastest.

If it's not that he doesn't have the mind to do things, Mao Xiaoyao really wants the army of demonized creatures to kill and kill everywhere, and then he can absorb it bit by bit.

"Cat demon!" Huan Ya said unhappy, clenched her fists, what does it mean to like the demons very much?
She hates the little cat now, with that smile just now, she almost thought that little cat really had that idea.

Huan Ya didn't know much about the Lustful Evil Cat, but after seeing the cat demon's body just now, she realized that the cat demon was not a human being, but, as far as they knew, it seemed to be a soul beast called the Sun Moon Federation.

It's a long way from them.

"If you help the demons, I will kill you without hesitation!" The elder of the elves smiled lightly, and she was not angry at all. She didn't know anything about the cat demon, and she didn't know why the cat demon was so urgently needed. But, no matter what, such urgency is bound to cause problems.

The cat demon coughed, "Ahem, I'm just kidding." The scene was awkward for a while.

"I won't go to you to hurt the little demon." The black cat protected the cat demon, guarding the front, looking at the elder of the elves very vigilantly.

After stroking the black cat's hair, don't worry, the cat demon immediately shook his head and said, "In this world, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. I don't know if you have gathered your godhead?"

The powerhouses beyond the Limit Douluo level are only demigods and quasi-gods, and those are not considered real gods, because they have not been guided by the gods, their condensed godheads, and the blessing of gods, so they are not considered detached. plane.

Still bound by this plane!
Not counting, real gods.

"I haven't sensed the call of the God Realm for a long time, but the God Realm has always existed. I can sense it, but I don't know why, the God Realm didn't guide me!" Longing, but when looking at her daughter, there is a little bit of reluctance. Her cultivation base is so strong that she already has a different understanding of some things.

Become a god?

Is it really the point of cultivation? ? ?
Will it really last forever?

She looked at the ancient tree of life with fallen leaves, but it was as strong as a sacred tree, and it also got old...

"God?" The cat demon smiled, in the Kunlun demon world, there are people, gods, demons and immortals.

Gods and immortals are the most mysterious and powerful.

The devil is the most evil!
The demon is the most special!
Humans are the lowest level of creatures, but they reproduce very quickly, and everyone has great talents.

However, after death, entering reincarnation...

In the end, but the fallen leaves return to their roots...

"Actually, gods are not that important, and the world of gods is just the beginning! Since the heaven and the earth do not allow you to become a god, then why not go against the sky once, mortal gods, mortal gods, why not do it?" Mao Xiaoyao lightly smiled, Whether it is a god or a fairy, if you let yourself become a god and be bound by a bunch of rules, the cat demon would rather not become a god, and go to patrol the mountains freely, wouldn't it be beautiful?
Hearing Mao Xiaoyao's answer, the elder of the elves was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly smiled. Under her solemn face, that smile was also very frightening.

Huan Ya and Hei Mao want to sleep the whole time, because they don't know what's going on, they don't understand, it's mysterious...

"Senior, what is the purpose of your coming to me? Besides, with your strength, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to destroy a few demons?" Mao Xiaoyao didn't understand why a person with a demigod would make several A demon race was strolling under the nose, didn't they find anything?

"So many clansmen died, and the price was very high."

Mao Xiaoyao said, he didn't understand, why didn't the Great Elder of the Elven Clan take action?A simple shot, hehe Erhuang is a fart, he can be killed in seconds, how could he be so embarrassing?Now, the demonized creatures are making trouble everywhere, and I believe many people have died...

"Little cat, you are presumptuous, my mother..."

Fan Ya said angrily, seeing Mao Xiaoyao doubt her mother so much, she was very angry, and after seeing her mother's eyes, she hesitated to speak.

"My novice queen, you still have a lot to learn, don't put on airs for me." The cat demon said with a blank look. She is just a little queen who has just taken office for a few days, and she has no experience at all, especially when dealing with demonized creatures. .

Simply stupid!

"You, you, you..." Huan Ya was so angry that she couldn't speak, she didn't know how much the little cat had absorbed and how many secrets she knew when she absorbed her own soul memory?

"Huan Ya!" The elder of the elves looked at his daughter, frowning and his face was serious. As the queen of the elves, he must always pay attention to his manners.

Huan Ya gritted her teeth and had to give up, but still stared at Mao Xiaoyao.

The cat demon gave Huanya a big roll of her eyes, and she was so angry that she went out directly. When she went out, she also took the reluctant black cat out.

"Huan Ya is actually not suitable for the position of queen of the elves." Elder Elder said, looking at the naughty daughter, his eyes were full of concern and love.

"It can be seen." The cat demon said.

"However, she must inherit, because I can't make a move at will now. Once I make a move and be discovered by the order of heaven, then I will be forced to leave this world." Then the mature big sister in her twenties, when she was with Huan Ya, she was like sisters, and no one thought it was a mother-daughter relationship.

"If there is no guidance from the God Realm, ascension will be very dangerous, and it is very likely to fall..." If you ascend forcibly without the guidance of the God Realm, you will fly around like a headless chicken, and you don't know where to go...

(End of this chapter)

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